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the property. The Grantee or any subsequent transferee, shall have no claim on account of any <br />such interference against the United States or any officer, agent, employee or contractor thereof. <br />b. Preservation Covenant for Archeological Site <br />Archeological Site 25HL42 (hereinafter referred to as the site) located on the property and <br />is hereby conveyed subject to the following conditions, restrictions and limitations hereinafter set <br />forth: <br />1. The Site shall be maintained and preserved in accordance with the Secretary of the <br />Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Documentation (48 FR 44734 - 44737) <br />Preservation and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's publication entitled <br />"Treatment of Archeological Properties ", in order to preserve and enhance those qualities that <br />make the property eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. <br />2. The Site can be used for agricultural or agriculturally related activities provided <br />that no disturbance of the ground surface or any other similar activity shall be permitted, <br />which would alter the historic integrity or the archeological value of the Site, without prior <br />written permission of the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) signed by a fully <br />authorized representative thereof. Should the SHPO require, as a condition of granting <br />permission, that the Grantee conduct archeological data recovery operations or other activities <br />designed to mitigate the adverse effect of the proposed activity on 25HL42, the Grantee shall <br />conduct such activities at his own expense. Also, the Grantee shall conduct such activities in <br />accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeological <br />Documentation (48 FR 44734 - 44737), and the Nebraska State Archeologist's guidelines and <br />permit processes (as applicable), and such other standards and guidelines as the SHPO may <br />specify, including but not limited to standards and guidelines for research design, field work, <br />analysis, preparation and dissemination of reports, disposition of artifacts and other materials, <br />consultation with Native American or other organizations as required, and reinterment of human <br />remains, if recovered. <br />3. The above restrictions are binding on the Grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns <br />in perpetuity; however, the SHPO may, for good cause, modify or cancel any of the foregoing <br />restrictions upon written application of the Grantee, his successors or assigns. <br />4. The SHPO shall be permitted access, at all reasonable times, to inspect the Site in <br />order to ascertain if the above conditions are being observed. <br />5. In the event of a violation of this covenant by the Grantee, and in addition to any <br />remedy now or hereafter provided by law, the SHPO may, following reasonable notice to the <br />State of Nebraska, notify the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation of said violations. <br />6. If the Grantee, his successors or assigns, conducts and completes a study of the Site <br />25HL42 and retrieves archeological resources and delivers them to the SHPO, all under the <br />0 <br />
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