DALE D. HALL and EVELYN R. HALL, husband and wife, GRANTORS,
<br />for and in consideration of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00) AND
<br />SUNDBERG and BRENDA L. SUNDBERG, husband and wife, as joint
<br />tenants with rights of survivorship, convey to GRANTEES, the
<br />following- described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat.
<br />76 -201) situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEkSEk) of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12)
<br />North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the westerly right -of -way line
<br />of Highway No. 11, said point being Sixty (60.0) feet
<br />west and Five Hundred Nine and Forty Four Hundredths
<br />(509.44) feet north of the southeast corner of said
<br />Section One (1); thence westerly parallel to the south
<br />line of said Section One (1), a distance of One Thou-
<br />sand Twenty Nine and Two Hundredths (1,029.02) feet;
<br />thence northerly along a line Two Hundred Twenty Seven
<br />(227.0) feet east of and parallel to the west line of
<br />said SEhSE'k, a distance of Eight Hundred Seven and
<br />Sixty Eight Hundredths (807.68) feet, to the north line
<br />of said SEkSEk, thence easterly along the north line of
<br />said SEkSEk, a distance of Nine Hundred Sixty Nine and
<br />Sixty Four Hundredths (969.64) feet to a point of cur-
<br />vature, also being the westerly right -of -way line of
<br />said Highway No. 11; thence running southeasterly along
<br />said right -of -way line and on the arc of a curve whose
<br />radius is 2,804.79 feet (the long chord of which de-
<br />flects 84 °28' right from the last described course), a
<br />long chord distance of Five Hundred Seventy Eight and
<br />Forty Seven Hundredths (578.47) feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 05 058130" from said long chord and running south-
<br />erly along said right -of -way line, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred Thirty Seven and Six Hundredths (237.06) feet
<br />to the place of beginning.
<br />GRANTORS covenant (jointly and severally, if more than one)
<br />with GRANTEES that GRANTORS:
<br />(1) are lawfully seized of such real estate and that it is
<br />free from encumbrances;
<br />(2) have legal power and lawful authority to convey the
<br />same; and
<br />(3) warrant and will defend title to the real estate
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />Executed Qk " <.,f,J- Y , 2000.
<br />.�C
<br />Dale D. Hall
<br />Evelyn R.� 1
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<br />DALE D. HALL and EVELYN R. HALL, husband and wife, GRANTORS,
<br />for and in consideration of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00) AND
<br />SUNDBERG and BRENDA L. SUNDBERG, husband and wife, as joint
<br />tenants with rights of survivorship, convey to GRANTEES, the
<br />following- described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat.
<br />76 -201) situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SEkSEk) of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12)
<br />North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the westerly right -of -way line
<br />of Highway No. 11, said point being Sixty (60.0) feet
<br />west and Five Hundred Nine and Forty Four Hundredths
<br />(509.44) feet north of the southeast corner of said
<br />Section One (1); thence westerly parallel to the south
<br />line of said Section One (1), a distance of One Thou-
<br />sand Twenty Nine and Two Hundredths (1,029.02) feet;
<br />thence northerly along a line Two Hundred Twenty Seven
<br />(227.0) feet east of and parallel to the west line of
<br />said SEhSE'k, a distance of Eight Hundred Seven and
<br />Sixty Eight Hundredths (807.68) feet, to the north line
<br />of said SEkSEk, thence easterly along the north line of
<br />said SEkSEk, a distance of Nine Hundred Sixty Nine and
<br />Sixty Four Hundredths (969.64) feet to a point of cur-
<br />vature, also being the westerly right -of -way line of
<br />said Highway No. 11; thence running southeasterly along
<br />said right -of -way line and on the arc of a curve whose
<br />radius is 2,804.79 feet (the long chord of which de-
<br />flects 84 °28' right from the last described course), a
<br />long chord distance of Five Hundred Seventy Eight and
<br />Forty Seven Hundredths (578.47) feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 05 058130" from said long chord and running south-
<br />erly along said right -of -way line, a distance of Two
<br />Hundred Thirty Seven and Six Hundredths (237.06) feet
<br />to the place of beginning.
<br />GRANTORS covenant (jointly and severally, if more than one)
<br />with GRANTEES that GRANTORS:
<br />(1) are lawfully seized of such real estate and that it is
<br />free from encumbrances;
<br />(2) have legal power and lawful authority to convey the
<br />same; and
<br />(3) warrant and will defend title to the real estate
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />Executed Qk " <.,f,J- Y , 2000.
<br />.�C
<br />Dale D. Hall
<br />Evelyn R.� 1
<br />1
<br />M
<br />CD
<br />�t
<br />Z
<br />O
<br />