' . . . � 5 t ' ' . . , .
<br /> , . , . , ' . , t . '
<br /> , . ` � . _ .. t � - � ' � ` . ' � • ` , ` �....-.. .�� . : � .
<br /> __ __z- • " � . -. -- . � � . . � . - 1 .. .. .
<br /> � � � � � � � - �� � .. ` ' � . .gp-= _ 1434�39 � � � .�
<br /> ' Nox-Ux�oltbt CovEt�t�.8o�ru�vrr and Lender fitrthsrcoveaaat and agra as follows: ` � � . -. �
<br /> , 19 At�d�ic�:IterNia.I�der s�aU she iuotke tn Boerowtr prior to�acsekratios following Bormwe�s . �• �
<br /> � , ire�et of au�cq�t or s�tece�t ia tits Se�arIty hstr�eat(Iwt eot prIor to aceekeat�oudes�a�l3�sd!7 .
<br /> - � nk�t aMlicvit la�►�rorida attierwtse?T[ie uoHa siall�ctfy:t�the deta�i�tb)t6e astios reqrirei to crre the � � �
<br /> �_ie�[�(ra s dMe.iat kr t6ai�i�ys iroai tie dt�e tl�e aa�ice b ai�en to Borrower,by w6k�the det�lt sust be c�d; �
<br /> _.� ` . �[i}ti��to t�,re'tie�dia�k o�or Iietore t�e date�is tke e�tks msy saalt�s aaakeattaa oi tLc sn�s . . . .
<br /> : seaie�e�►�tlds Se�ett�r I�eat a�d ak ot t�Pro�rt�r.Tie�ot�ce sh�li tnttl�ec Intors BoROwa ot t5e si�it to _ �. - '
<br /> � , .� e�ate af�aooekrat�oa!Wi t4 ri�t t�o bti�.a�eo�rt�mioa tn as�rt tBe ao�-ezirtaee ot a aefisl!oc s��►ot�er . ., .
<br /> . - iefwe�f Boeea'we*to aooeler�o�aai s�k.If tlk de�ialt is�ot cared os or befor�t�e date q�e¢iSea ie t6e aotk�LeMkr `
<br /> . . � a�t�s a�tio�faT es�e i��aUate�t iR t�D of aU s�s sec�red by t�h 5ecelty L�r�u�a�t witio�t l�e�er �
<br /> ', ; iea�i aiN�q ia�oice tre pw�er ot�ale a�d aay oti�r tte�ei�es�it�ed hy s�lk�ihte law.I.e�ier�alt ie edtitk�to .
<br /> ealiect a11 ez�e�ea�iu�reW is �tl�e reaedies�ro�tded i�s tl�Mn�ipb I9. iactodia�: 6ot nat li�ite� ta,
<br /> , _ reaierMeptusers'teesa�iea�lsotHHee�iie�oe. . , . �
<br /> . ° . It tLe pwa o!ate is iiaol�ea,�Tr�at�e sbail rerord a aottoe of.debdt in escb couty is w6ich aap p�rt.oi the . .
<br /> ; Pra�t�Is batei a�d d���afia a[aach aotioe is tbe�er�6jr sPAlkabk 4w to 8ocrowtr aad to the
<br /> � Mia lc�s�s N+e�ridd bY aNli�abk iaw Atter tLe tLae�by aDliicabk 1�+►,Trptea s�ll gt�e pabiic aotke ot ` . .
<br /> - - � �aie to tie�e�so�s aMl ia tlte�wus pre�r?bed by a�plicabte dw Tcaste�wltLout demand Qa Borrower,s6all sell t�t - �
<br /> : � . . Pso�atM6lic�dctlostotle�giestbWderatttietts�s=dplsceseda�iestLcta�nsdesigoakdiet6enotiaotsaletn .
<br /> � . �; � oMt or a�oe�e�noeb a�is ssy orrkr Tn�ta deter�i�es.Tr�sbee msy po�tpoAe s�k of all or asp pual of d�e Pro�erty by
<br /> t , `/�ik�t at ti�ti�t�d O�ace a!my,pre�fo�sekdokd sale.I.tnder or[ts deaipee auy pYrc6ase tLe �
<br /> . ; � �Y��7►� � � . � � .
<br /> U�oa razei�t ot.Myaeeot ot tbe prkf bjd,Truta sball deK�a to tLe pmcb�ser Trqstee's deea coaTCying ttie
<br /> '�} Pro�t7•Zi�e c+edtab i�tbe Trusta's dad aialt 6e primu tscte eddeace of t6e tsuth ot We sdttemeats made tberein.
<br /> � � Z'nsta s�sII ylly t6e proceeds of tae sak in tHe foUowing order.(s)to all txpenaes of the s�t�includfeg,bnt aot limtted
<br /> ; to,Tn�tee's fas as�Ittcd by ap�liwbk ts��nd n�sonabte sKornes's'fee�ib)to W sums secared by dJs Secadty �
<br /> , � I�tr�kh�ied(t)any e:crss to t6e person or peesoas teg�lly eatttled to t� _ � .
<br /> _ 'ti � 20.I,tader in Poss�ion. Upon acceteration under paragraph 19 or abattdonment of the Praperty, Lender(in
<br /> person,by agbAt or by judicially.�ppointed receivet)shaU 6e enEitled to enier upan,take possession of and maaage the .
