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.. , � . � ___ <br /> . ., . �_ _ _ <br /> _ <br /> ... , . . . . ; _ . . . _ <br /> . .t . .. . ._ '. ._ _. ` . . . �.. . � - - - - � _ ._. . . . . <br /> t, _ , . <br /> . - . . . � . . <br /> , .-( . 4. . '. ` ` • , , _'t ��,' � . ` ,---. - ` . ' 1' <br /> . . . , � . � , . <br /> . . � .. f . <br /> . . . .� , . <br /> ' . � ' � " . � . � �-"` �Q33�'7 . � � . _ � . <br /> , TO pROt�Ct TFl��EGURtTV QF T!f!S Tt�t�ST OE€!�.Tf�llSi'OF�MEREBY COVEI�ANT3 At�D AGREES AS EOlL01NS� . ` . <br /> t.'AYM�NT pE!�lINCi'At ANO INT�IIE�T.Truetoe eAetl ptOtf�pfty pdy whe[►due Ihe principal ot and intetest oD the iridebtedn8ss � <br /> _. � ' ' • . <br /> evtdtn�ld bylhe Not�,and M1 othar cNR�pcs and teea as prnvided+a ihe Note,and the principat ot and interest on any Future/1Avartces secu�ed <br /> , �thf�f�uft OetB. � . � , � _ , � � <br /> • ' ? 2.11rARRAMTYOFTITLE.Tru�tnr��l�wtuuysR�taqandpoase6sed4tgao4anflrndeteasitrletdteandgstatetptheProperry�erebyconveyed <br /> , ` and h�s the riqht t0.yr�nt and cOnvby iRe PropErly,lhe Prppprty es liee ertd ciesr ot 8tl Irens and encumbrances exCHpl lians now of record:and <br /> ; � Yrue�lp�.witl w�rrt�„�artd dfP�r►d�hu t�ite to tixe Nroprrty,aga�ast alt cta�ms an0 demands. . ; <br /> 3.YAIMTENANCE�IVpCOM/6tANCLWETHtAW�.Trusto�st�atikeeptReProperryingoodrepairanqcondiUOnartdshallnotcommitwaste � <br /> ! '. or jtlnnit impiirm�nt ar det�nttrAt��n at Ihe Prapprty and�hathcomptywiith thg prov�sians of any tease it tA�s Trust Oeed�s on a teasetrold.No ' � <br /> : �imprerem�nenoworhe�s�lt�are►ecledupan!l�epraperty�natlOQattered.temovedt�rdemohshedw�thoutthepriorwrittenCansentot8eneficiary: � <br /> � 7rustorahallcomp�ywuRal�lews:ofamerccea,regulalions.cavenSnts,c�nditionsandrestnctionsaftectingthePropertyaadnotcpmmit,sufferor <br /> t � parmit an�r act W Oe done�n ar upan iho Pro�rerty�n vip►QUpn Qf any law.arQinance.regutatwn��ouenant.c_�neieine�r rRSt�i�t;�n Tri�c�Qr shalE-_- - ' <br /> = ; - '-ca►rrpia�st�►e promp�Ty bnd in Qaod wnrkmanpke rr►anno:any tmproyem�nt an the Property whicA may Oe damaged or Gestroyed and pay. � <br /> ; wren�tue.atf Claims fOr labOr pertarmed enti mAtenatn furmshed Ihetetor end for any aiterations thereoT. � • <br /> • �� 4.