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<br /> _ . ` . , . . . . - . _ ' . . . �' . . . �
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<br /> � . Y-Vr��Q���� . �
<br /> _`.�.. ' , . . . . -
<br /> .. � ; _ `_ Graritee shall has€e the right to. eacavate� and refill ditches and trenches . � � .
<br /> ,. . � , � . .
<br /> ; -���� necessary iar anch over2�ead a�ad��underground ut�it�es and appurtenances, to �� , � � �. '
<br /> ; . � - . . , `: � ' ` •
<br /> �, �` _� remove, clear, and keep clear.aU trees which would come within eighteen (18.U� � � - .
<br /> ;�.. , . . .
<br /> � ; , , , feet of the nearest elec�ric ccuiductar; to remove, c2ear, and kee� clear buahes, :
<br /> � � hedges,�under�rowth, ax►dlor any other obstructions interiering with ' the �
<br /> y . . . , .
<br /> . - .# , . s�rvey�ing, construction, iaspection, maintenance, rePair, replacement• relocation, �: ' . ` .
<br /> � .� � eateasis�n, removal, atid opePation o4 sucb orer�ead and undergraund utili�iss anr�� � . � �
<br /> �. , � . �
<br /> '`�°'} ' appurtenances. All rePuse from cutting and� trimming trees and bushes �hall b� ' • �
<br /> - � . � . .
<br /> --., -,i - ' - .. - . . . � , .. , .
<br /> ; removed by the Grant�e. . ' '
<br /> • , . . .. • . .
<br /> � � � � � Grantor ahal?► have ttie right f,o use the easement tract for purpases not
<br /> ;� . � . "�.inconsistent with Grantee's iull enjoyment of 'the righte herein granted,provlded, : �
<br /> ' � that Grantor shall not alla�r any sLructures* buildings, eo��u�2i'ble materials, ,or � :�
<br /> ..,.� . , . . , , _ ;.
<br /> -�� other property �.' any kin.d_ whatsoever, to be ere�.�d, constructed, stored, or � � �� '
<br /> . �
<br /> . . .. . ;f
<br /> � accumul,��ed in, upbn, above� along, over, across, underneath, or through the �-
<br /> � . �easement tract herein granted. , -_
<br /> �
<br /> � . � G�:a.r:ree shall h�ve the right at any tiuie, t� relocat�R add; or upgrade �
<br /> overhead and uradQrground electric lines, static/ground conductors,���►munication �
<br /> ' lines,c.��lea, conduits,,poles,towers, wires, fibers� anchors, foundations, footifn�s, ��
<br /> , . . � . ,.
<br /> �. ' terminals, trans�formers, surface markers, and other appurtenances, cannected •,
<br /> . � therewith, in, upon, above� along, over, across, underneath, or through the
<br /> � eas�ment herein gr�nted. � . ���:,...�
<br /> � It ia further agreed that the Grantor has lawful p�ssession of 'said real � � —
<br /> i �, estate, good right� and ��wful authority tJa make such conveyance, and that ;,
<br /> � � ' � Grantar on beh�etf of �Grantar's heiz�, executors, adr�inistrators, auccessors,'and �
<br /> � � assign^, hereby cbvenants that t�.e rights and pri�ileges herein g�anted �sK�►11 �
<br /> - . � ' run wit�i the title to such traat of land and i�e binding .upan the Grantor, all
<br /> heirs, �executors, administrators, successors, �nd assigns. : �
<br /> ., t. , - 2 - �"" �-_�
<br /> .----._ . . .. . . . . _' . . . . . . . . , . . �... .. .i: . .
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