_ . .. __
<br /> - - --
<br /> __ - - ' - - � - _. - _
<br /> ... . _ . .- - . _ _ . . _. �. -- -- - . .<. . .. . . _ . _ . . _ . . _ . .
<br /> � . � _ , ' ' _ . ' .t , � ' .
<br /> . -- -. ._ .-- - ... .._ . ` _.... --• - - --- ---... __i� - : _ _ _ '.. � � ,`.. :. _ .. .� , � ' �
<br /> � , , ` � „ , .
<br /> _ - • � �" ����Qe�4`?� �O az�� �
<br /> • �, , � � . El�hth Fr�cndh otsa�tet � . . • °
<br /> _ RCIQrC'rr1.�G11@!T: � - -
<br /> ' �i!�Teustoeis)l�tebY�a�Medp�aM�ndersluds 1Aet(s}�t s�aml�►daurt�ent beiow'to be oxacwtad i=a Trust Oeed,and not a ' ` .
<br /> n�at��arW{�)rr po�r W ai�pravid�A ia 1ir��Tn�t flwd provid�s wD�an�lly�lfarant riyhts and obig�tions b tloa 7rutbr(s)fian a �
<br /> � <. �b a�efon w�b but����T M a��ttxtwr�wnts artd apreat d�t Il�k oerli6eation hu Eee�read and • : ,
<br /> ��� 14th � � June .as 90 � ��n s r o t�e r s. a G e n e r a l P a r t n e x s h i p , ,
<br /> f . , �' .
<br /> � ► . �t. r. . es . . , a e . . .
<br /> s
<br /> _, � ,
<br /> � Yl�T dE�EMMOR TO�ECUf10M ._e e .
<br /> � � This T�c Dwd�nd�d t�nts rN�r�d ts i��aba+��t is msdQ this 14th day ot
<br /> . f '
<br /> ` + . . • . June �,14�Q_,.by�ld�no�p O ima Brotherg, a ,S`�+neral arf�n rshf�:�d
<br /> .., � , Fx�st R. O J ,. .
<br /> t .'in�uor(��M1�n�■'fr�p addvss is . .�_ n� • � , - �
<br /> � i � -� F Cre 't Bank of ,."•...- .�� - . Teu�s;wha�mailing odds�t i: �
<br /> ' S ' 3.20�6 South 19tb Street�.daal�►a, t�1E 68102 and Farm dit of Omaha
<br /> ��—_.B�k_
<br /> ` �+�►,'rMqM m�iNp�d�a�sil�206 3atM�191h Sfn1aR Ortsris.Nebniska 68tQ2,in a�leratcn ot tlw sdw�a�by Benefidary Do Tnulor(t)of ` .
<br /> � ` • nsaKs)a�e.�ia�Ys ap�on: n,stxls?�rr�wca�t�t�l tr��s.�a�siyns b T�rustae.��U W POYMER OF 9ALE.t tor bwiefitf ' •
<br /> and t�iry ot B�Iletir� its saoo�s and ast�ns.u�rand subjeet to the terms ard cand0ons ot iKt Tiust Oeed.�e ProperlY.located in
<br /> : � � � Flall Counry,Stata M Ne6K�ska.and Oescibed as b6ows• ,
<br /> . . � � � It� Em •
<br /> ; SE 1/�► `� 5 9N 12W 6th P.M. -
<br /> ,� f , ��;i�t 112 NE, 1/4 b E 1/2 NW 1/4 8 9N 12W 6th P.M. -
<br /> '�. � ` EXCBPTENG therefrom a tre�t more particularly described �a-; . = ;
<br /> ; begins�,iAg at the Nor�hwest corner:of saia� �1E lj4 NW 2/4; :.. ' ' .
<br /> � i thence Eastera� aloag the North .�;:xne of said Sectfon 8, a " :
<br /> . � 4 . d3stance of 799.12 Feet; tbence.�.eflecting Right 90�00' , ::'
<br /> ; and sunning Southerly a distance of 33 Feet to a poiat of �i;�,y-
<br /> ' . curvature; thence Southwesterly along ttee arc of a c�urve � �
<br /> whose radius is 1,383.5 Feet (the Iong chord of which ' � �i_`
<br /> de�lects 44�54'40° Right from the last described courae,
<br /> aad has a lengt�i of�1;117.0 Feetj, an ar� distance of � -
<br /> �,146.97 Feet, to a poir�� on the West line of said � � � �
<br /> � NS 1/4 R1� I�f4.; thence haszherly along tt�e West line of � � -
<br /> . � said :�'E�I�/4 NiJ,l/4. a ,dfstence a� _824.75 Feet to the place '
<br /> � �C af begi.nniAg. . . ..
<br /> � . . .
<br /> ; � I0� �-�-------- -- 20 9N 12W 6th P.M.
<br /> � . • ��.
<br /> bpMlw wi/��II Truqar9�ripAR aN.�nd inwrsst in�s property.now a hereahr acqutr�d.tnctudirg: aIl bu7c�nps.fixturo�,t�opr.and improvrments ( .
