, . `.� . , � . , ` � . -` . . . . � .'-; `-'-1` __ � , r�
<br /> ' , . , .. . . . . , . � �c:_ � _ •
<br /> -- - --'--'— - - --- — .- c`r-- - .-._ . _ -. ._- ...- . . . � . - - - . � � � _ ' - - � .
<br /> . . . . � . - . .... .. . .. �� . ' �V•� a .
<br /> `� - �� ,��� � . � � � � ��c,�� � . � ` . 9p=--'iQ34�8 ��
<br /> . : � - � � << - _ . . � � _ . , , � . .
<br /> : .< ;. , : - '!'Ms�fol�!ljtit�edietobetwieb•— �+etic, L_ Cerrn�r; a �in�le,nwra,�nn� . " '
<br /> . � , , ' ` ` , .,..._(trttein"Yoetp�a"j ana' � , . __ _.
<br /> , �: .._ _ - -F��V! PAint��l�r11[, frantl' tsi�nd,;�etr� a�t,.,,�...,.�» _ '- -
<br /> - � � r � +�►��:-� . , ,
<br /> ` � � ]�e��Ot It WfbMa ZO�LIOlt�!h tb!�ipJ�ani Ot;�3_6QO.Q� � , �
<br /> . �rr�oi�'��.
<br /> � , ,. � � . � _
<br /> . � _.�� ��� ��- �,'�,l�--:t�!�a.���t«�.y,��otp��,�a�t�e�,:n�n tne�o�� .
<br /> � . ` .`�iiiirit�a�:�,x.oc ieoaec pde,er..ea}qi.tte oa..�ne� t 8. -t s9� . . , . , _ ,
<br /> ' , � - 7b Ne�t lis�q�ld[tdrl�o�lt.w�t6 i�Mta�at yt�orttrd t�etNo;t6e prymeat o�a�ctber t�,�ritb intetat, �
<br /> � � . ��!+!k��p�t�tt dM x�vtittY o[tL1a liortp�e.and�bc pertoeh�ance ai tbe oo�anh�►d apsements o!. �
<br /> ; . ` .' !Mr l�oet�or ecrtatid�:"jfat�a �lo�es bat6Z uioetp/e ani3 eaaxy to l[oetp�ee ihe fo�o�wjnr descn'Led , `
<br /> t ` , pSo�t't�y tere�hd 1� �Ni1� �t;o�mty Ne6ea�b: ' , . - ; �. �- .
<br /> .
<br /> � , , • �.L+at.E�ev�n �1t�..: h�ving� a bke fronf faotage af .S,�xty Feet (60'), situated a� the '
<br /> � ' E�igt• side. of�tFtie� Lsft partion of Kuester Lake, and being a part of�tf��.�ast Half �
<br /> , . . � �f the Sout6w4st Quarter ��}SWc�� tn Section Thirteen [13�, Townsi�fip�r�teven i f t� � '
<br /> • Nvrth, Rsnge Nine. (9),, West of the 6th P.M.,, Hall Cs�unty, �Afebra�ka. � ' ', � _
<br /> . .
<br /> �
<br /> ' , . . • .
<br /> , . � � , .
<br /> , � � �---
<br /> � To�etbes witb all bWldtn�s,impmvement�.fisqires,atreets,alleYs,B��YS. e�sements,ri�hta,privfie;es and � , .
<br /> appuitenmoa Jocated theseoa or 9n anq�►lse pertalnin�thereto,andthe�nts,isues �nd profits,�+everaions and rem�inders • ; � �
<br /> � ttt�eseot;iadudla�,but r►ot limited W,destin�ar}d cooiin�equ(ptnent�d such peisunal propertq �t is attached to the ..
<br /> �, Impm�euronts w u ta ca�utitate a l�sture,all ot wbich,indadin�:epiaoetnent�and addition:thereto,i�Derebydecl�red, .
<br /> • to be.a pat dt the rtal estste�ecnred by the}ien ot thls Mort�e.aad aU of the tore�o�p bein=refeaed to herein af tLe. , .,
<br />. . �Y • . .
<br /> . . � � �ortpro:i�rther conua�►ta�nd apres,�t6ll�ortp�ee,i�s foUorvi: � � . � • � --
<br /> ; � 1. ?aymeak To paq tlie iadebkdnes�and the iatttest thenon�s provtdcd Ir�this Mort�e and lh�e N�te.
