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<br />�Si . ._-___-�:..--._i.. "-....��.�
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<br /> .� � ` ' ` f . •♦ ` . ' \ � � ,' " ��. _.-i� �.
<br /> .. �.-`.___ ._ . _-,_.-_ . . _ . - � _ __�.. ._ ` _ . ._ . _- _ . . . i . � ' .. . . . . .L � . . " '
<br /> . � . �` - . . � - : � � . � �, � � �R�►� . � . : . �a.—�a�4�� � � � .
<br /> . � � . , � . - < <. . . . � � . �
<br /> . , : . < <
<br /> ' <• ` ,` ' �y�����j�,�•< �gans E. Chrfstianaen �d Sandca b. � �
<br /> . . � � • . . . ,_. . �.
<br /> ' . � ` ,_ Chritatiaaaen, huaband and vife � � ���►��
<br /> (�; � ..-- � FIYE PQ�N�'S B�iNi� < ' ' ' _ _ . ` � ` _ ,
<br /> � � .� '"� .- (6er�tn"�tl�t'."� .
<br /> , . . - ,lioet�/o�iciidrUle�t�lioet/�/��ts 1be pM�cip�i sum ot i l0,000.00� .��1 by+�N1o�s notr �
<br /> , . . �J' ` �-8--9� � � ,�ierds'`Noh"j.pra�idi�Coep�►reatr�ipeindp�i aeA intRres�.�Itb tbe i�Lnoe�tT�e � ..
<br /> , ; : iN�Mri�,i£rot i�r�.dw�i��iaM��- . .12r3I—g8 . � , . . . '
<br /> . . . <.. Zb�fit,�q�t al 1M�Nolc.�Udtr�t a�pevd�ed t5e�r;tie pqfeeei of�lE at6e�sous,wi�inte�t,- � ;",
<br /> � a�.a�at i7ltat�e te p.ot�ct n�e�eau�ft�ot�is�tod�e,.ua we�oem�.oae ot ttse�t,.na a�eee�sena or_
<br /> . ` ` . � t� lfpei�nr,ca�taiiwd Le�i�,'�(att�r/ot does be�eby alotf�e an e�ep ta lfartpae tbe faltowln�dere�lbsd .-. ..;
<br /> ' ` � � peo�ut�,Ielaiwd b � �Hal� Comsiy I�ebes�a: . < , `� � ` ., -
<br /> : . . * , . ;��.,�`
<br /> ;; .. . . . . ,, �
<br /> _ • �La� Tvo (2j , in Block Si: Sfij , in Wiebe's A�ditioa to the City of -
<br /> ,, . Gra�nd Island, Hall ,�ouc�t�, Nebraska. , , . � � � . ' : � ,
<br /> . . . , �. . , , � , . ,
<br /> � , � ,, _ . • � � Y
<br /> � . , To�ther wItb all hu�dlnp,inspmvsmeaa.tiztum,stree4,a11eYs,P�I��Ys. ussmsnts.rt�►ts.PnvDeaes and � .
<br /> � � _ app�ateaances loexted tAereoa or in aayivlse pertslNn;thento,anil the aent��t�aes and proflts,rere�on;and remaindera � .
<br /> thereot;iAdud[n�,but not lirdted to,hatin��nd�ool(n�equiprocne and Aucb per�on�i property that b xttact�ed to the '. � .
<br /> ia�p[�emepts so a�to constitute a 1f�cWre;all ot wbieh,iacludlnt replaoemeets uid additfotu tbeYeW,4 herebq dedu�ed
<br /> ta be�p�et oi the ceai estate�ecured 6y the lkn oi tbis Mort�s�e and atl of the fo:e�oln�bein�nfemd to Iserein�the � , _
<br /> . . ' "Pro�etl�Y"• . . . . .�
<br /> � . �iortpjo=l�utt�er conreaanU�nd aQ+ees,�rith Mortpt�ee,a�folloNn: _
<br /> � 1. lspaMak To�sy the indebtednes�uid the lnterest thenoa as�rovided ia thls Mort�t�e and tlse Note. ;
<br /> ; . � '
<br /> 2. Titk. Mort�or is the o�mer ot tde property,has the ri�t�u►d authority ta aaortpLe the Ycoperty,and �
<br /> ��rae�ate that t6e lien crrate�hen6q is a!I[st�nd prio�Iltn on tbe ptoperty,except as mry otherwlse be Kt forth herein.
<br /> . � � • r
<br /> � � O 34�A�operty�ts�ubject W a l�ort{,��r whenta . ;
<br /> . , . .p.
<br /> . !�tLs ltott�ee,iscorded st Book ;Tke ot tbe]Kortpre Rccord�oi County,� .
<br /> . N�bwlcs,�kb�tottpp h s 1Na prier ia the Ilen cre�ted henby. . .
