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10/13/2011 6:17:05 PM
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10/20/2005 9:08:27 PM
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200006391 <br />b. Any zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations governing the subject property or <br />regulations of other regulatory authorities having jurisdiction. <br />c. Matters which would be disclosed by a careful physical inspection of the property or <br />the property records and by a properly conducted survey of the property. <br />d. Any survey discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines, or any <br />encroachments, or protrusions, or any overlapping of improvements which may affect the <br />property. <br />e. All existing interest(s) reserved to or outstanding in third parties in and to coal, oil, gas, <br />and/or minerals. <br />f. All other existing interests reserved by any original grantor(s) in chain of title unto said <br />grantor(s), their respective successors and assigns, which affects any portion of the property <br />interest(s) hereinabove described. <br />g. All other existing Army outgrants, (including Easement No. DA25- 066 -ENG -11968 <br />granted to Consumers Public Power District , for a powerline right -of -way 20 feet in width, <br />running north and south, over and across the eastern edge of the parcel), and Installation <br />Commander agreements, whether of record or not. <br />h. Easements for county roads over and across the south 50 feet, the east 50 to 60 feet and <br />the north 33 feet of the Property. Also, subject to an easement for a drainage ditch, 87 feet in <br />width, running north and south, generally in the center of the property. The locations and extent <br />of these easements are indicated on the attached Exhibit "A ". <br />VI. MISCELLANEOUS GRANTEE COVENANTS <br />Grantee covenants for itself, and its successors or assigns, and every successor in interest <br />in the Property, to abide with each of the agreements and covenants running with the land <br />described in Section IV and subparagraphs a and b of this Section VI which follow in this <br />Quitclaim Deed. In addition, Grantor shall be deemed a beneficiary of each of the agreements <br />and covenants described in Section IV and subparagraphs a and b of this Section VI which <br />follow, without regard to whether it remains the owner of any land or interest therein in the <br />locality of the Property hereby conveyed and shall have a right to enforce each of the agreements <br />and covenants described in Section IV and subparagraphs a and b of this Section VI which <br />follow, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantor shall <br />have no affirmative duty to any successor in title to this conveyance to enforce any of the <br />following agreements and covenants. Notwithstanding the foregoing, except for lessees of <br />Grantee, Grantee shall have no affirmative duty to assure performance by its successors and <br />assigns or otherwise enforce any of the agreements and convenants of this Quitclaim Deed <br />against its successors or assigns. <br />a. Except as otherwise stated in this Quitclaim Deed, it is understood and agreed by <br />Grantee, for itself and its successors and assigns, that (1) the Property is conveyed "as is" and <br />"where is" without any representation or warranty on the part of Grantor to make any <br />rd <br />
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