� :.- r�._... . . :�t.. .-�c _ '_________ _ ___. _. . . .. . __. . _
<br /> � . -t' i..i�_ . <. ' . . � _ . . . — _ - _ . —__ ` .. _
<br /> . / ~ _ _ , . _ ` .. . ` ,� . ` ' • ` . . - -'• �
<br /> . j.t . . ., . ' �ti .
<br /> _ � . . - . � , . ` � : -i - _ . , � �: - ��� � � � � �io.3�7� , � ,� � � �:
<br /> � � ., -�-�- . .
<br /> . ls�. '�ws! ioe Ystiee. lsuaeor h�s�ibY epu�at� a 4op� of aor notict o� detaulL inA t6at �n7 � � • �
<br /> ` � < � _ aotles ot� wle Ms�d�r M�ailed to irustos at LM �ddress �et tosth !s tlit tir�t p�satespT� oi tht� .
<br /> . ' . D�/ at ?sutt. ' � . , � . , . .
<br /> . , � � 2i: +Awsiat�ae of 3ucc�rwr Trustee.� Eeaeflciat�r eq. fro� ri�to tisf. D�vsittea is►sts�aent . ` � ` `
<br /> �tM. aY�ebwwl�dpd 6� Eeiseilc3asy. �11ed to?ru�tor ad s�eeord�d_ti� th� Couae� fa vbict►tT�! � �
<br /> `� �ie�ttl.i� Iocat�i �bl otheswL� ea�pi�vith t`ht pso�isioas ot.lhr;��ppltcabl� 1Mr pf Rhe Stat� ' . ' , `_
<br /> -" 'o�w1rMl�s. s�titut�� aneesasolr or �ueeessar� to tTK ss�tee ear+ed`,l�retn oz actiaf 6irawlet. �
<br /> � . _1T. �=ibrs a�i Aa� . 'ThL Di�d of lswt,�ppliea to and laure� to tfie bene!!t o�� Disd� � '
<br /> ' , ` � all pcCies �ertto. t s 1Nirs, lept�s, dNiseN. ptesouai reprs�nuti�ea. auecfs�os� i�3 a�rip�s. , : ..
<br /> • !1r t�es "l4re[t�fat?"�ball Ya� Rb� aw! ad tol�er of tLe aata,rkatlas or aot aael 01u�ilelss�
<br /> .. ; � . . �lr. . � ' . � .
<br /> . ` . � i�. �i�rfi�iarf'i ra�er�. Qitbous afteetia� t1�s liabilitT ot anT otMs oer�m 1laDl� (ot t1M pa�r- , �
<br /> . • � � AMC et ar��elrupite�l�sw�easiawe. a.a�ruUont att.ccs.R ct� 1s.�or e6ss�o: cAis, aaa ot Tswe � ` ` .
<br /> �sit a� �octlaw ot tM !col�tt7 aot tlKO rnc tAssetotoss r�leas�d a� �aaarlt� tos th� id! ��arat oi
<br /> . W, twMl� oMli,�tiom� 1�tielasT�►7. iso�We to tise aeA vttboot uatteas . ' , .
<br /> . ---=_'- � . ` .. ,. . )` Iara selt petsons�lfablt3 -- — - - =-- -=-
<br /> - -- -. -- -— - �a -s� -- � --- -- -- —- -- - �
<br /> � . ` ib) .� ce. a.iwrscy or .ic� .er ot c��as.. ot ���.ucb obisiaesa.; ,
<br /> •� . (c) ssile oth�r tnduZtene�st . � . .
<br /> ;�;�,:: , � . . . . , . ,
<br /> ' ; .:--:t:.. ' , (d) saLaN or re�cros�T os cawe�Ro ba r�1wM or sa-¢on�rei�u �n� . • '
<br /> :. �;'_ •tira at MailiC.l+sf'�pA�bs �7 P+tael. oorsios or ali of t!N�ro�stf: . . <
<br /> � ,' , �;� ' . t.) iatue in c•ieai.,,e�oeb•i+or auiuo.a� ,.eussc�.tor aa�r obls=aesae � � ' ,�, ' : ,
<br /> . INS�iw watLsq�; os . ;• � - . . �.
<br /> � ` (t) �i��,eo�poiitioas os otties ass��dent� vith de�s�,!er relatim tt►a�ttirso. � � � �
<br /> _ �9. �owrniaa I.aw. thia Deed ot Tcwt shali br sorereed�bt c1f�'lavs ai c��$uc� of llebraska aad.. �. ,
<br /> ,� is tRs erent w m as�farf of�liie prod.�ioas contaleed !a tMs Dei� oi?tat. .os tt� aaE� os aa� oths
<br /> . . �eeus!!�► in�tnient siseq lu codaeetion vith this traelsactioa �litll�U�•tos a't►� sesson b�hsld to M.in-
<br /> � � �ali�, lli�tal•os m�n�¢s�eable f� aar ses�►ect. sucb iavalidit�, iFc�aliiy or menforceaU�lit� s1�a1T , .
