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<br /> : � � ��cFtt�res.r��ay�rw�ieint'�aam.a.��nw.�� : 4th . � `. � �•� June . � �� � � � ` °
<br /> � ��. 96 ,�,,,,,ak Vito Ce3a�sk�s and Norma Jean Cejausk�s, Husband and Wife ' . , ' ' .
<br /> � , �. ., _ . � ' t'uonoww'►.TN.a�M..ls cai:�r�l Fatf�r�t 5�rn��t�.o�Ai�o�r.ran. ,, -
<br /> ` i"r�wi.+'bti,.apyRei.qri��",anrnMr:.sr+AU.�s«��s.,QC.o�nlWOC�.io��«d+icAisapr+-wa.na+rsi�Uripu�++dnu+st�rsnrt�br.dae:anaMA,o.raads.siaUaaFamaeGtiir�t� ' - -,- - � . �-
<br /> ; „�r„r�e�,�,re.��.,s�;,�,M;,,,,,��,,,a.,e�o�a�,,;,,,a �ive Thousand Four.Nundred Ninety.-Three and 60I1�� �� � �
<br /> , �.s 5;�93�60 . .:�iwebe+s . ars.�n.e.u�aw. �w+.r,t : �. , .
<br /> . . '"'°".'°'3u`ty""�N''�'�'�Q"'° � (Ma�).rNi�po,�a..tor man.rp 0•�•.t�14 MM . . .
<br /> t 14t�,.M�otpid�r,dwandp�Ebon is' 3 . •
<br /> ` •1f�is Bw�M!►In�K sral�w to LMidw:.(ai ih�wp�yrn�nt d 11�dNR�Mdw�o�d b!t f I�fJal�wAA YhMM.artd at iMfwNlr.r�wrrr r1d mo�fciYny:(b)Mr pyrnwA d�!oMrr • .
<br /> ' ar.+r.,wrr+wwR aeNriae unaK p�r.prnpn T to poMp en s.arNy a�:.s.eu�ly f�wku�r�and(e)th�v��+r+c�d eaiorwrs ba�,.+1�aiw ap.inMn�..Far�,rs p�rpo.., , • ,
<br /> � ,� ioria��rYw�+o�Eilj►�Iruiearw.ysnli+�e.intWA.�D�tarai.u+�towowtrpara�e�aprov«ty+ocaratn' Hall . r��� . ,
<br /> � � Lot' 7, $1�ock 3, in SecQnd Additian to Eta�co�b's ,Hfgf�way iiomes Subdiv�sion in the "
<br /> � � Gfty of Grand Istand, Na11 Count�, �[ebraska � � ' .
<br /> . . , ,. . .
<br /> < � - , . .
<br /> � , . , . ; , � , , .
<br /> , . .
<br /> i , . , . .
<br /> - ,�, , � 2211 Cachin . • .Grand Island _` . , _ '� :._ _ .:
<br /> , wr�n..w.aea�e.�ce , , �° � . .
<br /> � . . i�) �;�' (�) • ''' "
<br /> � 68841 � � � �
<br /> Nrera�k. c'Frcpetv naaress.'�: . �
<br /> � �OEif£R Miw�111i i�aploYwllwb.ftoM a f�dlit r�qa�iG pri tf�e�ty,and aM�.rlpht=.aDFurfenulc�s.nents.roXaltlh.n�iner�k Oil and�s riyka ard O�ofiE�.MWr . � , .
<br /> . +f�M�ind MOdc in0 a0 fixfuis nOw or f�r�fp►a D�af Uti�ty AB��n0 addtior�s tl�all aiw bs caveiad hy lhls Sxa�riry tr�,�nG I1Y W ths 1DnQaig ir tNori�to wt
<br /> � tUS�a�M1r�K M tlM'PYOprry." ' , . . , ' . . . i .
