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1 <br />40.0' A.; - -r <br />' I <br />I <br />Y 4p7 I I <br />c� <br />I <br />I t <br />I i <br />I � <br />I <br />i <br />I � <br />i <br />I � <br />I i <br />I <br />z <br />ocl I <br />max, <br />Ixl <br />ga I <br />vi. I <br />yI /�• <br />N.F. CORNER SEI /4 <br />SECTION I- TIIN -RIIB <br />FOUND I" IRON PIN <br />1 <br />200106012 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract or land comprising all of the Southeast Quarter (SEI /4) of Section One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Fl—cu 111) west of the 6th P.m.. !fall <br />County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4): thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SEI /4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Three and Six Tenths (2,633.60) feet to the southwest corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter SEI /4); thence deflectinE right 89'37'43" and running northerly. along and upon the west line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance <br />Q of Two Thousand Six Hundred Forty Six and Sixty Nine Hundredths (2.646.89) feet to the uorthwesl corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEl /4): thence <br />deflecting 90'16'06" and running easterly, along and upon the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4), a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred <br />Thirty Six and Seventy Four Hundredths (2.636.74) feet to the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (SEI /4); thence deflecting right 89.45'49" <br />and running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast Quarter 4SEl /4). a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and Twenty Eight <br />x Hundredths (L65O.28) feet to the point of beginning and containing 180.209 sues, more or less. <br />r <br />x <br />SU'RVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE. <br />oI hereby certify that to the best or my knowledge and belief, the ac.:ompanying plat is from an accurate survey of the described properly made under my <br />r 'z supervision. <br />C <br />ci <br />'" Lee D. wag0er. Registered land ve- No. 55 Lug <br />��. WAOr_ <br />- -40.0' A. <br />< S.E. CORNER SEI /4 <br />_ SECTION I- TIIN -RIIN <br />FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE <br />TRACT N0. 4B <br />ALL OF THE SEI /4 +'* <br />SECTION 1— TIIN —R11K <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBR <br />LAND SURVEY BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATESENGINEERS & SURVEYOP. 0. BOX 339 - PHONE 382 -8455 - AREA <br />