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1 <br />I S. UPM paymeenl or all surety socured by this instrument. tselder <br />shall request Tnow to reconvey the Property and shag surrender <br />17. Burrower requests that copies of the ncxies of default and <br />sab be sent to Borrower's address which is the Property Address. <br />this iaetnwoaM need alt abep tvidtscing debE secwraA by this <br />inammeat to Tret w. Tr4w shall rocatvey the ProPeety WidKwt <br />la. li uao or more riders are executed by Doan*`' had recorded <br />warranty and ttridxxo durde to the Person or per�oel: kpNy entitled <br />together with this imtrumeut, tke covenum and agreeraeats of each <br />to it. Such person oe persom sail pay any recordation coats, <br />such ndar shall be incorporated taro and skettl +mend and <br />16. tender. at its option. may kom bate to tieeee remove Trustee <br />stepplemeat the coven" and agroaaeeits of thin iasaeweeeeet as it the <br />riders) were a part of Ws isetrutoent. <br />and appoint a sweameor Trueow to any Trwatae appoistal hereunder <br />by an betroment recorded in the county is which Min intrueaeat is <br />19. The eovesaats Im A contaimxf shall bind, and the beaeflts <br />reooedea W1600 ooaveyaace of the Property. the successor trusta <br />and sdvs&&W salt issre to the respective heirs, exWW4s, <br />shah succeed to all tke title, pownr and duties oosrerrod upon <br />adluawralom sucoarors. and aw4ft of the Partin hereto. <br />Trw ee heroin "and by appiicabk taw. <br />Whenever used. the singedar number "iadaWe the 0m], the <br />plural Me siolviar. and the use or any peeler shall iwh* alt <br />B ndm. <br />Dy sipft blow. Do mnm mcmptl and agrees to tke teem and covenants contsiteed in this Seewrity Instrimm need in any riders) <br />executed by borrower aid recor led with it <br />is <br />[sew' <br />Frances E. Nietlfelt <br />[sed1 <br />D«roer <br />Page 4 of 5:.•,. HUD- 92143DT -1 <br />