<br /> eoRpiOw�Ft COVENANTS ri.e earo�rv r aiwruy.w.d oe�,s a�ats rwi�by convsyea and nas u»nyN�to q�ram and convey u,e Properry ana tnat m.Fropoty is un.r�ue�beiea..� :•
<br /> ��t ta w�ou�ano.s a woaa.ea�oww«yrr.nls,r+d vw cs�/}ra o�^•rMr�u+a!Ias eo ms Proverry apainas a aaM,�s ana aem.nes.subka ro anr ancurt�Cr,a+w.oE eseand. �
<br /> ' T1lIS SEqJ1ifFY M�M,rTA�N�IE[�IT cq�nbirMlt udtorm casnm��ar rta6oaal uM and r�araunifam CoMen�nts with firlMOd v�arfations�g Juris6etion to cautihtts a ur�4xrn securfry iatrumerK . s,
<br /> oorw(rgwllpW�rty. • :� ,. �
<br /> til�l�d�fCOUE�iR�tT&8d�owrr�ttl L�t�1r Ca�InuM ar�aQrM Idl tdlUws: ��
<br /> . 1.'i��e a/t�+aa i+M�we;h.v�yew�e�na tau en�r�a.earnwer enau v�+v�Y aey wnen c�aa tt+e v��or arw�Merest on tns aees e,rteenr.+se bv u�s ruo�s ane anyr }-. �
<br /> p�p�ynMnt an0 NM cfw�N du�u�dK ItM Nots. ; ..-
<br /> , �►unM Zo►�M MM UwN�e�,S�bj�Cl b appYcabb I�w a b a wrdkn wairer by Lander.8orroxer ahaN paye to LenQer on the daY��N D�1s a�s dw ur�dn fh�S1'aM,until '� -'�i
<br /> f1�trwr Ii pdd In Yu�.��rn('Fundit9�a or�trwfft�oh.t�)y�e�rN ts�ces and aaswn�ms whtch may at�atn prioriry o�sr this Secwiry Uuwr�n�ro)7�h M�sshotd PMnarne o► � . .; �_
<br /> . ' b�FuneM��on�b�d��KCa�e�iNar���iulu�iir�k�e����ms,H eny.Thees itarns aro caN«!'e�uaw x�+n�.•Larb�my e�lirt�ts -
<br /> 71r iurd��hM Ds fN1d h�n 1r�liubn thr d�o�i4 or�coarnls of wfAch a inw�d a qu�rarNMd by a fe�r�l or et�ts apency(incAidinp Lend�r N Lander is wch�n kMiwMon).Ur�Ow
<br /> thM applyfh�Fi+�b py 11N Naow iMrtN.L�ndM my nOt chary�for h010kg and�pplyftg th��urb�,anNyitnB fhe soCOUM or veRtylny 1hs eeCtow RMa�unb�s LM�dK pry�80rtOwN
<br /> � � Ywrw�tan�n.wia�ane,ippfeatw MMr p.mw una.r t�mak.wch•cA.rQ..e«row.r ara L.na.r m.y.y�..�n wnsng s�r rxei.�t at�W b.pda on uu wnds.urrMS an g�nswd b .�;
<br /> . t�N ar�pif�0(�t�w epuYM NMMM b b�pil0.L«idef ahM not E�AWM�A to pay 8ortower any hrterset or eamkga on ihs Funds.Lsnder�II glus to Boaowr/wNho�A ehar9��an r
<br /> . �nrn+M aocaRMkg W fAt FurM slawirg eadfa ard dbits to 1hs Fund��r+d ftis Purpo�fa which each debit to tf�e Furbs vras mads.Ths Funds are pledged ea addiUonel eecuYAy for the � .
<br /> wnM Ma�nd bY thk S�Cwily kufflxnMn.
