. _ . _ . . . _. T . . .. . . ' . . . . .. _. . . . . . .. . . a _ . . . . . . . � _ .... _. . . .
<br /> � . - � - . � � . . � .. � . � .
<br /> � ` ` , . 1 � •` , ' `. ` � ` a .�� . i� ` L ` , �. —, � ' ' ` �`
<br /> � -- . ' . • . , � , . . . ._— —_�- - - .._ _ ._. _—�_ _— . .._- _...—. . .-. � • . ._ "
<br /> ` . . � �{ ( . ` . ' i �V� . ( .. .
<br /> �T
<br /> ' R � .
<br /> ` . � . ". � ` �,SECOND REAI.�STr�TE MQRTGAGE . � � •
<br /> - . , : . ,.
<br /> �iLl�TOW AI.I�MEN BY THESE P�ES�NTS:THl1T!or 4'VE, � Tensnce L.���d P$ts3Cis R. Fritz� husbaact aad . � `
<br /> < .
<br /> . �. .. _ - --�—vife . ,- _, . . . � � � ` . '- ._ _ �
<br /> t �vf Hs1i` , � Countp and State of Nebrasira.im m�sider�tioa oE the sum of s6,2Q3.OQ**�Si�t . ,
<br /> : , ` thausaad�.ttxt hundred three doilare and na/lU0*�**!** ` `. � ,
<br /> , � ElQLLA1tS in ha�d paid.do hereisy S�l.E ar�d CONV'E1f unto s1M ERiCAiV FAM1Llf FlI+FAAICtRL SERVICES,IN�„(mortgagec).of
<br /> _ y. D�{as Cuunty�ard$tate of Nebra�ica,t6e foUowin�`de$eribea psemises situatcd in $eu • - � Couaty,arld Siate oF � � �
<br /> , Nebrask�,to-wit: , ' .
<br /> ` ' � � _ ` Lot 2i, Block 3, Lake Davis Mres Suhdinision, Hall Couaty, Hebraska ,
<br /> � } - - . ' . ' . � `
<br /> . ,-i ` ` � ' ,
<br /> i . , .
<br /> � �1�f OM01'�e�i illIIfOr t1Y. . ' • .
<br /> ., , ,.
<br /> � . � A ffrst �ortgage wiCi�:Equit�able Pederal Savings and Loan. ` • " �
<br /> . Y ,
<br /> ' - 5 .. . t . . . . . ' . . . _ . . .
<br /> • . . � . . • , • . , . � . . . . .. .
<br /> (.. �
<br /> . ' .r • .�Y. � t _ . � ' , ,
<br /> , . .._ . . _ ' , ' , (. . � _ • . .
<br /> ��f(�f)��OmCt1B�t�ptOpCTly. . � . . .
<br /> 'I14�iMentjai be�ng to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simpte inctuding a11 ti�e rights of lamestead a�dower. , : . �
<br /> • "`:'i'U HkVE AND TO HOLD the premises above des..^ribed,,-with all the appurtenances theteunio belangtng unto tbe 6atd mortgagee or� ' , . , .
<br /> mott�agess and to his,her or thetr heiis u�d assigns,for�ver,provlded always,and these presents are upon the expresa mndItioR that if the � ' •
<br /> � said mortgagor or mortgag�s,his,her or tF�,e=zr heus,executors,adm..�.istrators or asstgns s}nll�y or cause to be patd ta the sa'sd mortg�gee . � .,
<br /> � � =•or�mortg�sees and to his,lxr os tbeir heiis:eaecators,administiators ar itsi the sum of ;6,203.00�**��**Six thousand ,
<br /> tWO hundred three dollars aa��0/100*����*�*� �
<br /> � Do9lars.p�Yabk as iolbws,e�-wit: , .
<br /> �. . ' Z'�irtq six {36) instaalments at �2Q6.76 each**�►*****��** � �.'
<br /> � . •with infecrst tt�erron at j2,2�Sp�r cent per annum according to the tenor und egect oE the flne promSssory note with interest . �
<br /> coupons ut'tached of said Mortgagors, beadng even date with these presents, and shall pay all taxes, and any interest on, or maturing '� "
<br /> . installments of pdncip�l,dae,on any ptior mortgage and assessments levied upon said real estate and aU other*.aaes,levles�nd as�ssments :,.
<br /> � • kvied upon this mortgage or the note whlch this martgage is given to secure,before the same t�ecwmes delincg��rynt and keep the buildings �-_
<br /> , o#s�id preniises insured for the svm S 6 i 200.00*�**����*loss,if any,payable to such 6rst mflrtgagees or this mortgagee,ot both, '� "
<br /> then these.oresents be vold otherwise to be and remain in fuq torce. �''`'G,-
<br /> r
<br /> j . IT dS FURTHER A(iREED(I)That if the said mortgagor sha11 fail to pay sucfi tpxes and sucfi interest on,or maturing installments of
<br /> E . principal.due on any prior,mortgage and procure such insurance,then this mortgagee may pay such taxes and such interest an.or maturity
<br /> ; installmehts of principai,duc on•such prior mortgage and procure such insurancc;and the sum so advanced with inttrest at 12.25 per- � _ •
<br /> ' 'cenEshall be p�id by sa}d mortgagor,and this moitgage shall stand as security for the same. (2)That a failure to pay any of said nioney, .
