_ �, . . . . . . � _ �, . . . . . . -. . . � . . . _� .. .. .
<br /> _ . ` - ' - " . ` . ' . � .
<br /> IT��' . � ` � c` �' . ' ` ' � ' ' ' • .. � t `` "_ ._+ 1 �
<br /> - - - -- : p� i a339�-- - - . - . • . �
<br /> � ,_ , N1?N-I�N1FO1tM COYENA� . ender fiuther`covensnt and a�ree as folto��'� 1��,�y 8 c'� � ,
<br /> � 1!. � Be�eiks. I�iW�[te�ice t�gorroa�er�[or,to accsler�ttor fdfowL� Bnrrowt�s .
<br /> � � � Mriel�atah���L sl�is S�rtt�L�t t6�t iwt�rior to aeeekr�Noi�ud�r�ea��1��d i� : ,
<br /> • . < < �Ys a�iieatik�lnw`Mwli�Mi��wi�1.�rtiee durli q�cit�:(�j t!�defadh(!�1 tbe acti�reqoire�d to c�a tMe .
<br /> � - rdiwi�tei a i�te.�ot i�s�3�i�fi�tic d�te tlit�o�a i��i�to Borrawv.6y wYkb,t�e defanit�t ee caad: �. � •
<br /> � �i(�tYt GiMee�e M t�ti�e�ehMlt oa��elvre tie�te�i�!the�otke osy res�it i�icaekratWs ot tke soas
<br /> � - �er�r�ei�q tMie Setre[t�►i�Mt a�!s�it ot tie Fte�ertY.31!�otice�!1 firtrer iafaea�Borrawer of Ne�to ' . . .
<br /> �s!!a��■i tie�ri���a e,aot setios to arert tbe uas�e of i debrtt or Liy oNer , .
<br /> <. ' �e�eiqe of Beer+o�►er tb�aN�[t t�e�elaWt[s aot erud ae or 6etoce tlie date soedflalla tie sadc�I:e:dder,
<br /> � , at ib.aNio�au7►�re*ire i�te�s�t fs h!1 of dl s�s�by tIEL Seeurity I�true�t witi�odt iurtbtt,
<br /> . '�i wi�i��tre p�+rer ot WE�M rq otlrer raie�ia ler�ittN�Y�iN��law.Leaier stiaD be atitk�to
<br /> `. �tl�t alt ex/a�s iMCrer�f�pe�i�ti�•�ea�aiies�ite�i�ll�is/ara�r�A t9, i�dri�,bnt �ot Ib�ite� tn. ` , •
<br /> � � na�ileat�etreys'feeta�a�e�ttittes�lie�ca . . .
<br /> If dre,�swrs ot.a�fe i��TWicei.Tr`rtea slq�e�cord s�otice af detadt ia nd�co�t�i�w�ieL sqr art of t!� ' ,
<br /> ' Pre�eCty i:locate��1�It�il co�ia.ot sui aotEce is ttie wa��aerlbe�bF ap1�We taw to Boerorrer aMi to tre
<br /> d�!��b7 q�atik bw.Atte:tl�e tt�e reqrired by.a�jlia�bk law.Tnstee aMW�i�e/rWi¢iotfce of '�
<br /> ° . de to tie�aN i�tre�er�tityi bY aqlia6k law.Tiasta.+iidwet deaa�oa Borrower.sball se11 t`e
<br /> . Pro�r,.t�atpblic�ta tt��t�iest 6i�der,a tie t��e and ptsce ud ueder die terms daig�ated ii t�e aotice af ssle iu .
<br /> ` .` aft or*ore�esis s�i�,uy ardetTnstee�etar�i�es.Tr�stee�say pst�o�e sak of�l!or asp�ttet ot ttk Pro�trty Sy , �
<br /> Ni1ic a�eoM�c�_'/�at at-tl�e tise asd�tace of a�y prcdoasly scb�dufed s�te.tt�des ar Its daigse�msy p�rc6ase thc , -
<br /> . .�`�r �5 ���'i� � . � � .
<br /> ' � - � , < � U�[iE0l�[Of M�t OE�!�fF�!�Tf�!!�II��t0�E pllfC�'�tYSt!!'f d!!�MII'�ly�g tllE
<br /> • ! Pto%ecty.'I'Me re�tal�i�t tie Tr�tee's de�d aiaU be�ri�i tade eri�tice of the tratM at the at�te�e�b Nade tberein. � � .
