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<br /> .i t( - " _ � _, .� • ' ' ,�. . ' . ' • r� � , ` � '` ' � .�(.__f r ( � `��
<br /> � i
<br /> � ; - --. -- - �- -- . -ga"" 30�36� \ -, - ___ _ _, - ;_.
<br /> � � th�Propitiy is so htcen or dama�d.Lendar_ahati have tt�a opticn.in tts aote end absotute discretion:to appty all wcH P�ace�d�. .. ' �
<br /> , df�rd�tuchn�thersiromal!cosb artOsxpensas inaurred by ttin co�sn�ect�on wtth such Proceeds.upon any tndebtedneat�cur�d ; . . ,.
<br /> l�sbr and!n auch order as Render maY determine.cs to appty sll such Proceeds,aiter auch daduction�.to thd resta�atlon o1 fh�e �
<br /> Rropsrry upon such eondi�ons�s Leetdes may deMrmiria My applit�tian of Proceeifa to indebtedness aliail not exrend or��a�s ' ,
<br /> .:� � �tl�.r due daee of a x end . ` .
<br /> W+ rry psymertts under Me Note,or cure any�et�tuicthereunder or hereunder.Any unapptied funds ahafl bs ptid to
<br /> _- F . ,.WYi�• � c � � - � ' " " _ _"
<br /> � 8. P�k�e�by Lindie llpon tAe occurrence of an Event of Oefautthereunder,or if any a+ct ts taken or te�si pracssdiny . : � � .
<br /> � f comme�ced whfcA ma�erialty 8/Iscb Lan�er'�tnterest in fhe Prope�iy.Lender may irt its own Qiscrotion.but without obf ig�tlon to d0 • , `
<br /> ' ao.and�ithout nodee to or demand upon Trwt�r and without rNeasinp Trustor from eny obit�ation,do eny act which Tiusior has
<br /> ' � .a�read but tails tc do anQ rt�uy afso Qo any ether aci ii deems necessary to prctact Me securiry hereoL Trusior sha(1.immsd�Nty • �
<br /> ! : upon dert�and fher�by Lender.psy ta Lender alt ca�b and expenses incurred and aums expended by L�nder in connsc�on wHh ' • ,
<br /> . �� the ezercis�by Leftder oi tf�e doreyoin�ri�hts,toyether with interest thereon at tMe ae/autt rate provided in the Note,whicA shatt be . ' �
<br /> � itfdsd to ths indebtednsss secured her8by.Lender shai!not inCUr eny liabiliry.because of anything it may do or omit to do
<br /> , � .; , hei'eunder. ' , . '
<br /> _ =_i__ __ 9._Hsss►dous AlaNetsN.7[ustor shafi keep ttie Properry ia compliartce with all apptic.�t�te laws.urdinances and regutations � ' - _'. �
<br /> �eTa�6ny�iniiusfrTat hypi�ene of e�lvironmeniaTpratectiart(�oftectivety refened to herein as"Environmental Laws'�.Trustorabail �
<br /> keep the Rroperry ftee irom all substances daemed to be hazardous or tozic underarry Envirortmerttat taws(cotTectivety referredto
<br /> i � hs�sln as"Hszard0us Materiata'�.Trustor he.reby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazerdous 141ateriats on ps
<br /> , ,under the Property.Tou�tor hereby egrees to.indemnity artd hotd ha►mtess i.ender,its dtrectors,offrcers.employees anQ a�ertb.and '
<br /> , � any succesaors to tender's interest.irom and against any and all claims,damages,tcsses a�d liabilities arlsing in conrsecdon with
<br /> . ths p�ence.uee,Qiappsat or transport o!any Hazardous�Materials cn,under,.frc�n or about the Property.7Fi�FOREGOING .
<br /> ` • 10. A�nnNnl ol R�f1b.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender the ren�,issues artd prafits of the Property;provfded that Truator
<br /> • � ahafl,until the occusrenee of an Event ot Oefau!t hereunder,have the ng[s�t.�colte�tand reisin such�ents,issues anG profits as they � .