<br /> , . • aot attect anr other ps�risiass af ct,i� Deed of ?rust. buc ehe IIee6:c�?rust s+�ali be ea�►sued as �f
<br /> . , . �ue1t Lralid, iliepl cs sniorceable prmriaton had ae�er beee� cvnts�,aed h�refs�s�ti�ss�in. ' �. •
<br /> � 20. Sftat oi tosbearaace. �M7r fo:bearanc� bp E�nefieiar� as Tstrtes iss ex�scialaR aa�sisht os
<br /> , =wi�iwsawaar, os othirvi�� afEosded b�appileable lw. �1rII aot b� a wai�+r of or pr�c.ivd� tUe ea�er• • •
<br /> ' ds� ot aahr t� ri=ht or re�edy hate�dsr. LlkMr�, the vai�is t�y�sneticiaq or Tswtee ot �ny ddaelt , .� �
<br /> , . at tM Tcustor �edar this Deed ot Tru�t �t�all not�be deaied to be s.+rsi��r ot sa�oth�r oc•sisllar ds- , �: '.
<br /> � ' t�ult w�bwqumtl� occpssin=. '
<br /> : 21. te-coaw�aaes bs+ Trwtee. Upon ericten raqueat of the 1leewticiar� staeina tMt all s�s seeured •
<br /> • hsseb�hsas bsst� p�td� and apoa sunendnr oi this Deed ot Trwt and the aota to Lhe Ttwtc� fotc ca►cel- . .
<br /> , • l�tloa�na s�teation and upm pay�ent by Tru�tor ot Sswte�•s fe�s. Tru�tee �h�ll ra-con�� to Trwtps. � ' ., .f.•�
<br /> 'or e!w p�raa� or parsaos le�lly eatitied tt�ereto. viclaut vasranty. aay postla� oi tM psoysst� theo . -
<br /> ' • 1�1� Mcwsd�r. lt�cit+ats in sueh re-conre�aou oi aa� �attas� os i�eu s4�11 b� eoeieiwi��.proot ot tA� • -
<br /> tsutMuLss� thessof. �Cs�Rtea �n ths se-eomti�ance s�7r M descsiMd u "th� p�s�aa or p�rams le=aliy
<br /> �. • �11l:t1� tb�C�tO.° • .
<br />. ; 2Z. llcc�ptan� b�.lkustes. Tsustee accapt�,tbis trast vhen thia Deed o! Tsurt. dul� �s�eutsd aad '
<br /> aclowvl�d��d, is ude s�uplic sacosd a� provided b� lav. �;--
<br /> � ,
<br /> ' ZII iIIiNESB iiH�C�,, �sastos has exeeuted thi� Aeed oi itqat oa.Gha dat� iis�t aote�a�r�►a. _
<br /> j , . • -
<br /> . ,
<br /> E �.a�p on ..
<br /> ! '
<br /> , .
<br /> � : ' ebra A. omgson . • .
<br /> � � .
<br /> � sr�s a�ar�s�u► � . . .
<br /> � : �� coWrri o► Hall � 4s: . ,��'
<br /> � ,
<br /> � '• ,. Oo ehia 11thQay of June � , 19i90 . b�tos� we. the wQ�rs!�ed. i ttotary • '
<br /> •Htssbalid���c aul� ca�s��lo�n�A aed qua�ifieA tos sala Caunty. p�saansliy caNJack & Debra R. Thomvaon, • .
<br /> to r � to b� th� ldeatie�i pesaoa(s) wMae na�e(•) ue �ubieriMd to th� Eor�joins lostr�at
<br /> `S 'i�1tf e a klaovl�b th� ezecution th�reot ta be Ais/Her voimtary act �nd dNd. .
<br /> . . _ .._....... . . . -- - - � -
<br /> � ' pitaWS�► b�d and Notarlal Seal at -Grattd�Islatid, NE ' �� �iu wid Count�. eh� Aat�
<br /> atosNala. . '
<br /> I �b►co�tirtian.a�cpiress-- r!"���
<br /> . �� , •
<br /> � � � '
<br /> �twr�r�.r .�,�Jla� E � . .
<br /> . war�swrw�,c xo:.ry Y�:l�
<br /> � . wr..ds�►x»n . , .
<br /> � . ;- _�
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