<br /> ; Ts�stee aiW�qty t1�e�rueee�s ot tl�e sak is t6e fallbwi�g order.fa)to aU espeeaa ot tl�e sate,i�ctadi�,but aot limited �
<br /> i t0.Teti�ds fus ss�er�ttted by sppilabk bw and raataable sttorseys'fee�(61 to all snms ses�ued by this Seeurtty -
<br /> , t���a�i(c2 ary eaccas to tLe Oersoa oe Aesao�s te�1Y enHded to i�
<br /> � � 20. Lendtr ie P•a�foe. Upan ao�ration under paragraph 19 ar abandonment of the property. Lender(in
<br /> , pesson,by agent e�.by judicially appointe�c�;;eiver)shatl be entitCer���enter upon,take�ossssion of and manage the
<br /> • � Property and to ccLxt the rents of the Pre�erty inctuding those p�ti duc My reuss coltccted by Lender os the receiver
<br /> _ shal!be appliai fust to payme¢p�f the costs af managcrnent of the Property an�eattection of rents,including,but not
<br /> � � , timite�tc;receiv�s Eces.pre�:ns on r��s's bands and re�asonabte attorneys'fees.and then to the sums se�eored by �
<br /> . this S�cY:�zty jnstrma.ent. „s. ,
<br /> � , 21.Raba�eya�ce.Upon payment ofaq snms socured by this Security Instrument.Lender shall tequest Tnuta to
<br /> • • ; . . c�cfcy the Froperty and shall suneader this Security ir�scrument arid all notes evidencing de6t secured by this Securiry " '
<br /> - Inmument to Trusta.Trusta sha11 aconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons .
<br /> � legal{y enritled to it.Such pecson or persons shall pay any recordation casts:
<br /> 22.Sub�titute Trwtee.Le�der.at its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a snccessor tnista � �_ .
<br /> to any Tnutee appointed 6ereunder by an instrument recordsd in the county in which this Security Instrumem is recorded. � f- . :
<br /> Without canveyance of tfre Property,the successor trusta shall succad to a1}the title.power arcd duties conferred upon '
<br /> Trustce her�in and by applicable law. � -.
<br /> � � � 23. Re4�at tor NoHca. 8orrower aquests that copies of the notices af default and sale be sent to Borrower's , .
<br /> � address ahich is the Property Address. �
<br /> � Z4 Rtde�n to t�is Seeartty Instrueien�If one or more riders are executcd hy$orrawer and recorded together with �.��-
<br /> ' this Security Instrument.the covenants and agreemenu of mach sach rider shall tx u:corporated into and shall amend and �
<br /> supptesttettt the covenants and agraments of this Secucit� Instrument as if tl:e rider(s) were a paR of this Security . x
<br /> , Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)J "
<br /> _.._ . � Adjustable Rate Rider � [� Condominium Ri�'er � 2-� Family Rider �
<br /> ❑ Graduated Paymrne Rider [� Ptanned Unit Developmertt Et��::r ,
<br /> . - . t
<br /> (� Other(s) [spccifyJ UA Guaranteed Laan Rider & VA Assumption Information Rider
<br /> BY•SiGN1NG HELOW, Borrower accepts and agaes to the terms and covcnants contained in this Security �.*�
<br /> lnstrernent And in any�rider(s)executed by Bonower and ra:ordod with it. � : -�
<br /> . L ��,Lrt-t :
<br /> ........................................................................................ ... ..���. .......t�...................... .(Seai}
<br /> ...ar� —8orraer
<br /> J. Galva
<br /> ...... ._ . _.. .- - -._ . . . _ .._. -- -�--.. ..._.._ .. . .._ .--- .... .- --� -- ----- --�-- - ... .
<br /> ....................................................................................... . . .. ........ ... �t,.�,.�. ...:y..� ...��1lY..M1�:.�':.:...�{JGY��
<br /> Arlene L. Galvan "8oror'�'
<br /> STATE OF NEBRA5KA, �.���1 COUllty SS:
<br /> , Eyn this 6th day of �'une ��`� 90 � before me. the undersigned. a tiotary Pubtit
<br /> duty commissianed and qualilied for said county,personally rame mark J. Galvan and Arlene L.
<br /> Galvan, Hushand and Wife � , to me known to he tl:r
<br /> � identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed ro the foregaing instrument•and acknowledged the executinn ��-_
<br /> thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. '
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial sea!at Grand Island,, Nebraska _ in said couroty,the
<br /> ..:- - . .
<br /> date aforesaid. � - � � �
<br /> , My Cammission expires: � S /992 . _..... ...�i..v.�...�.'.1.CG�F!j:�!��..... . ... . .... � .
<br /> � �� �� . , , �
<br /> AtyOAEwMcC11�8Ea UEST �'OR RECbNYEYANCE�oiars �'ubi�� �
<br /> � MD fomm i�v�A�5.199? Q , �
<br /> .. _ To 7't�us7�: . , r�
<br /> to
<br /> - ' The undef�sigtted is the holder of the note or nn�es secureci hy this Dred of Trust. Sa�d note or notcs.toticther �
<br /> with af1 other;ndebtedness secured by this�beed uf 7'rust,ha�r been paid in t'ull. YE�u arr herebp dirrcted ti�rancel�a1d �' �-
<br /> note or.notes and this_Deed of Trust,.which.are deli��ered.hecehy,and ti�reconvev, wilhoW.��atrunty,��I[�!�< «i:,�c g' `...
<br /> now he(d by ynu under this Ueed of Trust tv the.�er�an or per5ons Irgally ent�tlecl �here�u.
<br /> . Date: . , '
<br /> _ ............. .,... .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . - 1
<br /> - . �_
<br />