<br /> . , � become due and payabte.Upert the occurrer*ce of an Event of Detauit�i��::;dsr ma�,either in person or by agent,with o�wlthout � . .
<br /> E , brirtging any act�on or proceedi�,g,or by a receiver appofnted by a court a�sd witheu�regard to the adequacy af its securtry,enter •
<br /> t � upon and take possession of the Property.orany part therecf,in its own name or in the natne of the Trustee.and do any acta which[t �.
<br /> , deems nec8s9ary or Qesirabte to preservB the��ug,marketabiliry or�entabiliry ot the Prcperty,or any part thereot or in4erest3heretn,
<br /> increase the income theretrom or protect the s2curity horeot�nd.with or without taking possessiun of the Properry.sue tor or �
<br /> otherwise cdifect the renfs,issues and profi�thereof, including those past due and unpaid,and appty the same,less costs and
<br /> • exp�nses oi operatlon artd coltection inclu0ing attorneys f�es,upan any indebtedness secured hereby,all in sustr arrier as Lender .
<br /> � may�mina.The entering u�e.r,and taking possessian�t the Property,the colleetion of such rents,issues arrr�protits and the �
<br /> J appiication Mereof as aforesaic��aiall not cure or waiv�e any default or nofice af dE`ault hereunder or invalidaLe arty act dorte in • �
<br /> • . � response to auch default or pur�aznt to such notice ot defauttand,notwitfistartding Cne continuartce in possession of the Property or �. �
<br /> ttte collection,rece°�t and applicatFon ot rents,iss�es or profits,and Trus2ee and Lender sfialt be entittad to exercise ever��gbt -
<br /> t provided for In any of the Loan tnst�uments or by law upon occurrertce of any Event of Oefautt,including without Iimitatian t?r�r'�ht �r.��
<br /> . ta vxercise the pawer at sate.�u:�ser,Lender's�ights and remedies under this pa�ag�aph shall be cumutative with,and in no way a j':�t�=
<br /> ttmitetton on,Lenders rights and remedies under any assignment of leases and rents recorded against the Property.lender,Truste9 _-
<br /> • and the receiver shall be tiabte to account onty tor those rents actualty recelved
<br /> j S 1. Evenb ol Ghult.The following shaq co�stitute an Event ot Default under this Oeed ot Trust -
<br /> ' (a) Failure ta pay any instaltment of arincipal or tnterest of any other sum secure0 hereby when due: •
<br /> ; (b) A breach of or default under any provision contained In the Note,this Oeed o!Trust,any of the Loan Inatruments,or any -
<br /> , other lien or encumbiance upon the Property; -
<br /> � (c) A wrlt of executton or attachment or any simi{ar ptocess shall be entered agalnst Trustor which shall.becomo a tien on �
<br /> f the Property or any poR(on thereof or Interest therein; . , � . 1 ��
<br /> (d) There shatl be tiled by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action un0er any present or future tederal,.state or ather .
