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_4 <br />F <br />4r <br />89_%0"34 <br />FHA CASH NO. <br />321 1289225 <br />SFER OF PROPERTY RIDER <br />TODE]$D9F TRUMMORTGAGE <br />This Transfer of Property Rider is made this 3rd day 'oV,Jan P Y <br />r 1989 awed amends the <br />provisions of the Deed of Trust/Mortgage, (the "Security same date, by and between -Jay L <br />Chesley and Jo Ann Chesley <br />the Trustors/Mortgagers, <br />'rhe Equitable Building and Loan Association, 113115 the BeacficiaryfflortpM. as follows: <br />North Locust Street,"Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />iA <br />Adds the following provision: <br />1nr,.nWnPVM 1,wtuiumpnvrityptuvAuviutcrmwidunu h8CCH-fiffissi is soldorodwrwise trans rred (other <br />by this mortgage to be immediately due and payable if all or a part of the property ere r <br />than by devise, descent or operation of law) by the mongggor, pursuant to a contract of We executed not later than 12 <br />months after the date on which the mortgage is endorsed for insurance. to a purchaser whose credit has not been approved <br />in accordance with the requirements of the Commissioner. <br />(*If the property is the principal or secondary residence of the mortgagor enter 12". if the propeirl ts, not the principal <br />or secondary residence of the mortgagor; -24" must be entered.) <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Trustor/Mortgagor has executed this Thmsfer of Pro" Rider. <br />r. <br />Sianwwe of Tru*W(S)IMortmor(s) <br />Jay 41.A <br />ARA <br />AUG" <br />L. Cheilay 'Winn Chesley 01 <br />TO AEORM CALL MAT LAKES 9JW&M COMM MCI <br />FORM 2994 con) MMUSA 1 e0D253 .?A 1800,1504PEAS • fAX 6-0,e4UMD <br />r <br />