<br /> . • � �.Y
<br /> 0 Other prior Hees or encumbrances: * �
<br /> � .�.
<br /> � ; � ; ' ..
<br /> ,�
<br /> j `. S T�acM,llwrrrrwita. To p�y when dae dl ti�css,sp�ct�)�eumeaLs�d a1)othat chu�es apinsL ihe Ptoperty
<br /> _..._......_..
<br /> �ad,upoa n�Itqn demaad by 11�Iort�ee,to add to the paymeat�required undes the Note aecand heteby,sucb amouat as
<br /> = arY be�tlkient to ensble the Mast�yee to jay�ucb tus,�me�4 or other cha�s as they become due.
<br /> � �� 4. Iaiunsce To Yeep t6e impra�emen4 nos ot heretfter toc�ak8 on tbe re�1 esqtt descrlbed hereln insuxed
<br /> � !�imt dsmwr bY�Ire'and wcfi at1�t hataids s�tort�L��Y n9�►in itnonnb atld with comp�nies�cceptabte to the
<br /> � . , . Yat�e,rW�r1W la�p�YabM to t�1[ottp/�e. ln �e dt las uadex�uc6 policla the 1[ort,�ee b autqalzM to �
<br /> • . �dJuat,tollect �nd compt+nmbe,(n Ib di�cretion,all dalne thee�eunder�t ib:ole opNon, �uthortud toeltherspply the
<br /> ' pe�uoeed�to the ee�tontlon ot t1k Aroperiy oe upon the indebtcdnera securrd henby,but p�ymenb benuader�all con-
<br /> , lin4�e�ttt�tD ttse�uus mecueedhereby�re pd8 in full. � � - •
<br /> . � ' 6..�0 Farrow Fa Tws aad Inaurece. Nartwlthst�adin�aqytLia�conta[ned in p�rapapha 3 and 4 hereof to the .-_-_--___--
<br />. � contr�y,�Iort�or�baU p�y to the llortpyre�t the tia�e of p�y1a�the monthly installnients o!ptincip�l�nd inkrest. • ,
<br /> � oe�t�.�.atm ot�.��ytar�y �.a�ments..tuzard,imurance premiutnB,and�roaed nnts(if aey)which msy atWn a .
<br /> - -- -- ----- prioriEy o.sr 4i�is;li4ori�,ajc.�ii ic ica�otta'biy ati�t�8 frvna f3me tu time i�y ti�e�iorf�:Tit�"�c�tsts�cr�t�it#s�t�l#1� � - -
<br /> lMtd by.�e.Mortp�ee without interest aad appllea to the p�yment of tt►e Items in erspett to w►hich auch smountc were �
<br /> ' d�ptMi,tcd.Tl�e�ua�p�id to Mortp�ee 1�erew�der atr pted�ed�tQdltJonal securtty fot the inQebteMes�secured by this . �
<br /> ' . • llortpjr:�iortpiorthaU psY to�1ott�ee tT�e�aneunt oi u�9&itclsncy between the actual Wces,asreasments� insut�nce , �
<br /> peemtums aed�rouad rents aed thr depalts hteoander�vithin 10 daf�s after demand ia m=de upan Mort�gar requesting �
<br /> L- . p�yment tbereof. , � ,
<br /> �
<br /> �: Rtpiin,lfainhnaece and U�e To pmmptty.rep�ir,resWre or rebuitd tny Auiidie�or imDrovements now or �
<br /> 6ereaites on ttse Yioperty;!o keep the giraperty in�ood candittoa aad repalr,wlthout wute,�nd free from m�ciunic•s os �;n
<br />, ; � Mherllens aot exprncly cubouiintted ta the lien herrof;atst ta auke,suffer ar petmit any nWs�nce ta eslst.nor ta dlmin- �, �.:
<br /> �LSb or Impair the vatae ot the.PtopeKy by my act o:omL�sion to tct;and to comply witb all�qnirements vf lacv wlth ' � .
<br /> respect ta the Ptoperiy. - . .� . . � - . .
<br /> �
<br /> .-- -= -:C ..3,�_s a r�
<br /> - ----__. .. .-- ---- --_..- -`�- x�.�.._ �,..r.�_.�... - - --
<br /> �_ .�m. - n-__-, - "__ . _s_ �. _ — .-:__- .-� .
<br /> .r.�.. ' .., . , . � . . _ .' _ - _'_ 1 a3e-*�s�_ . . .-_ . ���� �
<br /> ��_- �,� __ j � j_ _
<br />. _... .:D'fi:.9�.Y.`t�:. ... . . .,:"7Y ., ... . ."t-r- . . . ,..^�. _ i. . �'�y.. . . � � -3- � . . .�.,_ . . . .� � . . . ,..t4_._ . . � �j.,; ��.....r.a:
<br />