<br /> , • � statute,law or��ulation relating to bankruptcy,insolvertcy or other re11e!for debtars;or there shap be appointed any trustee,
<br />, � ' �eceiver o�Ilquiaato�ot Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part ot the Property,c�ihe rents,issues or profits thereot,or Trustor
<br /> { � or Borrower shatl make any generat asstgnment for the benefit ot creditors; �
<br /> - • � � (e) The sale,hensfer.tease.assignment,ConveyanCe or further encumbrance oi all or any pan o1 or any lnterest in the
<br /> FtopeAy, either vbluntarlty or involunta�ity, without the express wtitten consent of Lender;provided that Trustot shall b9
<br /> ! pe►mitted to execute a tease of the Property tfiat does not contain an optfon to purchase artd t!�e te►m of which does not exceed
<br /> ,
<br /> orto year, ' •
<br /> tn Abandonment ot the Property;or ' si�
<br /> . " (q) If Trustor is not an i��ividuat,the issuance,sale.transter.assignment,cor.:eyance or encumbrance a�more than a total �
<br /> • �%�',
<br /> � of percent o1(it a corporat�on)its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnership)a total 01 percent ot � � :
<br /> • partnership inter�sts du�ing the perlod this Deed of Trust remains a lien on the Property. '
<br /> 12. R�rn�dM�:�cNKadon UpOn ONauN.ln the svent of any Event ot Detau�t Lender may,without notice eza9pt as�equired by • '
<br /> • • , law,dectare a[1 in4ebtedness sac�red hereby ta be due ead payabte artd the same ahall thereupon become due and payable
<br /> . ; without arry presentmenf.demar.�,protest or nottce ot arcy Scind.ThereaKer Lender may:
<br /> ; -. - (a) Oemand thai Trustee exercise the POWER CF-SALE granted herein, and Trustee shatl tnere�°�e�r cause Truater's- -�-� - -
<br /> • Interest In the Property to be s0(d and the proceads to be dlstribuied,all in ihe manner prov��ed in the Nebraska Trust Deeds
<br /> i Acx
<br /> . ! (b) Exerclse any and all rlghis prov�Qed tor ln any o1 the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of
<br /> ' Oelsulx end
<br /> (c) Commence an action to toreclose this Deed st Trust as a mongage,appoint�recniver,or specifice����enlorce any o1 the .
<br /> � covenants hereof. •
<br /> ' ' No remeQy heteln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of 2ny other remedy herein,in the
<br /> • Loan tnstruments ar E�y law provided ar permitted,but each shatl be cu�:vlative,shall be in ada�aan to every other remedy given
<br /> hereundet,in the loan tnstruments or now or hereaiter exiating at law cs:n equity or by statute,and may t,e exercised concurrently,
<br /> . � independent(y or successively. � ____ _
<br /> t3. TrusiN.The Trustee may resign at any tims witrtcut cause.and Lender may at any tir�ie and without cause appoin!a :
<br /> • successor ar substitute Trustee.Trustee shal!not be liable ta any party.��a�tuding withbut Iimitation lender,8orrowet.T�ustor or any �
<br /> purchaser otthe property,tot any loss or d�mage unless due to recktes;or wi1Hu1 misconduct and shatl not be required to take any
<br /> - actinn ln connection with the entorcemenf of this Deed o}Trust unfess indemnified, in wr�t;n�,tor all cosis,compensation or . . •�
<br /> - � ex�ibn�witiieir may be assac'rateci ttterewitn.in acfdition,Trusfee may became a porchaser a�a .ry sate ot ths�roperry{�udreiat ar ' • j�
<br /> � under fhe power of sate granted herein);postporte tha sale of all_or any portion o`.he PropEray,as prpvlded by law;ar sell the
<br /> Property as 8 wholo,or in 5eparate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> . � 14. iMr and Exp�n:��.tn the event Trustee selts the Properry by exercise o}power of sale.TrUStee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any sate praceeds first to payment o!a�l costs end expenses o1 exercising power ol&ate,ir►ctu6:��au Trustee's taes,and Lender's
<br /> , • and Truste9's attom�y's tees,actually incurred to extent permitted by applisable taw.ln the�event Barrower ar Tiustor exercises any
<br /> ' rtght providep by law to cure an Event of Oetault.Lender shall be entitted to recover trom trustor ap costs and e�penses actual►y "t'�
<br /> lncurred as a result ot Tru9tor's detautt, including wiihout limitatlon all Trustee's artd attorney's tees,to the extent permitted by �
<br /> eppliCabte law. � �
<br /> i5. Futttt�Adit�nEei. Up�n iequest oi Bariowe�. Lender may.at its option,make add,fional�nd future advences ead re-
<br /> advartces ta Borrowar.Such gdw�trtces and readvances,with interes:there0n,Shall be secured by this Oeed ot Trust.At no time shall • �.
<br /> th�p�incipat amoum af th�lndebtetfness secured by this Oeed ot Trust,not including surr,s advanted to�rotect the security oi this
<br /> � Qaedo!TrusL exceed the original piincipal amount stated hereirs,ar S�—____—___.►viiicfiever is greaCor_ "
<br /> • ��
<br />