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<br /> . . UMFOR1�t�CovEt�r�t�r5: Borra�verusd Leuda aavt�ant and agra as folimws: ' '
<br /> � , 1. Pa�seat dPrLkiM!aMi.Lte�e�preNraeat a�Late(�argea: Borrmwu shall promPUY PaY whea due -
<br /> � • tb+e principal ofand intuest on the debt evidzrace�bgr the Note aad any prepaym�nt artd laie chaTges due under the Not� � �
<br /> Z. Fi�s for�'ua s�d taarnaea S`nbject to applica6le Iav�r ar to a written waiver by I.ender,Bo:rowushall pay �
<br /> � � ca Leoder vn tHe day monthty paymeats�re due under the Note,unti!th�Kote is paid in futl,a sum("Funds")oqua!to
<br /> � _ �dlt� oi{a}yarJy taxes aisd as�att3 which msy attain priority over this Security Luttument; (bp Yeart� . �
<br /> t�o��ymtats or grouad r�ents vn tht Propaty.`J any; tc)yearly hatard insurancc �iremiums; and {d) yaarly �
<br /> ' � � .. - �o�tPD��p�a�ns.if any.Thest items are callec�"escrow items.°Lender may esrimate the Fuads due on the �
<br /> �' .
<br /> � . b�ofc�urentdatsuidreasonabkesqmatesoffuteueescFowite�ns. � �
<br /> � , 'I'hc Funds shwII be hdd in an iuistitution the deposits or accaunts of which are insured or gnarantad by a federal or � � � �
<br /> . ; , state a�nc3►(iectudi�ra Laxkr if I.enckr ia�ueh�a institution).Lender shall apgly the Funds to pay th�escrow iiems. �
<br /> . - I.aider may not ebar�e t�I�otdin�and applying tl�a Fands.aaalyting the account or verifying the escrow iums,unkss - .
<br /> � . `�P�l�Bort+a�ver intenst on the Fuads and apptscsbk law pesi�iiu Lender to make sach a charge. Borrowet and � �
<br /> � � I.mder may aar+ee ia,�vritin�ttist interest sh�ll be paid on the Fuads. Unless an agcement is made or applicahle Eaw �
<br /> requL'es interest to be paid,I.ender sLa]I noi 6e reqnired to pay Borroaes�ny interest or earnings on the Fands.I.ender �
<br /> . slitlf ai�rc to Borrower,without chargq an annvai acxounting of the Funds sh�wing credits and debits to the Fnnds and the
<br /> par}�ose for�rhich c�ch debit to�he Funds was made.Tl�e Fundt arc pledged as additia�ai security faF the sums secarad by � �
<br /> � tliis Sec�urity InstrumenL � ' � .
<br /> ` If the amount oP the Funds hdd by L,euder,togdher with the future moatbly p�aya�ents of Funds payable prios to '
<br /> , the due dates of the ascrow items,sbalt excead the amount required to pay the escro�v ie�whcn du�the eacess sJ�all be. .
<br /> :a,il�.�orro�ver's optiar�eitl�es promptiy npaid to Barrower or efeditod to Horrower on manthly payments of Funds.If the " ` .
<br /> , . l:�+oou�t of We Funds held by Lender is not sa�ciet�t to p2►y the escrow items when due,Borrower shaU pay to Lendar any � � • �
<br /> , , a�tiount neoa�sary to make ap the de�cy in one ar more paymrnts as required by.Len�.*er. �
<br /> � Up�qm►paymmt in full of aJl s�securod bg this Socurity Insiruraent,Lender shall promptiy sefund tQ Borlower ,.
<br /> - _ • any Fnnds beld by I,euder.If under paragraph,l9 the Property is soJd or acquired by Lendcr,Lerider shaU apply,ao later _
<br /> . : ,��n immedixtely prior�tbe salr of the Properay or its acquisition by L�r;any Funds�etd by I.ender at the time of �
<br /> ,� � , a,p�licution as a credit against the sums sociired[�y�is Security Instrument �
<br /> ; ' . 3. A�(ikattoe of Paymeats." Untess a�glicabte taw provides otherwise,all payments seceived by Lender under • �
<br /> � puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:.:`�,to tatt cftarges dµe under the Note;second,to�repayment charges due under the
<br /> . �. :11otG third,,to amouats payabk aa�s�,g���2-fourth.to interesE due;and last,to principat due. �
<br /> ,; � . ' �• (�r�i.ta� Botro�eF�f'-p���rf tazes,atsessments,charges.fines and impositions attributable to tha �
<br /> , �operty which,may aitain priority,Qti-cr tbis S�urity Instrument, and teasehold payments or groand rents. if any. � . � �
<br />� � � Horrowet sbaU pay Ehese obligatians is��he manaer providn:i in paragraph 2,or if not p2�id in that manner,Ho�rower shall � ��_'
<br /> � pay them on time diroctly to the pers:��owed paymen�Borrow�shall promptty furn�s.h to Lender a11 notices of�mounts . '
<br /> • W be�psid'under this psragrap�s.If Be.�rower malces these payrerients directiy,Borroaver shall promptty furnish to Lender
<br /> ' receipts evidencing the payinents. ,
<br /> � Borrower shall promptly diseharge any Iicn which has priority over this Secprity Instrument unless�orrower:(a) ��`.`
<br /> d agrees in writing to the payaeent af the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepiable to Lender,(b)contests in good .