(I��URANCE.T�ustor,al�tse�en56,wi11 mainte�n wsth m&uro�s approved by Benefic�ary,msurance with respecttothe�mprovements ana <br /> peraon��l property,Canstiltst�ng Iho Property,a{�einsl lass by hro,trgbtmnq,tornado.and ather pents artd hazards covered by standar�extenQed � <br /> ; coverage inQorsement,�n an amounl equa{to at•teast onQ Aurtdtad percent(100%a)of the tutt reptacement vatue thereot and insurar.ce against � � � <br /> • � suehotherhasardeand�nsuchampunt�as�scustomantycarnedQyownorsandoperatorsofsimilarpropeAiesorasBenet�ciarymayrQquirefor <br /> � itsprotection.TrustorwiUcomptywHhsuchothe�reyuuemQmsas6enef�c�arymaylromtimetotimerequestfortheprotect�onbyinsuranceofthe . <br /> i ipteroatsollherespec{�voparUes AIlinsurancepol�ciasmomta�no0pursuantlathisTruslOeedshallnameTrusterandBeneficiaryasinsured.a5 <br /> . �� theirrespectiveinterestsmayappear.�ndprc�wclethatlhe�ebenocancellaAonormodif�cat�onw�ihouiatteastt5dayspriorwrittenrtotificatrpnto <br /> , } TrusteeartdBeneticiarymeyprocurosuchinsurancoin,zccoreancew+ttitbepro�tsioasotparag�aph6hereof.TrustorshaltdefivectoBenaficiary ` <br /> „ f theoriginafp�DliciesofmsuranCOandronowetstAOroolorm�mocop�es�if$uchpol�c�esandrenewalsthereot.Failuretofurnishsuchinsuranceby <br /> � Ttustor,or renewats as requ�red hereunde►shall,ot Iho op!�pn af B�noflciary.consUluto a delauN • � <br /> i . ' • . <br /> ( 5.TAXES.ASSESSMENTS AND CNAR�ES.�rusta�r.h�i1 p�y ali I��es.assessments and other charges,�nclud�ng,withaut I�mitat+on,fines <br /> � and impositions attrlbulabta to ffie Property and tnasuhoql paym�nls or�round rents,it any,be(ore the same become dehnquent.Trustor shall <br /> � prorr�pttyfumishtobenetiCiarygllnOUCesolamaumsAu�sundnrlh�sparagraph.andmtheevenETru9tarshaflmakep3yme�tduectly,Tr�as;nrshall • • <br /> � promptly furmsA to Be�efiCiary►eceipts evidencmg such paymonts Trustor shall pay au taxes ana assessments which may be levied upon � � <br /> � Bene}iciary's interest here�n or upon this Trust Gead w�thuut repa+�f!a any law thaf may he enacted�mposing paymenl ot the whole er any part � <br /> thereo!upon the 8eneficiary. <br /> � 6.ADDlTIONAL LIENS ANO PROTECTION OF BEHEFICIAiiY'S SECUAtTY.t�usror shatl make al1 payments of interest and pnnc�pal and '����`"`� <br /> , � <br /> • payments ot any other charges,tees and expenses r.ontracted to ba pa�A to:�ny�x�stmg or subsequent I�enholdar or 6enaficiary.under any ' <br /> � existing or subseque�t mortgage or trust dood botoro thn dat�Ihc�y arp Aolmqonl