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6q <br />fir? <br />t <br />N <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2 0 010 6 0 0 8 <br />A tract of land comprising • part of the Northwest Quarter (NWI /4) of Section One (t). Townsbip Eleven (11) North. Range Eleven (11) West of the 8th P.Y., Hall County, <br />Nebuska, end more particularly described a fotlowa: <br />Baginning at a Point on the Una of uid Northwest Quarter (NWl /4), said point being Seven Hundred Twenty Five and Sixty Nine Hundredths (7 feet <br />aortb of the southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW I /4); thence running northerly, along and upon the weal line of uid North wed Quarter (NWI /{). ■ <br />distance of Light tlundred Eighty Four and Forty Nine Hundredths (884.49) feel; thence deflecting right 90.18'41" and running easterly, a distance of One Thousand <br />Fifty 'Hu and Seven Hundredth• than..07) feet; thence deflecting right 89.00'44" and running southerly, a distance of Seven Hundred Eighty Four and Eighty <br />Four Hundredths (784.81) feet: thence deflecting left 88.37'38 and running •eater!))•, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Seven and Two <br />Tenths (1,577.20) feel to • point on the east line of said Northwest Quarier (NWI /;); thence deflecting right 89'24'24" and running southerly, along and <br />upon the cut line of said Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4), a distance of Two Hundred Two and Fifty T ti Hundredths (202.52) feet to a point which o Three <br />Thousend Two Hundred Sixty Three and Thirty Four Hundredths (3.283.34) feet north of the soulhesel corner of the Southwest Quarter ($Wl /4) of said Section <br />One (1)• tbenca deflecting right 82.47'24" and running westerly, a distance of One Hundred Filly Four and Twenty Eight Hundredths (154.28) feet; thence deflecting <br />right 35.33'33' and running northwesterly. a distance of Two Hundred Fifteen and Fifty Sit flu ndredlhs (215.58) feet; thence deflecting left 39.32'33" and <br />running southwesterly, • distance of Two Hundred Ten and Seventy One Hundredths (210.71) feel; thence deflecting right 08'37'50" and running westerly, a distance <br />of Two Hundred Sixty Nine •ad Seventyy Eight Nundredtha (289.78) feet; thence deflecting lelt 33.03' ;D" and running southwesterly. ■ distance of One Hundred <br />Fourteen and Flft Eight Hundredth• (11{.58) feel; thence deflectng left 81.08'28' and running southerly, • dialance of Twn Hundred F.ig hly Six and Twenty <br />Nine Hundredths (288.29) (eel; thence deflectin; right 88.10'5X" and running 30uIhweaterly, a dialance of Two Hundred Ftfty two and Fifty Five Hundredths <br />(252.55) feet; thence deflecting right 31•IBb7 and running westerly, a distance of One Hundred Thirty and Seventeen Hundredths (130.17) feet: thence <br />deflecting right 45.42'32" and running north w<alerly, a distance f Sixty and One Hundredths (80.01) feet; thence drflrrUng right 00.3340" and <br />running northwesterly, • distance of Two Hundred Forty Sfz and Fourteen Hundredths (248.14) feet; thence deflecting left IB•2'L 24" and running <br />northwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty One and Thirty Five Hundredths (151.35) feel: thence deflecting left 18.4T1T and running northwesterly, <br />■ distance of One Hundred Fourteen and Ninety 'three Hundredth. (114.93) feet: thence deflecting left 20.23'18" and nnnnwg +cannily, a distance of <br />Two Hundred Seventeen and Four Tenths (217.;0) feet; thence deflecting right 100.03'45" and ru n ning nor!hrrl10 • dialance of Two Hundred Sixty Five <br />and Forty Two Hundredths (285.42) feet; thence deflecting le fl tl9"33'30" noel running weal• rly, a distance of Seven Hundred Sixty Five and 'twenty Four <br />Hundredths (785.24) feet to the point of beginning end - onlainii,g 36.091 acres, more or less. <br />SURVEYOR's CERTIFICATE <br />I hereby cerU(y that to the beat of my knowledge and belief, the accompanying plat is from an accurate survey of the described properly made under my supervision. <br />� n <br />i <br />m <br />N <br />S.E. CORNER SW1 /4 <br />SECTION 1- TIIN -RIIW <br />FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE <br />f <br />Lee D. Wag Registered land Sumjl,7 �NO. 55 <br />EXHIBIT "All ATTACHED TO AND NADE <br />A PART OF QUITCLAIM DEED <br />PART OF THE NH'I /4 CW38 <br />SECTION 1 -TIIN -RIIW 108- 11-2000 <br />HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA <br />P.LG. <br />LAND SURVEY <br />I BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />TRACT NQ. 3B ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS <br />- --- P. O. 60x 339 - PHONE 782 -8405 - AM CODE 306 <br />
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