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<br /> . � UMi�lty►t CbvEN�NTS. $otroMer uid I.ender covp�nt and aga as follows: � �
<br /> � t• Par�e�t ot Pri�l aM U�Prs�y�eat aei I.tte Chat� Borrower shsl!promp4ly paY when due ,� . `
<br /> � . � �. tbe prinai�i of and interest an the deb�evidenced by th�Note apd any_prepayment and late cbuges due under thr Nota `
<br /> , 2. F�tor Ta�et a�i I�rn�ce. Subject to ipplicable law or to a writtcn Maiver by I.ender,Boriowrr sha11�y - •
<br /> ' � � to I.ender on the day�onthl�psyments a`re due under the Note,uaW ttie Note is paid in full.a sum(•'Funds")eqw!to � • �
<br /> . one-t�vdRh of.• (a}yeatiy taxes and assessmet►u vv�ich msy attain priority over this Securit� Instrument; (b)yearly
<br /> � � P�Ymeots or=rouad rents oa the PropettYR if u�Y;(c) 9qrty hutrd insurance premiums; and�(dj yearJ ' . .
<br /> y
<br /> t_ � �no�ipie insursMx Pmniums.if any.These.items m called`•escro�r items.".Lender msy�estimate the Funds due on the � �
<br /> bais ofcurrtpt d�ta aed rqaonaMe estimstes of futuie acro�items. • k�
<br /> , 'I'be Fun�sball6e hdd ia an institution the deposits or accouncs of which sr�insared qr guarantoed by a federal or � . .
<br /> statt aaency(inclnding Lendes;f I.ender is such an institution).I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow icems. " •�
<br /> i Lender may nat chuae for hoidin�aud applyin�the Fnnds,anetyzirig the accaaat a�verifyrina ihe acror�items,unkss � ,
<br /> � • i,erMer pays Borro�ver intaat on the Fur�ds and s�plicable luN permits Lender to ma�ice such a chuga Bornower and �
<br /> � Lende�tray aaree in v�rriting tlut inturst sLatl be paid on�the Funds.Unlas ati agreanent is msde or applicabte law '
<br /> reqi�res iaterat to be pytid.Lendpr st�all not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eaminEs on the Funds.Lender �
<br /> sb�Il�ive to Bqmrnver.without ehuae.�n snnua!accounting of thc Fands showing credits and debiu to the Funds uid the � � ' -
<br /> , puq�ose fo��rhich esch debit to tbe Funds was mule.The Funds are pledged as additiortai s�ecurity for the snms secured by .
<br /> ' - this S4curity lr�stntmmt. ` �
<br /> �f tLe aawunt af tIu Funds hdd by Lendes.togethx with the future monthty paymer►ts of Funds payabte prior to
<br /> the dne data of 1he eacroM itea�s,sball exceed the amouat raquired to pay the escrow items when duG the cxax�sha11 be, �
<br /> , st Bamp�ver's option,dther promptly repaid w Bonowa or credited w Borrower on monihly paymenis o6 Funds.if the
<br /> } , amoant af tbe FwWs hdd by I,endtr is not sn�icient to pay the escro�v items�vhen dtt�,Borrower sha11 pap to f.ender anq .
<br /> � smount neoGwry to mske up the de&c�ency ia one or mors paymmts as requiredl�y Lender. �
<br /> ' � Upon payment i�PoU of a1!sums secured by this Security Instrument,9 ender shali promptty refund to Barrawer •
<br /> � any Fnnds held by Lertder.If under puagraph 19 the Property is sotd mc aequired by Lender.Lender shall apply.no tatec � �
<br /> , tbtn immediatety prior ta the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the.time of �
<br /> � appZicition as a credit s�gainst the sums securod by this Security Iastrutnen� •
<br /> . 3. A�liqtto�ot Paya�ats. Unless applicable Ia�provides dlhen�visG a��payments received bk E.ender under
<br /> • patssrsphs 1 and 2 shaJl be applied:fi�at,to late charges due undu t�e Note;second.to prepayment charges due under the � �
<br /> • Not�thir+d,to smouats payabte under psragraph Z;fourth.to i»ter�t dc�and tast,to principal d�ra � .