ur m A�}autt,and prnmptly pay and discharge any and alI ather � ,-- <br /> i Iiens,ctaimsprcAargeswA�chmayjeopardirethvsocunly�rant�dhoro�n ItTrustar/adstomakoanysuchpaymen�or}adstoperformanyotthe •'r � A <br /> � cov@n8n15 and agreements conta�ned in this Trust O�oA,or In��Notn reterraA tc�her�m.or m any pnor or subsequenttrust deed,or it any aclion or - • <br /> . � prpceedin�ls eommen�ed wh�ch matenally aftecls 8onot�ciary's�nterest m the Prape�ty.metud�ng,Dut not hmited to,emment domain proeesd- 1 <br /> � ings,proceedings�nvolvmg a Aecedent,notice uf selo by Trustoc.nohco otdafaun by farectosure acUOn,or�f Trustor fads to � " <br /> . t pay Trustot's debts gerterally as they becomo duo.thon 8an�bc�ary,at Bonel�c�yry s opt�on antl vnthout notice 10 or demand upon Trustor and ' <br /> 1 withautrefeas�ngTiustorlromanyob�igaUonhereunder,maymake:uchapperirancas d�sdursesuchsurnsantllakesuchacUOnas�sngcessary <br /> � •� to p►oteel Benebeiary's mterest. mclu4ing. bW rtdt I�mitad lo. d�sburs�mpnf ot rnlsonabto attomey s}QUS, payment, purchaSH.Conlest or � <br /> i <br /> comprOmise ot any encumbrance,chargp or I�pn,onfry upon th�P.�nperty tc,rn:�kr,r��p�„r:,,or riec�aration ot detault untlflr Ih�s Trust Oeed.In the •�— <br /> event that Trustor shatl lad to procure msurance nr to pay taMOS.assossmonts ��r��ny�thor c nargc,ur ta make anypaymonts to any exisUng or <br /> � • sub9equ8nt hBn�OtdBrS or exisfing or subs@qu0nt Deno}�ciar�es.Banohc��ry m;�y pr���ure 9uch msuranr.o anA makp 9uch paymHnt,but shall not <br /> � be obUgated to do so. Any amounts disbursQd by Honotrc�ary pursuant to Ih�s P�ro�raph C�;h,�U hn�om�addd�pnal�ndobtOdness ot Trustor <br /> � secured by Ihis Trust Depd SuCh amounts shah bc payablo upon nolictr trnm F3ont�t�c�a�y ir�T�u,tor requostmg payment tharoof,and sha11 bear ' <br /> : inlerestfromthedateofdisbursemgMalther�tt�payabtofronhrnelot�mrunc�ut5t�nh�n{�prmC�palunderthQNotc�unlces50�Ymentofinterestdt <br /> � such rate woatd be contrary to app6cable(aw,�n wh�cn ovunt sucn amounts sn�ir t;aar��,toresr c,t tnn n�ghest rate perm�ss�blo untler appl�cable �� <br /> i law.Nothinc�conta�ned in this Paragraph 6 Ghall roqunE�f3c�nef�r.�:�ry fa�nr ur t�rry�;��tiqn,n nF take any,�r.u�,n narr.undqr <br /> � 7.ASSIGNMEHT OF RENTS.Benol�Ciar Sh3l1 h�vU Ihc nc nt. �owr�r .,nrt riutnr�i, <br /> 9� � { ly�1�ninq Ih�.r nnlmu:lncC c�t t�is ir,�51(Teed to COIIeG!