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200106010 <br />CORNER NW1 /4 <br />'ION 1- Tl1N -RIIW <br />tD BRASS CAP <br />SPH. PAVEMENT , <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) and a part of the Northwest Quarter (NWt /4) of Section One (1), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Eleven (ll) West of the 8th P.N., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4); thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SWI /4), a <br />distance of One Thousand Four hundred Thirty Eight and Fifty Nine Hundredths (1,488.59) feet; thence deflecting right 69.51'50" and running northerly, a distance <br />of Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Six and Ninety Three Hundredths (2.366.93) feel to a point of curvature: thence running northeasterly, along and upon the <br />arc of curve to the right hose radius is 363.82 feet, the initial tangent of said cure coinciding with the previously described course, a distance of Four Hundred <br />Thirty Four and Twenty Three Hundredths (434.23) feet (long chord distance = 408.91' -- long chord deflecting right 34'11'30" from the previously described <br />course) to a point; thence deflecting right 17'44'44" from the chord of the previously described curve and running northeasterly, a distance of One Hundred <br />Fortv Five and Fifteen Hundredths (145.15) feet; thence deflecting right 07'14'29" and running northeasterly, a distance of Two Hundred. Fifty Two and Fifty Five <br />fundredths (252.55) feet; thence deflecting left 68'10'58" and running northerly, a distance of Two Hundred Eighty Six and Twenty Nine Hundredths (286.29) feet; <br />thence deflecting right 81'08'26" and running northeasterly. a distance of One Hundred Fourteen and Fifty Eight Hundredths (114.58) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 33.03'49" and running easterly, a distance of Two hundred Sixty Nine and Seventy Eight Hundredths (269.78) feel; thence deflecting left 06'37'50" and <br />running northeasterly, a distance of Two Hundred Ten and Seventy One Hundredths (210.71) feet; thence deflecting right 39'32'33" and running southeasterly, <br />a distance of Two Hundred Fifteen and Fifty Six Hundredths (215.56) feel; thence deflecting left 35'33'33" and running easterly, a distance of One Hundred <br />Fifty Four and Twenty Eight Hundredths (154.28) feet to a point on the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4); thence deflecting right 97'12'38" and <br />running southerly. along and upon the east line of said Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) and along and upon the east line of said Southwest Quarter (SWl /4), a distance <br />of Three Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Three and Thirty Four Hundredths (3,263.34) feet to the point of beginning and containing 101.186 acres, more or less. <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />1 hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the accompanying plat is from an accurate survey of the described properly made under my supervision. <br />AVENUE <br />SW 1/4 <br />ilN -R11W <br />IRON PIPE <br />QD <br />n'k <br />2` ,ci3rEa� v <br />Lee D. Wagner, Registered lend Sury 557 W15667O <br />TRACT N0. 4A <br />PART OF THE SWl /4 AND PART OF THE NWI /4 oCAAP4A <br />SECTION I- TIIN -RIItf co9 - 0e -2000 <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />n P.J.G. <br />LAND SURVEY <br />BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />ENGINEERS R SURVEYORS <br />P. o. sox 339 - PHONE 3a2 -8465 - AREA CODE Sae <br />GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA AAA02 -0`19Q <br />s � �L° it mwm <br />
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