<br /> ; . � 4. G1�u�e�;Lieus. Borrower sha11 pay all taaes�assessments,,chuges.�nq and impas:tiuna attribut�Me"to the � -
<br /> • � Property ivhich may attain priority,over ihis Secwity Inslrument, and leasehold paymenis or graund rents, if aay. � ' ,
<br /> � � Borrower shall psy/hest obligaticsns in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall
<br /> <• pay them on time directly to the person awod payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts '
<br /> to be psid under this paragrnph.If Bonower makes thae paymmts directly;Borrower sha!)promptly furnish to Lerrder '
<br /> . rca�p��;aa���na��,�p,ymer,c�. �
<br /> BorroMer ahaU promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borro�vtr:(a)
<br /> � aaras in�vriting to the psyment of the obligation accured by the lirn iri a manner acceptabte to Lender,(b)contesu in good - -
<br />� fdth the lien by,or defends ag�inst rnforcement of the liea in,Iegal procoedin�s which in the Lender's opinion operate to �, �
<br /> prevent the rnforcement of the lien or forfeiture of any part oP the Property;o}(c)secures from the holder of the lien aa '; ,—
<br /> s�roement satisfactory to Lender.subordinating the lien to this Security Inslrument.lf Lender determines that any p�n�E
<br /> the Property is subjx3 to,a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument. Lender may give Batrower a
<br /> notice identifyina the lien.Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days
<br /> . of the�ivinE of notice.
<br />, . ' � s• Htzard I�tance. Borrower shaU kap the improvemen�s�ow eaistin6 or hercafter erceted on the Property � �.
<br /> � . inaured aaainst loss by fire.haurds included within the term••extendedwverage"and any other hazards for which Lmder ;
<br /> . : nquira inaarance. This insurance sh�U be maint�ined in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> insurance carrier ptoviding the insurance shall be chosea►by Bonower subject to�.ender's approval which shall not be .�.
<br /> unrasamadly withheld. ,
<br />_ All insvrance policies and renewals shall be acceptable�o��er and shall inclnde s standard mortgagt clause. ' �`
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewats.If Lende�requires,Bdrrawer shsll promptiy�ive to Ltnder
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.Jn the event otloss.Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance �� �
<br /> carrier snd Lender.Lender may make propf of toss if not madt promptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Ualess Lender and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,insurance proceeds s�all be�ppiied to restoratian or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged.if Ihe restoration or repair is tconomically feasible and l,ender's security is not lessened:U ilie�-�- �--�� - � -- ��� ��- � �
<br /> restontion ot repair is not economically fe�sible or l,ander's secur�ty vs�utd be lessened,ihe insurance proceeds shali be `
<br /> sppliod to.Ehe sums se�red by this 5ecurity Instrument.whether or nat then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br />_ Bono�vu abandons tY�a Propetty,or das not answer wit�sin 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> �offered to settle a elaim.then Lender may collect the ins�v�fe proceeds.Lender may ux tha pruceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Prvpetty or to pay sums secpred by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�day perc�Q will begin
<br /> when ti4cnotice is given, •
<br /> � Islntess Lender and Borrower otherwise agreein writing,any applicatidn of procceds to principal sha11 nos eatend or �
<br /> postpot�e the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymentc. lf
<br /> under parAgraph 19 the Yropetty is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resuJling
<br /> � trom dsmage t�the Properly priar to tHe acquisition shall pass to Lender to�he eateat of the sums secured by ihis Security � `° �-�
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acquisition. `
<br /> 6. Preserrattoe ssd Msintenance orPro�rf�,I,easedotd�. Bonower shall not destroy�damage or substanlially
<br /> ...-. - . cbange the P:rap�rty,attaw tht�'raperiy to detes�iorate ar cvmmit waste. 1f this 5ecaritq tnstrument is o»a ttasehotd. i
<br /> � Borrower sha11 comply with the prov�sions of the lease.and if Bonawer acquires fee title to the Proptrly.the leasehold and . ! -
<br /> . . fa titl�sha11 not marge unless Lender agrees to the inerger in writing.
<br /> • 7. Protection ot Leedtr's Rights in tht Property;Mbrtg�tge, Insunece. If Bosrower fails to perform �he �
<br /> � eovenants and agreemeiits coritained in this Secarity lnsttument.or thert is a tega!praceeding that may signi8cantty affecE �"
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property(such as a pracced'mg in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or to enforcr taws or -
<br /> te�ulations),then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protert.the vatue of the Propersy aad}.ender's rights �
<br /> in t6e Property. Lender's ections m�y include.paying any sums seaurrd by a lien wh:ch ttas'.priority over this Secnrity . rII
<br /> taslrument,appearing in cvurt,�faying re�onable�ttorneys'fees ami enterirrg vn the prb�e�ty to tnake repairs.Alttrougb �
<br /> Lender may take action under this paragraph 7;Lender Qaes not Have to do so. ' ;�`
<br /> Any amounts disbarsed by Lender uader this paragraph 7 shaft become additional debt of borrower secured by this "� ��
<br /> - � - � - �Security tnstsument.Unless Bonawei�n�t,Pnde�sigree to oftier teims oipayment.these amounts shaif�iear interest Prom � � �
<br /> the date of disbursement at Ihe Note rate and shalt be payable.wilh inlerest. upon nntice from Lender ta Borrawer
<br /> requesting payment.
<br /> ' _ ' �
<br />