<br /> , � now on a Mr��pl�d tipon�pnoperty:a� sneet.wate►.irti'Oahon�and�ak�ape nDhta:M rertSS.tssues.uae�.incane,profiis.anA righta � �,
<br /> ao
<br /> . b 0���:r al,g�.Draw1.rxk.a od�er m nKais of whataMer n�nxe.indudrq peotl�ermd�esourcer,a{t personal properly tAat may intep►�Ay
<br /> bNafq b a trn�fM►b�oom�an Ntt�l p�rt of 1hs raal estala wl�etl�sr athehed or detached.incfu�rg any appur0enanaes and aceouh�emenu of any i
<br /> . atuclu�s ar n�ld�na s�cw�d henby:a1 abov�e and bslow prou�d k�ip�8on equipment and axessories:ar�d aM ieases.pert:t`"a.licer�tes.a prhritepea, .� . ..
<br /> • appu�bn��!or nona�ppurNnant b thr prop�rry.now a hsn�iter tttued.extended or renews0 by Trustor(s).any St�N.the UniOed State�,or eny.
<br /> d�D�rt+f�nt.burMU.inttruma�Wity.a apency thereot 7he fore�anp is colteetively referted ta in this doeument as tl�e•propery.•
<br /> M N u�tsboA snd y�0 bMMr�rn truNO�(a)�na B�nMct�y th�t MM Trwt Owd Is plwn to s�arr�:
<br /> � (�) P'�nisio�Y noN(a)�x�Md py Tru�bt(s)b B�n��ol�ty dstaib�d as bNows: .
<br /> . � �� . ��� Mt�of Nob Pdn eal�n�ount •
<br /> ,...= � =
<br /> � 6-14-90 S12s,poaoo .
<br /> 6-24-90 523�,000.00
<br /> p�yalrNN aooa�g to t!r lerms of ths raa(s).artd any addand�xns b.roamorbzafbn or rsatructurirp of the rate(a).
<br /> � T1u np�ynNnt M h11 by Tnnfar(s)of arf��nd all tu�re ind ad6tional toeno a advanaes whtcA may 6e made by Benefidary,at its option,at the
<br /> ' requsst ol.and b a br ths accaunt of Trustor(s).or any of them,br any purpose,plus intecest cn all toans a advances.under eny no44(s)m other � r--_—
<br /> instnat�rN(�)mod�[yirg.rMI��.�xlend'np.nrMrvin�.narnortizinQ,a cestruet�rir►p.new existirtg�or adddanal indebtedneas a any parl tl�ereof. � �
<br /> �i p�labM a000e�rg fo 1M Mtms of�nb1K�)or o0ur insburrwnt(s): Pro�vided, horv�var.that the blal prineipal'indebladness ovtstandinp and ' �
<br /> � � � � �awtidTioneby at�ny a1e firt�ie wif nW ezoeed fii�sum ot�HAEE HUNDRE� S=XTY-4W8 TH�USAPD AND NdI100-------=--- �
<br /> ----0OLIARS(S 3 2.0 ).exclustve of irtterest end prutective �
<br /> ' � , advanas aulhaiz�d her�in a�ths tan a�+�anf(s)s hx�er.that THIS PARAGRJIP S ALL N07 CONSTITUTE A CAMMITMENT TO '
<br /> L ' (� 1M►trp�ymen!!n tu1 by Trusfor(s)o!aH amount8"advanced by Bt�neflclary et its opdoh,co a bn behalf Oi T�usta(s}as protective aQvances I
<br /> f authori��d Mnin,h M b�n apreamsnt(a),a in other&�strument(s)whkfi e�idence such advanoes,ptua Intsrest on aU such edvances,payabie es �
<br /> � provkMd in f1f noU(tf.ban a�raemenq�).a olher instrumant(s). I. - �
<br /> '�� TA�psYmant in i�l c�any aM aN othar pas�PtAaenf.a tuNre;d�rect o►cantingent.dQ6ts ond tiabilities ol Trustar(s)ta B�nefiaary o:any nature �� - (G
<br /> � wh�wsw►. � •. �{ � 1 k!
<br /> � Thts Trust O�ed x�jUbe due tda rCh 1, Z015 or upon the paym�nt in fiutl of a11 sums sewred hereby. I � {
<br /> . .. .. _.
<br /> () y ��� � � �riipte tids to Ute abo1e dasaibed prdpsrly.�at Tnistor(sj tias good 8n6(awhit autho�ify[o detid and oneumDei�±e � 4
<br /> ` Triistor• Mi�b...wiiriats�hat Tiustor(sj ho1Qs fee s1 � I
<br /> 1 sartse,that the proputy i�Ua�end Haar ot atlliens end encumbrartGes,exaept erteumbrances ot record,and that Trus�r(s)witl wanant and Qetend Ue propa►ty,ai
<br /> � �frusmr(a)axpenss,epainst all etsim�nn whomsaevor. t�us�r(s)alSO hcre4y waives anA reGnQuist►ss a11 rights ot dawer,homestead,d�sUi6ucive sharv.end ozemp;ton�n �
<br /> ' � and m Ure aDOVe describ60 pmperty. , ' ! .
<br /> f - , . - - -- - -- -- .I_ ,
<br /> �-
<br /> _ __-- — ---- ------ ------ -------- - - -
<br /> _�. -
<br /> �,z�.��z =
<br /> � _ ,.�.�.��� ._�, ����-T _ - --- ,
<br /> ; _ - -
<br /> .:� _;��s�'��`r :R}_`. -�'-- L",�4:'� `a ;_.._.. .. _-g:i� . --- ��_ '!�`'`,.���„u� _�-'_.-'°°""-'j �-SSt ,.h*. st �4 i. a7�"� __ - -� — =�'' -
<br />