<br /> M fN�nquK d I!N Fur�hdQbyl�ndw,toyMlw wNt►ths�maKhry prymend of Funds O�Yab�e alor ro the aus date�ea m+�e�xow ibrtn,an�p rxasd t'�amount rsquind to.PaY
<br /> tIM�rowtbee»rMMn tlw.lhr��hM b�.at Borto�s'�oplion.�itlwr D��N�Pyd to 8ortow�er or crodtsd to Borrowerc�r s!�.onthl�r P�Ymenb of fw�,�fi ft�art�ount d ihs Ft»ds
<br /> hNd Ef►Lan�N nM n�fRcMnt to py fhs ercruw ihrns ar.r�n�us.Borrowsr ehall pey to lender any artaunt necessary to make u.the d�(icNnc3�in vne a more P��a rpu(r�d bY r�
<br /> Le110M. . ;si
<br /> • IJpoR O�yn�rK in fuM af�M wms Ncur�d by brs S,�curiiY�mtrur�nl.L.andir shall prwnptly rolund W Borrower anY funds held bY Lende�.N untler P�rn9raph t9 tlN Prop�rry a�7o1d w
<br /> aoquMW by LM�dn,L«�d�r�fuN�pply,no IYM Man irtxtNOiatlty prbr b 11fr sMs of tlrs Property qr Ka aoyulaHbn by�ender,any Fund�held by Lender at the titna d ppNCaHon as a Cradi!
<br /> • ����r��w. a�pvwe+►�.�aor�s oa�.rwu�.ar p.y�rKr�a�.c.iY.o n�r�..r�aar ur�aw wr�+�s t�,�i 2 a�wi bs eovp•d�firot,to tats . ' .
<br /> .. NOM:Moad.b p�nNnl chrn�due tr�do It�NoM:thre,to artw�x�tt D�Y'�e�r�r p�rayr�ph 2,fourit�.t0 IrN�rett d�:s:�t�t1�to D��dus. ��dus under ths
<br /> �C1w�:wn�.ea�orwr�hw wM M t�.a�rnwna.ahwn.nn�s and Ur�po.MlarN aurlb�,r.ets w ms arapeny wnKa+may alwn prlorily ov.r m+s s�cur�ty�nsm,m.rM..na '
<br /> NM�f�OtO p�yrtNrNS os prourb hnb,M�ny.8atrow�r ehM peyr iMw oqigstlons in the manner provkfed fn pera�eph 2.a H nOt Daid in that martrre�.9ortower eh UI pay thsm pn tirtN dnCtly =
<br /> b tlw p�reon owrd pryr+Nnt eara+sr stw��prompty ium�st►ro�ender au nooc�s of ertiounts to be Paid under th�s paregreph.�t Barrawer maxes ttieee paynnmb a�rocty,eorrower shan i:—;
<br /> , . promplry MrrN�h w LN+d�r�c�ipls w►o�ncwp ihs PaYmx+u. ' �
<br /> 8orrowMltvN ptomplly 61cFW�any NM whkh ha prbrKy ovsr tNs Security InstrurrNnt uniess Borrower,lel��s in wri��g�ihe paymeM ot ths obUgation aewred by ths lisn In a
<br /> � nwMNr aeolpnbN b L�nQ1r:(b)oaNMU In yood f�itli ttie tien Dy,w dMw�ds egaFnst entorcemsM of ths Ibn+n,legai procae�)r,y!1 whkh in the Lendefa optnlon operats to pqv�nl the � .
<br /> MMorownml a ih�wm ar ia1�ot any prt a IfN Prop�rty�:a cc)s�ains trom tM ta�d�r of tfM ilrn an pn�rner►r salafactay�os Lenan suboraU►atinp�s B�n ta thts s�curity uytnxr�M.
<br /> N I�IqN dlMfmY�th�t�ny p�rt d ih�P►operty!s apJecl toa NM�wtYch my athln pbrity over thls Secudty Instrument.Len6er meg give 9orrc+ver e nWke identilying tM lien.Bprtower
<br /> j ,hw,wry 1�wn a aw on�or nwr�w tt»actions eet rortn�bovs wfmtn to ay,ol n+e�tWng or nwice. .
<br /> ; i.lMr1��InNM'alfer.�qroNw eh�M k��e improvfrt+arMe riow szalin8 a f�sneafNr erocted on tfie Pr��n�sued against tos9 by fire.hazards included wfthM the Mrm"extended �
<br /> . aowr�'�nd ary alh�r h�od�br whicb l�nWr eequinla Insurar�ee.TINe inaufance eheH be maiMSlned in it»a.�cvr.ts an0 fa the psrlod5 ihat Lender requite�.The InsuranCe eartier .