<br /> � faith the lien by,or defends against eafa.cement of the lien is�,Iegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to ;:� ,��
<br /> • ptevent the rnforcement of ihe lien�a��rfeitute of any part at the Property;ot(c)secures from the holder of the litn an ' -
<br /> agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.IP Lender determines thut any part of .
<br /> � ; ihe Property is sub�ect to�tien which may attairc prioriry over this Securiry Instrument,I,ender may give Sorrower a „-�=''
<br /> , notice idtntifying the lien.Borrower s'�,al1 satisfy s&e lien or take one or more of the actians ret forth abave within 10 days , .;`�
<br /> � , � . . ofthe�vingafnotice. � ;,
<br /> ; . S. ��x;ard Iaanare. Borr�a+er shall keep the ira�pravements now existing or hereafter erectod oa tEc��roperty ��
<br /> insurod against loss by fi��,hazards included within the term'•extended cove�ge"and any other ha�ar�s for which Lender ,
<br /> �. j . 'ceyuires inswance. This�snrance shall be maintained in the amounts am�for the periods that F:ender requires. The .
<br /> i ensuranee cc�rrrirer pmviding the insurance shall be chosen by Bonower subject to Lender's approval which shall rsot be ��`
<br /> ` unreason�bty withheld. �
<br /> All insurance policies and reaxewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall6�c��;:de a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> . Lrnder.shall have the right to hotd eL*�policies and renewals.IP Lender requires.BorroR�er shall promptly gi++e to Lender �
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.In the event of lass,Borrower ahaU give promFt a4eice to the insurance �
<br /> • carrier and Lender.I.ender may make proof of toss if n�t made promptty by Borrower. •�:�'
<br /> Unless Lender and$orrowe;r otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds sha13 be applied to restoratiaz nr repair
<br /> � ` ' oP thr Property damaged,if the res�es^ation or repair is economically feasible and Len�s security is not lesse�rai.If the �
<br /> � . restoration or ropair is ccci acanomically feasible or Lender's socurity wouF�be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall 6e �
<br /> : aDpliod to the sums securad by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.with any excess�aid to Borrower. If
<br /> � , Bomawer abandons the Ptoperty,or does not answer within 30 days a ncstir_e from Lender that the"s:�surance camer has �
<br /> oRered to setttt a claim�then Lender nsay coflect the insurance proceeds.l.ender t�iay u�e she proceeds to repair or resfoie- - �-� -- �� �
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured'by this Secwity Instrument.whtther or not then�ve.The 3Q•day period wil!begin
<br /> . ! when the notice is given. � � . .
<br /> � Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agtee in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shalt not extend or " �
<br /> T ; pttatpane the due date oPthe nnanthly payments referrod to in paragraphs 1 artd 2 or change the amount of the payments,if
<br /> . j .nnder peragtaph 19 the Property is acquirod by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and pror.eeds resulting
<br /> ; from dunage to tht Property prior to tho acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> ' ! lastrumentimmediateJypriortotheacquisition.
<br /> ; 6 Preserratioe�nd Mdetenaece ot Praper�r;I.e�sebold�. Borrowcr shal!not destroy,damage or suhstantially
<br /> change the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If this 5ecurity lnstrur�ent is on a teaschold.
<br /> �onowe�shall comply with thr Qrovisions of the lease,and if Borrower acquires Fee dite to the Property,the leasehold and :---
<br /> ' fee titte shallnoi merge unless l,ender agrees to the merger in writing. . •
<br /> � 7. Protectian o! Lender'a Rights in the I�roperty; Martgage lnsur9nce. lf Bortower fails ta perform the .
<br /> _ c�venant4and agramettts coniaine�is�Ehis SeE�ei!}�tass;teetse�t.ar tFtcrr is a Icga�presccedistg th�i rttay si��ii(i��atrtiy a(rcz-f � .
<br /> ' Lender's dghts.,in the Property(such as a.proceeding in bankruptcy,probate..for cottdemnation or to enf�rce'iaws�r ' f
<br />_ regulations)�then Lender may do and pay for whntever is necessary to protect the valae of the Property and Lender's rights
<br /> . � - in the Propeny. Lendrr's aCtions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this 5ecurity .�
<br /> �nstrument,appearing in cuurt,payiag reason�ble uttorneys fees and entering an the Property to.make repairs.Although
<br /> � � Lertdec may take action under this paragraph 7.Lendcr does not have to do sn. �
<br /> Any amounts dnbutsed by Lender under this parag�aph 7 shalt 6ecome additlonbj debf of 8nrrower secureti by this �
<br /> . , Security Instrument.Unless�onowei and Lender agree to othertetms of payment,thcse smc�unts shall bea'r intercit from - �"
<br /> . . ,the date of disbnrsement 8t the Note rute and sha]1 be payable. �;i!!r interest; Uj1E1R DO11CC �fEsitl LPiIt�eE t(i II(itfoKCi ' �
<br /> , . nquestingpaytnent. • . .
<br /> s°
<br /> . . . � v
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