<br /> Praptc fy aad to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by IxnQer or t�..��ceiver � �
<br /> shall be apptiod fust so paymeat of the costs of management e�the Propeny and collection of renu,i�fcluda�.�nt not
<br /> ; � limitod to,r�ceiver's fees,premiums oa receiver•s bonds and zeasonable attorneys'fees,and then to tlie sums y:�red by ' �
<br /> � , this Secuntg Insirumtnt. _ . � '
<br /> . . `,>;:
<br /> , Zl.Raon�eyanca Upon paycQeni of all suais secured b this Securit lnstrument,Lender sha1�r � ��"
<br /> � rocaav the Y Y equest rnutee to . � .,..�._`.
<br /> ey PropeRy and shai}sunen:der•th�s Sa�trity Instrument and a11 notes evidencing debt s�ecured tiy this Security . . ;
<br /> Instrumsnt to Trustee.Trusteeshall re�c�`•�.�2te Praperty without warranty and without charge to the person or persons � :
<br /> . � " legally enritted to it.Sueh person or perr,,���1'r,�l�pay any recordation casts. ; ._:�
<br /> ' 1Z.Sobttttute Tra:tee.Lender,at its opti�n,may from bme to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor tnsstce � -
<br /> � to any Tnutoe appointe�hereunder by an instrument recorded in the caunty in which this Security Instrument is recorded. - -
<br /> ' Wi�hout conveyance of the Property,tbe successor tru.sta shall succeed to all the title.pow�r and duties conferred upon -
<br /> � Trustee herei,n:and by appticable law.
<br /> � � 23.RaAest[or Notiea. Borr�eAer requests that capies of the notices of default and sayle be sent to Borrower's
<br /> : �adress which is tht Property Addsess. '
<br /> ' 24.R�de�s to this Saeur(ty Insttument.lf one or more ndets are eaecuted by Borrower and se�rded together with � .
<br /> �!�:is Security�nstrumeni,the covenaats and agreements of each such rider shall be incorpozated into and shall amend and
<br /> suppJement t�e covenants and agre�ents of this Security lnstrument as if thc ridecfs)were a part of this Security
<br /> Instrument.[�ieckapplicablebox(esjl . , ' .
<br /> , � _ , � � ❑ Adjustable Rate. Rider 0 Condominium Rider ❑ 2� Family Rider „
<br /> �; . ❑ CsrarSuiated Puyment Rider ❑ Planned UBit Development Rider
<br /> � ❑ Other(s) [sPecifS+� � . . "�
<br /> . ,,::"/�;�.
<br /> BY SI[;NIIVG HEIAW, Bortower accepts and a�ees ta the terms and covenants conta�ae� in tWs Security � •
<br /> � Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Bonawer and recorded with it. � .
<br /> . .
<br /> � � , -.
<br /> ,
<br /> (�1)
<br /> ,. � • . ........................................... .. . ..... . ene E. MBrk@�......................... -....—eor►owei ----... .- ---
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<br /> . . ............................................................... .. .. .. .
<br /> l 8e J. Merke� .......................--eorrowe�
<br /> . STAT@ ON NEURASKA. Hall, County sti: ,
<br /> . On this 14th day of JunB , �g g0� bcforc mc. thc undcrsigncd, a Not�ry public
<br /> dulycommissionedandqualificdforsaidcounty,personallycame Eugene E. Merkel and Betty J. Merkel, ____�____
<br /> � ' � each in. his er.d her owrt right and as spouse of each other .to mc knotcn t�hc thc �
<br /> , identleal person(s) whosc namc(s) are subscribed tu ihe fo eg�ing instrument and acknuwlydgec! �he etccu�inn �
<br /> _ . . . thereof to 6r h2s/he]� vnluntary at�t�n��i}ccc�..�' . . . . . � . i .
<br /> Witncss my hand and notarial seal�t: Grand �sland Ne6raska J_,.� ;n tia;d c�,unty. �hc � .
<br /> datc�Poresaid. � . • � � , �
<br /> ' � .
<br /> My Commissian.rxpires: �/- yJ'
<br /> �� � - - �►�.��� ... - � .-�;??: �.,,:«;��.�' ... .. . .... ......
<br /> �
<br /> � . ���� , K�:� Es •o� r_ - NvE:YANC'� �
<br /> -,t[�
<br /> . ,.,�-
<br /> �-~ �,
<br /> 'fhe�ndersi�ened is the hotder nf �I�c n��tr ar nntrt�c��,recl hy thi� Urecl�•1 1 ru�t. wa�el �it�sc �s� tce�tca, t���srtlic� � °
<br /> _ . . .. avidf all.�thcr indrbtcdncss�cci�rcd hy�thi�bc��ii iit 1 rti,l;liatie bcrri rx�d i��full. t'��t�arc hrrc hc iiurct�•ft t�.r.it��rl�rtl . .
<br /> ' �utc or nutcti�md thi� Uccci �rf Tru�t. .�hich arc tlrincrc�! 6crcl+t, :��r�l i�� ir�niiti�t. tcith��ul «.u�,uu�, ��1'I �hc �•.i.ttc
<br />_ ' nc�.v hrld by y�vu un�rr�hi, !)ec�! oF i eu41 lit Ehe prn��n�,r �,i�r.e,��� Ir��,t►ty cnE�ti��d thrrctei.
<br />, O�att': �-
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