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<br /> . ` � • ,' ' . ` .
<br /> , � ��t:��o��: . " � � � � � 90---103�61 . . .. , .
<br /> ' . , t�).t1�KaW.Lender may.acoept as litnited a�re�ula0ions fissued 6y t6e Seuetary in the case of paymcnt defsults.ra�iare; .
<br /> immedFate pa'ment in fuU ot aii sum�aatired by thv 5aurity Insuument if:' �
<br /> " • � C1.Bottow�ec detauitt by faNn�ta p�y in fut!�ny ma�shIY MY�t re4ufnd hy thls Security Insiretmmt pr�os to o�an
<br /> , . � _ tbe due d�ete oi tse next�unt�ty P�l�t.g � � t _
<br /> � ` . (�Barawa detsuNs bY�a�nj.far spenad oi thirt�r slsys.to perfaim�ay atber obli�atioas,coacaiaed'u,this Savrity - . .
<br /> � i � . �. . . - '
<br /> r
<br /> ` A)S�le Wlliwt Ceeit ` `
<br /> - � � �lM��Lender�nil,if penaiued bY aPF�ir�Die 4w aad wit6 the prior app�oval ofthe Sac�y.requft�e � ' �
<br /> ' •� � , � �se+�i�pe�mat ie feU a�f aII d�t`�t seaQed b�►dns Seceity I�tntmmt� �
<br /> ' _ ; t�A�vr ppt of th�Property is a�eravbe traodared(dher ddn by deviu a desoqt)byc the Bam�+er,�md
<br /> . , .
<br /> .� . {�71�e Ptoperty is qat occupied by dre pat�er a Sr�dee a ms ar lipr pda�ey cr
<br /> ` � 1���� die but ln�or ber ctedit I�as �D00��•or the p�ser or -
<br /> � , °�Py �n3► rxK 6ea��p�ovad"m a000�d�ce�ri@t 8�e zequiremmts�tAe Sec�y. .
<br /> `_- '..�.F'_-. -- __ ___i�)��y�# ' � - ` ' . ' -_ " _ _ ' _ ._
<br /> I.eu�er Yo reqnire i�m�dtue psyinetst iu fuYl,but Lsnder dues not '
<br /> : , .j � . ' n4q�e stkL P4yrments.Ltader doa not waive�ts ri�ts wit&respect to sabsequent events. . -
<br /> � j ���ot H�W�SierNar�.m m�ny�IrcumsEanas c+eguladons issued by the Searecary will limic i.eader's righta,in .
<br /> � �� � ' • require imrnediate p�ya�at in full and foreelose if not paid.Tl�is Securlty Inatrumerrt da�cs�- ` �
<br /> , 'not antLorixe acoekratioa or foreclaarrre if aot pctmitted by regnl:ttons of the Sxr�etuy. `
<br /> .. , . .
<br /> � �e�t. Bocmiac+�:�as s ri=flt to be reinst�ted if I.ender 6AS required immaliate ' . .
<br /> Bn�Qwer'a ffi[ure ta piAyr laoe a�unt due uader the Note or this Psyment rsse�G because;.t�E , . .
<br /> �lnstrumeat.'I'6is r�Bbt�p8�ies a ea a�:��orecios�;�
<br /> D�e!ediass are u►s,tiitaied.To.l`elAState the Secu�ity Iusttumeat,BO[m��shsll te0der i11 a tump�m a!1 a�ai��np4�'p��-�:: . � �
<br /> ''braf�Borrowe�s�unt curreat including,,to the a�tent they are a�tions ot Borrower undrr tHis Securiiy InsuumcaK , , , �
<br /> ( . .,.�:. ` foreclo`sure �:adil rasonable and customary attomesr's.fec�:�sxpenses Proi�eriY associatW witlf t�e foredosune: .
<br /> - ,::,:_..,�.._ _ ter . . ..
<br /> � ' ~-- �°•.. �o�edu�¢:Upis��instatemeat by Borrawer,Ws Saeur�ty S�suume�ta;:�Ebe obligations that it secures shali remain in effa:t as
<br /> �if in�(3er tnd not rcquired tnunediate papmeAt�n�ult.Horvever,LenBer ss not requind to pern�it ranstatemenc if:(�l,endu has '.
<br /> � , n
<br /> : �aoc�Ked reinstateaasnt after;t�it commenueme��of foroctosure prc+�t�,�.�ngs within twa yrtrs immedIately precedtng thc ��'''� '
<br /> �.'�`" � Coinlnt�fcxrt�ent QF-�stirreat fp�tosure gr�eding,(�r�instaume�,z�pru�e foretlosure on different
<br /> ! '`
<br /> futute.or(iL�raas�atecapn vv��adversely affect the priodty of the liea created by this Security lnstrument. ����in�e .
<br /> , t . .