<br /> provldlnp tl»kwr�no�atyt b�d�oMn b9►8arowR eubi�ta L�ndu s approvu wnlcn shaA not be unroa�onabry wimr.e�a.
<br /> All ir�u�policNs and�r�b N�N b��cc�pt�DM tn 4mndN an0 ahall lnch�ds a eUndud rtartgaqe ctwle.Lenaer s,'�1�:ave 1he d��fo notd the policle�and renerrals.N iender
<br /> t�M„8onowrr�FuY ptanpYy qh�t�L.�r�r MI rcc�l��A�id O��ms an0 ronewal ratices.In the eveM of loss.earower s-a�i g�ve prompt no�ce to ine�nsurance carc�er and�erraer.
<br /> i L«�d�►my rsWc�P�ao�ot Wr if no1 tnd�prompUy by 8orrower. �
<br />� ; UnINS L�rs�f►�rid Botraww olfMtwlN yrss tn writing.irtsurar�CS procaede shaH be applacl to rastrxedon or repelr ot the Property damag9�..".the rostaration or repalr ts economlcauy
<br /> . ta�libir sq B.,�nO�%Nax;y i�np�INNrMd.i1 the re�toration a.reprir I�not eaonornlCeMy teasibb a LendePs security woutd be bgsened.".'�:^surance P�oceetls ahall be applbd t0 the
<br /> � arrr�sicai0 by MMS BrC�xily tnMnxrMrN.�sslttar a nal then Eus,wiM eny exee�sy paid to Borrowe�:H Borrawer ebandans the Praperty,or Qoes not answer wlthln 30 days a notice irom
<br /> � L�nd�r th�NtN it�xlrlo�cartlu ha oMK�O b aMt1e a daim,;�e I.enEer may oolbct the insuranca prooaeda.Lerider mey use thA proceeds to repair or restwe tho Property ar to pay sums '
<br /> seetired byfiis 3�xlly MstrnritsrM,whethere��ol th@n due.The 3Q-day pertad witl begln when Me notioa I9 qivon,
<br /> llnlr�s LlndM afW BO(rOw�r OlhNwtSS apree In wriUig,erry epplicatlon ot praceeds to prinGpal shall nol ex;end or postpone Ihe due date ot!ha montAty payment9 rotorrEd to inDdragrephs
<br /> t arb 2 a G�Np rnax�l of lM pl�mfmM.B unGer par�proph 19 fhs Propeny Is acQulrod by Lend�r,9ortawer's riqht to arry Insurance polkbs and prooeeQS tesuttlng Uom damage to
<br /> , n»P�a»rh aia�o a�.+ea+��«+anw vw to�ena.r�o eae ex�ant or me s„ms asCUrod by thta Sscuriry InsUument Immediatety pr'wr to the acqulsilkxe. .
<br /> �•/wMn�Yon�nd M�YMMrna of rropufp:L�rW�ldti Borrowbr at�au not dsenoy,damags a a�stsMaY�r cdange tt�6 Propeny,a►bw tns Prape�ty to deteriorate or commit wasta.
<br /> � ' N tl9s S�curky MMrunKM b on Nwfp10.8orrower aha11 oomqy with the provtsbns ot the kass.and it8arowa►acquires tee title to fne Property,the teasehold and tee title shali nof inerge i=- -
<br /> unN�L�nd�r��b ft�mKy�r fn wfitirg.
<br /> � 7•NreMaYa1 at IN�Ma IM�11N MY tl+�Propwty;Morfpp�Mwr�nq.II Borrower faits t0 perform the euvenants anC a�eements contalned in thls SeCUriry InSUument,ar ihere Is a !
<br /> � My�l proeM6rg tlfN nuy ei�tifieantly Nfacl LenGePa r1�ts 1n th�e Property(such as.a praceeding in bankruptcy,pnebate,for eortdemnation or to entorce taws or�sgulations),then Lender I
<br /> rn�Y GD and p�ll io►wtllMwr N n�y ta protsCt fhs valua ol ths Prop�rry and Lender'a rights in the Propsrty:denQerb actions may�nclude pay"x�g any sums secured by a Ibn which hag ; .