�he '�� <br /> • ' te»iS.iSGUe9 tlnd protds of fho PropOqy an0of any p�rsun���urop�r�ty io�:Uc�!n�cr���m w�tt��.r ,•nit�uut h�hm!;Uo.SSr�ss�on uf tho yroperty atfvcted '.� <br /> hereby,andTrustorhorobyabsolutofyandunconA�hon,�ilyass�gn,aU�:u�.t.rr�i�t�. ��,�,uc:,,�n,t�,�„hr,�aHench�.�;�ry E1e.nuhE;ii�ry hUWP.V�� nare0y <br /> � consenlStothpTrustorscollpctionandrQtonhonofsuchrUms.�ys„�eti;,u�1�,1!i1i�•.,���S�+n�,�:fr�������,��p(!f.pfnt!O;�y:lk'��CSClIOIt(�F1tiTtli51L��St1Cr1.�11 1 �� <br /> ' su�hUmO.�ndotaultw�lhrespACfto�aymonlofonymdoGfcdnos��snr.urnrt!�nrr.n�.r.r,�.�ni,p����•,c�n;ir�,,e�t;�ny:fgri+om�nlhOrcundet UpOn�ny <br /> SuCfldOfilu�l,9r,notiaarymayatanyUme.eithormpe�5��r� byat�C�nt o�hy,�ra.,�•,,,�•����l;••.�p;�n�nt(�ttuy��ruurl withtrutnt�t�cp��n�l,r��(hOuttE�gBrq <br /> to thp adequ�Cyot any SOCUrity l�r tlta mc}vb1E�Anos�horcGy;,OC ufC�(I.Iti)Pl�hu up!u�,�tnl t;�4�!�U;';�!SS�irn b1►hf±Nrupr�tty nr;tRy p(1�!Ih{fr(•Uf.Hitd in <br /> d9pW!►I18R10S11Q}OfUfUIhU1W�SbC01i9Gl9UCh/O(,19.+.SSUNS8ft�1p�O1H5 Iltrl�iit�'+.11��1i'�C!tn�il(}:IC`dfdlU(�pd�(1 dnlldVj)Iy.�t1(rSilfntr Iff55rOS1SA�U --- - - <br /> exp9nso8 O1 opOtat�on tlnA CultattiUn. �ntluA�ng re�.�sUn;lGlct il1IUFt1(li�s.k����, „�,�,�� ,���;� ����jtrl�tr!dhet�•:t,��;uret! f}r!i��py. ,In;t in �.i,�h tyr(tUr Fi5 . .. <br /> 8enel�c�arym�,yuchactsvtr�p�7nc�r�,ro�er��urr.!'.n+.t�:u�'.,i;���-,4,py;.r�,it',(�E•�1!rr.��n!,iarv�•U�1lVillupptihrf'tOpL•rty IG! <br /> Ie85olho£emOUr�:inyp�rtthorvottorsuChrt�nlat.fn�m.andupc,r��,.�r►,�n��;Lt•��n�.,,.,��;,,,,ly���rn,r�.�:,r�t�ri,�t����n��n,�t�i,r<�Hiu�,tthet(r�rns��nd <br /> cond�tionsofoMist�ngloas�s Unla:;strE,stO�tln(lNf�nt�hf!arylt�E?rr.ut�i;�'r����Iry��r����;�,,�,r,a�.,.�� .i�,�;�{•��i.�nt unvte�,ni5 ,:.suczur,�rt>f�t9to.�ny . <br /> mp.vOteAness socurUd herQby shaU nut oNtonO or Postpanr:lfur d:���rt,itc��I Ih�e���•,�,��ci���r��� ;•;�.,ni•�,�.. ,r.j,�t�v•r}�.rl�it�,:��d��rprmssoty nt,te or <br /> . chanyethetiMUUntolsuchmst��llmonl9,thv�ntunnc�upunilh(11i1M�uf1{It�•.����•�`.uni��flr.rl'rr���i•ef+ ��,t•.rn:IVt�i�n�it!,.:ChrE.•f11,S.iSSL�t!5,11�(1{1!01�Tti <br /> , anQlheappl�cal�unth�rantasalo►osu��,iunotw,��ve�u�:u�Pii��ytlt?l.�u!li�ft�,,t�rhnrrfr�t.�„���'r;�-:,r�,y�.r�.r r..,.��rl:�te,ir,�,�tid��•t�V�,�tiud��'tl� � <br /> suChnaticv TruslQralsoass�ynst�Qonc;l�e�a�,r.;istu�t��e��},!!tu�rlyf�itliur(�rth��i•._�i., � �.r•rr...C� .