<br /> � � ' �
<br /> : � 2. TNk. Mortp�or 1�W�o�veer oi We Property,h�t6e ri=ht and tuthority to mo=t�t�e the Properiy,and
<br /> ' . �4 that tbe lka cneated h�reby b a llYSt u�d prlor lien on the Aroperiy.txcept as msy othenrise be fet forti�hereIn.
<br /> • �� O The Pteperty y tub�ect to�Mortp�e wherein '
<br /> j :
<br /> � f�tbe�[oitpyee,:ecorded at Boot_,..._,�P�e ot the 11doKpEe Recorda ot • County�' ,
<br /> .• Fiebz�lrt,w6ich�loetp�e i�a Ikn�rior to ttie lien crat�ed Lereby. .
<br /> . � ,� ,�#
<br /> ' O OC�i pdos Uens ot�encvmbwtces: � . �
<br /> � 8. 11ecN.Aw�nenN. To p�y�rhen due all taxa,specid ates;menta and dl otis�Y charjes apinst the properiy ----�-- -
<br /> � � aad,upoo writtrn demaod by Mactp�ee,to add to the paymenfs nequired undrs the Akzte ncund Rereby,such amcunt ar
<br /> . ery be wMcknt to enabie t�e�lortp�ee to pay sueh taxer�we�seaeAfs o:ot�char�es as they become due.
<br /> � . � �!. I�iwr�ee�. To Ir�p tl�t improwmenb now or herestt�r Iocated on the n�l e�tak descdbed hereln insuned
<br /> . � � ' �t�p by�ee'and nu�h ather�ardi M Mott�a�ee fwY eeqaire,ln atnounb�nd�rith companies accepfaWe to the . .
<br /> YostpNe,abd�rIW l+os p�yab�e to.the'�orEp«e. In cw of iaa uader weh pdicks th�Mottp�ee d�uWoriud to
<br /> tdjutt,cdket �md compeemise,in ib d1:c�rtian,.R11 cl�the�euader s�ib sole opt�nn, authorizedtoeitheraDply the '
<br /> � �o�wds to tbe r�toeatlQa o[tM Prapaty a upan ths ind�btednw�erted be�ebY.hnt p�pma►b l�reunder�6�ll con• , ' .
<br /> littue�unt11 11�e a�iecue�d het�by irr p�id in tull. , ' . � • _ � -
<br /> �. 5. C3 ErcroM Fa Ta�cee�nd Inwr�nee. Notxiti�sstandln��sythin�contained in p�ra�phs�and 4 hereof to the . ;
<br /> � eontnry,INioYt{�wr�i►W pay to the Mort�yee at the tiq�oi�pqrto�ths moettitty I�tdlments ot�rincipal and lnterest,
<br /> ' ane�iwelttb of!b�y�uly tuas�Mras�menb,h�zaM lawr�ace premiums,and p�ound�nb(if any)rrLich m�y att�lo a !
<br /> �._ .__... ___ .--. �priarihrorer thi�- �a�t s , .
<br /> , sforEp� �eaanab�q�fram t�to tirqe by tf�e I�Rartp�t; Phe�unouitts aa�nQ sttttt B� .
<br /> � �_ l�ld by the Mortp�ee without in�enst�a8�pplied to the pryment o!the ikms in respect to which euch unount,E�rere a
<br /> ' Aepaikd.'1l�e�ua�•pald to Mortpjee hennnder axe pled�ed a additiorW security fos the Indebtedness seeured by this
<br /> � �Crtp�e.l�brtp�otd�all�y to fiortp�ee the unouni ot anp deftcle0cy between the actuil Wces,aesescmenfs, inaurance 7
<br /> peemiumr u�8�runnd nntn anA tLe depaits hereunder�rithln 10 dsys aftei�emand ls m�de upan Mort��or requestia` �
<br /> psytpeatthtieoG .
<br /> . � . �ct
<br /> 8..k�p�ir,Mainte�ueoe ind Uie. To promplly rep�ir;restose or rebuild any buildin�s or Improvements now oi t o
<br /> '. �. heientter aa the Prapertq;ta kecp tlte Fraperty!n gaod conditiaa and repair;without wagte,and lree fsom mechanlc's or �
<br />: olheriien�not rtps�ly subor<iinated to tht lien hereof;nat t,fl malce,suitet ar permit any nuisusre to exist,nor to 8imin• r` . �!`
<br /> . Wi or imytir the v�iue ot the Yroperty by any act o=�nmisston to�et;and to comply with a11 requirements of law arith T` `� �
<br /> ... zespect ta the Pmperty.. . - .
<br /> - ' . - �...
<br />