<br />In consideration of the payment of all obligations under a
<br />Deed of Trust dated February 27, 1996, by and between MILAN E.
<br />TIMM, as Trusto.r, which Deed of Trust is recorded as Document No.
<br />96- 101430 in the Office of the Hall County, Nebraska Register of
<br />Deeds, and upon the request for reconveyance of the Beneficiary,
<br />BRUCE I. SMITH, Attorney -at -Law, Trustee, hereby releases said
<br />Deed of Trust on the following described real estate:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEkNW'k) of Section
<br />Twelve (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEaNWk); thence
<br />running Westerly along the Southerly line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEaNW'k), on
<br />an assumed bearing of N 89 °23'22" W, a distance of
<br />Ninety (90.0) feet, to the actual point of beginning;
<br />thence continuing Westerly along the last described
<br />course, a distance of One Thousand Sixty -Three and Six
<br />Hundredths (1,063.06) feet, thence running N 00 °00'00"
<br />E, a distance of One Hundred Fifteen (115.0) feet;
<br />thence running N 90 °00'00" E, a distance of Sixty
<br />(60.0) feet; thence running N 00 °00100" E, a distance
<br />of Nine Hundred Thirty -One (931.0) feet; thence running
<br />N 90 °00'00" E a distance of One Thousand Three
<br />(1,003.0) feet, to a point Ninety (90.0) feet West of
<br />the Easterly line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (SEhNW'h); thence running S 00 °00'00"
<br />W, a distance of One Thousand Fifty -Seven and Thirty -
<br />Three Hundredths (1,057.33) feet, to the actual point
<br />of beginning; excepting therefrom a tract of land
<br />comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (SEkNW'k) of Section Twelve (12),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE4NW'k); thence
<br />running Westerly along the Southerly line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEkNWk), on
<br />an assumed bearing of N 89 °23122" W, a distance of
<br />Ninety (90.0) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning;
<br />thence continuing Westerly along the last described
<br />course, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety -Two and
<br />Twenty -Eight Hundredths (492.28) feet; thence running N
<br />00 °00100" E, a distance of One Hundred Twenty -Two and
<br />Eight Hundredths (122.08) feet; thence running N
<br />90 °00'00 "E, a distance of One Hundred Twenty -Five
<br />(125.0) feet; thence running N 00 °00'00" E, a distance
<br />of Nine Hundred Thirty (930.0) feet; thence running N
<br />90 °00'00" E, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty -Seven
<br />and Twenty -Five Hundredths (367.25) feet, to a point
<br />Ninety (90.0) feet West of the Easterly line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEkNW4);
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<br />In consideration of the payment of all obligations under a
<br />Deed of Trust dated February 27, 1996, by and between MILAN E.
<br />TIMM, as Trusto.r, which Deed of Trust is recorded as Document No.
<br />96- 101430 in the Office of the Hall County, Nebraska Register of
<br />Deeds, and upon the request for reconveyance of the Beneficiary,
<br />BRUCE I. SMITH, Attorney -at -Law, Trustee, hereby releases said
<br />Deed of Trust on the following described real estate:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEkNW'k) of Section
<br />Twelve (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEaNWk); thence
<br />running Westerly along the Southerly line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEaNW'k), on
<br />an assumed bearing of N 89 °23'22" W, a distance of
<br />Ninety (90.0) feet, to the actual point of beginning;
<br />thence continuing Westerly along the last described
<br />course, a distance of One Thousand Sixty -Three and Six
<br />Hundredths (1,063.06) feet, thence running N 00 °00'00"
<br />E, a distance of One Hundred Fifteen (115.0) feet;
<br />thence running N 90 °00'00" E, a distance of Sixty
<br />(60.0) feet; thence running N 00 °00100" E, a distance
<br />of Nine Hundred Thirty -One (931.0) feet; thence running
<br />N 90 °00'00" E a distance of One Thousand Three
<br />(1,003.0) feet, to a point Ninety (90.0) feet West of
<br />the Easterly line of said Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (SEhNW'h); thence running S 00 °00'00"
<br />W, a distance of One Thousand Fifty -Seven and Thirty -
<br />Three Hundredths (1,057.33) feet, to the actual point
<br />of beginning; excepting therefrom a tract of land
<br />comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (SEkNW'k) of Section Twelve (12),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southeast
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE4NW'k); thence
<br />running Westerly along the Southerly line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEkNWk), on
<br />an assumed bearing of N 89 °23122" W, a distance of
<br />Ninety (90.0) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning;
<br />thence continuing Westerly along the last described
<br />course, a distance of Four Hundred Ninety -Two and
<br />Twenty -Eight Hundredths (492.28) feet; thence running N
<br />00 °00100" E, a distance of One Hundred Twenty -Two and
<br />Eight Hundredths (122.08) feet; thence running N
<br />90 °00'00 "E, a distance of One Hundred Twenty -Five
<br />(125.0) feet; thence running N 00 °00'00" E, a distance
<br />of Nine Hundred Thirty (930.0) feet; thence running N
<br />90 °00'00" E, a distance of Three Hundred Sixty -Seven
<br />and Twenty -Five Hundredths (367.25) feet, to a point
<br />Ninety (90.0) feet West of the Easterly line of said
<br />Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEkNW4);
<br />