�.�1_'.t. .�:i.::i���/}:i•t�:Ui .Itt�vu�):�.rfrE,F:iS:��t(f,ir� <br /> ' m�omo9whiCnmayhauobhanormayAUro:l�fOtGf!(1h�(i5�1Ct1W�N1��:1��1l�il'.t��rbr.�i���r..�.li�� '1!��1'.• ;+1�rt� t.�::�;r„rl�lt`:•p'IYn�(�nlrr�dhyrl•�Jn• <br /> damagoS.Or upU�dolault�n th�a�rfurmtlnLU c,t i�11y i�I�hH p�trv�t��n�ti trrl�•�A F• �..+� ��i 1•rr�.• . . , . . � u•i�t. .�i•rf�!�•(���y l�,!t�R����rl.i .�rt ' <br /> Uet�voeyutw�ittorsnoUCOOIHunohc�ary',iE)xUtf�SCO}fhP'�Ot�f�.t+�dn�e•�7��r��t�i� 1 t�����n.0 �. ,I r 1 � ��r•.:� ,.r�.'.I�,t''1•�"�.�'��'� i�11.��r..��� tt• •f-- –_ <br /> 5eid tonant to pity rc+nt fu 1►1q f�E:nehr,ia/y unht turther n�,1�r.� � � . • <br /> 8 CON�EMNAYdON.II UtlEf�o�►ny pJ�l utlRe�'u,��t��t� �:�in��t�t'•h�,�•�� .�.. .,,, .t,•• ,i.,in�,.;�;•, �, , , <br /> ' (� •`(' �'r ':g �[: e�•��.e . •! . . �I•u� .. ,�� <br /> acUan.ur sh�l!bp spid unUot thre�!ot cwrctnn�r:jilW�t.JIl dNiiFt15 (1Jnisii�2�:Itti:t�rJC.r.u:t+.ara t.r.r:_!.�_._c.Tr.�.t:...c;�_..�:..r,..;,_.r,. . <br /> % . .,.::�r_;.,c-. <br /> '- - - WRU:li3Tf ii�i�V fiUCF��iNfll(19.t]i1n�UytS t11Id(1fULCUdf.11i I��(!•�u�u hen.����!�!Uy�• ..i•�.•.1!�rv f r. I� tC. { �i�:.,, t e� � ,���!1 � T rio.t�.r i� ►� ��� . - <br />. �oco�vus any nol�ce o��ilhat�r�tur!uuhui�►ugtu:fu�e3 sut t�:��C<<��,�,��r���:.�PE'�i,r.�.; '• .;•.t„•.�-.� ;� .: ;• ..� .�.r r, �t,.� ,�,.r��...� ,.t r..�<��� �� �., <br /> �ionehe�ary shaUt�c�enl�Uad aI�St:u��buer IurE�n�mpi,Ce .i;i�ina�n�;in�f;,r�,•,� .,�. ,� i, .. � , , , . ,�� , ,. , , �. ; .� .� .� <br /> � On2�Uod tu nr,�NO nny�Urt�p�unuSU i�r Sa�tfemm�t�n�.Ul�r.L(f�C�,r w,�h.iu;,,,�_1. .n t..� . �;,�. ,, , , • , <br /> Sr.PUTUpE ApVANCES.!•[uin rt�t}u��SE uf t.0.lur.Ucnf�l,..��:iy;:�kN�•�:i:t� :i*: : ;i �. • , . , s :. , i � • , <br /> r�iAk�tful��rn�tivtt�rt(s::l�r7rustoriEK.t�fului[�aciva��r:� ����r��������r•r.N�,�����„� .,.. �..� `, �� , .�,. -. i��.,., �:. , , . � , . , , , � <br />, , t161Q5 51:11�h(�Ih��s�ucf r,ettes dtP�.CCUfftil►:�+tCC�IY L't!�Yi:1Ni7 ihlsF ai tr��1�e::r.r,� _� �.r.�:- � . . ` � . s . �� .. r:� ' �� <br />� � ',11�lilflGt'[}Efi(�Pl�1t}r f�hE�SCCUrrfji.C�C,t:C:![r'f�+Ie��tidtPi� N�t.f++,j - ..�}F�,,.,..�� .F I.. - -- ,- - - , . � � , . . . <br /> l ii�f�i:...;.. � � , <br /> �- <br /> � � <br /> _� ; --- -- --- ---�- -� u �_ <br /> --- .-r:'�-w�[.`�r',.��a._�—_�.s{.,1�...::-� ..dt._.. 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