<br /> .- - �� ps'.cu�y�cW�rt#i�.^,rarrgyt�saurtwnt.epp�rr�rglnaotist.payir�j�ae'�c,r►ribiaattix��•r�mn�en[ad�ryan#w��opertltvmaicerepaira.AW+wgt►temiermayrakea�trortcmaarmisparagrapn • ��
<br /> y�LanQai QoN tlol havr t0 40 eo. ,
<br /> Any ama�nfs dilbttrlr0 by Lendsr ur►der HII4�1t8$t8pI17 SI13II b8Cd1119 BQCII10f13)QQbI 6�BOROWOf SECtI[9d Dy 1fl�3$9Cq►i1y Ifl$ffyfOBM.Untes�Bonox�er and tender agrea to other tarms '
<br /> , d payrtNnQ I�artiwnb ehaN Eear intsrsst tram the date ol disbursemont at the Note rate and sqa1160 peydlfle,wfth irtteresL upon notice trom Lender to 8orrowar roquosting paymant.
<br /> It lAnder qquitW tltortgaps irtfuqnee as a oorxlit)on of makleg the toan seturetl Cy th1958CUnry InstrumAnt,Bonower shatl pay tne premiums required to mainfain tho�n:urenCe in eNect �
<br /> unti�wcri tim�as t►N r�quk�ment ta tl�e irrouranc9 termfiates in acCOrdance with Barrarver"a and tender's written agreoment or apphcabte tew. •
<br /> •.Mi�etlOif.lenCAr a N!eqonl fnayl m3k8 te9SOrfaWe Bntrie9 upon srtd inspec6ans ot fho Property.lender Shall give Soryower notice at the time of or prior to a�mspectcon speafymq �
<br /> ras�nr�rbte c�ae fnr the Inapecfian. . �
<br /> �.COAdMIMt�tl02 Thh pruoeAtfs ol atry aw'ard or ct�im tol damaq9s,tliteCl or tons�qu�ntial,iri cpnnetticn with any condemnafion or olher takmtJ of any part of the Property,or(or � � ^
<br /> convey�tce In Wau ot Condemnation.8re he�eDy Assigned and shall be pald to Lendec . � � �
<br /> In the eveM ol e totat tikYfy ot ths Ploperry,the proeeads sha11 be applied to the sums secumd by this Sewrity fnstrumeat.vfiethar or not then due.vnin any excos3�ai9 t6 Bonmmsr.tn
<br /> - the event Of a p2rt1aF tefting of th9 PrOperry,uniess Bortawar end tende�othenvise agree in writmq,th9 sums secured by mis Secvrily trishumerrt shait bo mduced by th�r pmount bf ing ,,-
<br /> • prOC9BQ9 mtGtipliAtl Dy tASfdfpwinglreCtian:(9}the total amaunt ot tha sums secured immed�atary irotorv tho tak�ry,tlrvided by(bi��lgit market vaiue of the Property immediately bbTOrg
<br /> �Ae tekirtg.My balanc9 61UU 6s paid to Barow9r. � �- d
<br /> tt the PtOpdHyl t5 8C0ftdoned by BOttower,or if,8f[8t nOfiCS Dy Lender to BOttower tfiaf thp Cpndemnor otfers to maJca an award or settlp a C�B�m tor dama�es.gorroriei fads ta resportd to �
<br /> lonCer wil�in 30 days afterLha Qate the notice 4 given,tendor is authorized tv cottoct;uip nppty iho prxaads.at�ts oDU�ry:e�thel t0 f�sto�at;ori ot repa�r 0�tha Property�oi t0 ffio Sums �-��
<br /> secured by thls Secarity tnsUumeat,vmether or not ihen duo. '
<br /> Unlesslender ond BO►tOxCrothetwis9 Sgt90 in whtirt�,any appUC�tPOn of prorAptl9 to prine�pal sha11 n0,t extend or postpone ttu�duo date of tho monlhly paym�nts retorrev to�n paragraphs
<br />: 1 nnd 2 or changv the amaunt o1 such payments.
<br /> _ . � _.
<br />: .�
<br />. . t p-+�g1NE��z P>>
<br />