<br /> • tither princip�l or interest on'this or any other;rrior mortgoge,when the same beco:nes due or a faliure to complq with any of the foregoing
<br /> agreements, shal�cause the whole sum of money herein secured to become due and collectible zi ance at the option of the mortgagee. "-'�
<br /> "� ` '.IT IS FtiR�'diER AG1ifiED Thut said mortqegee,pending.foreclosure af this mortgege and z.;ter deciee and pending staq thereon ar
<br /> � + appeal therefrom and pendir.g sale of premises mortgaRed,may pay such taxes and maturing interest or maturir.g installmen+s of prjncipal.
<br /> -i�, oe p,r�mr mortg�ges,procus�such insnrance and such sums shall be added to Ihe amount due on decree and ti-�pon canSrmallon ot sale by
<br /> . , the court ordered ta�Cen mit of'proceeds of saie;or if redeemed during stay,appeal or safe, such amaunts ahali be cqllected lhe same as
<br /> �. � � tbough it were�t ptirt of such decree. '
<br /> iT 15 fiU RTHER AGREED That inthe event of default of any of tt!e covenants orconditions oi this instrument the rents of the premises
<br /> � are hereby assdgned to tt�e'.Nortgagee as secnrity for che payment aF ihe indebtcdness secured by this agreement. '
<br /> � 1T 1$FUH77iER AGREE�JJ That this Mortgage Note shall be due and payable if the property subject to t6is*nartgage is conveyed away
<br /> 4 or if tltle Iheretu shaU be tiested in any other. • �
<br /> . ; Slgned th;s 6th day of June , 19 90 , �.�
<br /> i . . ........................ Jn presence af........................................... � ....).. . .... ( ........... ':�.
<br /> � , ' � � (SEAL)
<br /> .
<br /> ............... .... ..... .
<br /> • , W�� . Terranee .� r "tz'�
<br /> •
<br /> . .
<br /> �.
<br /> , k .
<br /> ... . �
<br /> ...............................................................................................................:......:....... ... . ... .. .... .:.....::.... AL) . .
<br /> ....... ...... .. ... . .. ...... .vi� �SE
<br /> � - Patrici�a K. Fritz
<br /> � . t --- ___�,_..___ ____.�� �
<br /> , ,
<br /> STAT�OF ....�bx,�a.k�.............................................. . County of ..........1�11..................................... :
<br />� ', . ,`�; &fore me,a uy�ubiic quafiHed for said caunty,persan�lly came Terra�:�e L. Snd Patrici2 K. Fritz, •
<br /> � � husba�d and wife� � �
<br /> 1,.
<br /> . '.lcnuwn to tre�n�e the ldentical person or persons�vha signed the foregoing lnstrument end acknowledged the executian thereof to be his.
<br /> • }ier or their voluntary act and deed. • , .
<br /> � ' jc� �
<br /> • • .' i��Ml��l on .....................:............................ �... , 1 .........
<br /> �
<br /> . .... .. . .
<br /> ' �i��� q , �
<br /> , Y issi��• .....S�L , 19 f�............:.. . � . :............ otary Public. �-- �-_--
<br /> , .�OwL'�tR.: . .... . . . . .. ............... .
<br /> : �Awalis 11�it 1!p . ; . .
<br /> �..� . . . :
<br /> I
<br /> _. . _. . - --- .. _ ..__.. . . __-_ ... . _. � - - -- - --- - -- --- . .
<br /> _. _ ._. .. . _. ._ ._ . .. . .. . .. ..
<br /> . ,
<br /> � STATE OF .........:................................................... . .
<br /> • � • • Entered on numer3cal indes and Sled for record '
<br /> Count in the Register of Deeds Oflire uf satd County the . � �
<br /> .�� ........,Y...... day nf ...................................... . 19 .......... , at ........ .......,........ oclock and ....,.....:................... minutes ................ !ll., '
<br /> and rerorded in Book
<br /> ,. , ' ...... oi ...................................:... af page ....:....:............:..................:.. . .
<br /> .............................. . . . �
<br /> ....
<br /> , . �. N
<br />� Reg.of Deetls ' ,"
<br /> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................:............. � �
<br /> - �' �s
<br /> . -- - ......... ...... __. :... ._.. .. _.... ._ . _ ''' . .....
<br /> . By ...:.:::.:.................. ..:.......:..:.:..:.....:.:..:: Uepaty . • .,
<br /> � THI5 INSTIiUMENT bAAF!'Eb BY: '
<br /> �" F5 QZb6i(1�E) Rev.iil� � �
<br /> � . . �....1
<br />