<br /> � '�•��N��:Boe�d�a�oe s7�'LeMer Not�Waber. Extensioa of the pme of paymrnf or modiscatlo� of
<br /> ,.. i �martiz�tion of the aums secured by thiv Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any s�ccessor in interest of BorrAwer shall not
<br /> . f opetate to relase the Usbtlity of the ori�insl Bonqwer or Borrower's successor ja interest. L,ender sAall aot be required to • �
<br /> , eemmeuoe proeeedinya against any succeswr;n interest or refUse to extead time for payment or otherwise modify amoruution
<br /> ot the�uma apeured by t�is Savdty Insfrumsnt by reuon of any de�nand made by the original Bortuwer or BorroweT's � �
<br /> � • auocessoi�in interest.Any forbeuance by Lender in eaercising any rigAt or remedy shall not be a waiver oP or preclude the ' '
<br /> eatercise of any r1glit or remedy.
<br /> ' � �'� �::_:
<br /> j u•��d tidlu.��:lat�t�d Se�erd LlabiUtY:Co-3ipen.The covenant9 and agreements ot this Security �!' =.
<br /> Instrument ah�Il bind and benefit the succes.wrs and assigns of Lender and Bonower,subjxt to the provisions of paragapb 9.b. i . -
<br /> ' � �OR°xa�8 covenanb and atraments shall be jaint and several.Any Borrowtr who co-signs this Securlty Instrument but dpes --
<br /> � not execute the Note:(s)is co-sl�nin�this Security Instcument onty to mortgage,8rant and canvey that Borrower's interest in � '
<br /> the PropMy under the terms oP this Secudty Inswmer�t;(b)is not personally obligAkd to pay the sums secured by this Security
<br /> � I������h�. thai Lender and any other Barrower may agree to extend. modify. forbear or make any ' �
<br /> , ( egsud to tht term of thIs Security lnstrument or the Note without that Bonower's consent. !`
<br /> + 13•iVMkea.Anyttotia tfl Borrower prov�ded for in this Security lnsirument shall be�ven bq delivering lt or by mafling it by
<br /> �� �a�����aPD>i�aisie law requires use of anothes method.The notice shatl be directed to the Property Address or any ,
<br /> otGea address Sorrawer desl�aates by notice to Lender.Any noticc to Lender ahall be givtn by first class mail to Lender's address � �
<br /> � state�Citrein or any atAdres�Lepder dai�nates by aot�ce to Borrower.Any notice provlded for in this Security lnstrument shall �
<br /> � be doeated to hsve.ban given ta Borrower or Lender when given as pravided in this paragraph.
<br /> j �•C°���I.x�r:&►ernbg(h�.Thls SeCUrlty/nstrument shall be govrrned by Fcderal law and thc 1aw oP the jurisdiction in
<br /> � whlch the Praperty is tocated.IIc�the event that any provlsion ot ctause of this Security Iiutrument or the Notc conffi�ts with ap-
<br /> �� � �lica6k Isw;such conNet shr.fi���oi aftcct other Drovislons of this Security lnstrummi or the Note which can be given effect
<br /> witho�t t6e conflicting prov:s�a�s, To thls end the pravis{ons of this Security Instrument and the Noie are declared to be
<br /> ,�� severAble. ;i�:
<br /> ;._.
<br /> i ;,�-
<br /> ` lS•�orrua�r'r Ca�y.Bonower ahaU be givrn ane conformed copy of this Security Instrument. �
<br /> . ;
<br /> � 1i.A�tp�t o!ReUs.Borrower unconditlonaUy assigns and transfers to Lender aU the renta and revenaes of the Property.
<br /> ' ' • Honower�uthorizes Lender or Leader's agents to collert ehe rents and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of the Proyerty _.
<br /> : � ta psy the renta to Lender ur LenQst'a agents.However,prior to Lender's notice to Borrowei of Borrowei's breach o!any cove-
<br /> ; nant or aacement in the Security Instrument�Sorrower shall coltect and rece3ve all rents and revenues of tht Property as trustee
<br /> [or the benefit of LenQer and Borrower.This assignment of rcnts constitutes an absolute assignment and rtot an essignment Por
<br /> f additional aecurity aNy.
<br /> � It Lender gives notise of breach tv Borrower:(a)all rents received by Borrower sh�tl be hetd by�orrower av trustee for btnefit
<br /> � otL�der onty,to be apDlied to the aums secured by the Security lnstru�ent:(b)Lender shall be entiticd to collect and recclve all
<br /> � oY the reatb oP the Propeny;end(c)each tenant of tha Ptoperty ahall pay all rents due and unpaid to Leader or Lender's agent
<br /> � on Ltndet's written demand to the tenant.
<br /> � Borrawer haa noi executeA any prior assignment of the re�is aad has not and will not perform any act that would prevent
<br /> •� Lender from exercisir�g its righu under this pazagtaph fb.
<br /> ; LenQa ahall no�s F�required to enter upon.take contro!oF or maintain the.7ro�erty�efore or af.^e;.giving notice of breach to
<br /> �� Bonowtt.Howev�,i,ender or a judicialiy a;.�ointed receiv�yr may do so aa any tir.�:rhere is a br�:.�iny appl�cation af rents ' - --
<br /> � shatl not cure ot waive any defautC or i:�!v�;�C��y ather right or remedy of Lcmder.'fhis asslgr�r..�t of rents of a';e Property '
<br /> � aha2!terminate when the debt se.�;zed by t::e Serurity IrsTr��:,-nent is paid in full.
<br /> ' • . �
<br /> . . . . ; �
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