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<br /> `.KrIOW A�.I. I�4I+I�BY T�E.PRF.SFNIS, ttiat �,=FFDF�TtAI. SAVIETGS H�4NK. ("Assignc:r") far . . . . �
<br /> �-�' � g�od�end ��uable consid�atsora t� it in nar�a pa�oy c[� PRIi�CiPAL E� � . .
<br /> � �`;` - G�0!!�A� - - , oL'gacti�ed tmder i� I.�ws 4£ "uie tate a I� . � .� :, � - = ----� ,
<br /> . . ` ` � ,�!ss�` , rece pt o which caansideratiori is hereby �cirno��.edg #�► .. . .
<br /> " . �tYs�isfex,�and set aver �nto Assfgnee aIl �i.ts rights, title aind inteuest�� �ac�d to tlbtss ! �
<br /> ' . .certain.Deed of 1�ust executed.by � sou�u��rsnvt>x�.� �'lttt ` �
<br /> _ __ F- � � unto Ass ' �
<br /> .. . .,]� 3.gt1�r� t !!a .25 : I990 � trot'tg�glr�g . o . - -
<br /> d ,rea paroperty �.ocsteil in the caa►ty o ` aaii ! State of Nebraska: `
<br /> . . � . . , , .
<br /> ` j Pllk2 0�'�Ld't TiiL�N'lY-019� �21), GF.�t SII$DYVISZON OP LOTS SIX (6)-,�SEV�N C 7) AFD EIGHT (8) �F. , �
<br /> _ : . C�E!'�'3 SITDDIVISI{flT, A PAAT OF THE A�lST OI�TE-AALF (81123 OF SECTIOtt��IAE t9I, TOAHS}IiP . .
<br /> ` ,�� EL�i1Bit" tlt} �O�tZH, BANGE I�7.IiB t9�, iiEST OF THE bTH P.H. IF AALL�COpNt�i, �NEBRASBA, AND 1�10RE _ �
<br /> . • } TiIEMTY-Ol1� �ZI} A�t� AUI�iD1Ii�C .ii�STEitLY�A DISTANCE OF SIIC'PY-SIX F�ET (66�;3;�_ .'TSENC� �iJNAIFG �, .
<br /> �-�` - . � � 1i01[THE�3.Y A DISTi1�iGB O$ OZ1E AQIiDRED�FORTY-Tf�1� POII�iT FOUA FEET 4142.4*It:�;'�.t3. THE SQOTN, LIriB,OF �
<br /> '•' .�,. � �' 20?H STItEgT; T�IfGE �I11G EASTE1tLY ALOAG�SAID LINE QF,20Tfi STREET A�_�3�STANCE OF SIX'r7t-SIX . .� •
<br /> � ' FEC� (66',?; ,THEliCE.xUliNIAG SODTH�RLY A DISTAACE OF• ONE HIIND�D �dRTY-�;�POII�T `FbUA FEET • ". ` ,
<br /> .. ;. ciaa�.4�) T4 TAE POINT QF BEGYNNI�G. . . . -
<br /> . anci filed �for record i� the offic� of the Register of ?3eeds c�f �� � xali < County, �
<br /> � � Nebraslca, on the 2 5 day af Ma � , i9 9 Q and appear ng o reca in � �� :
<br /> . . � Book ��Q_, Page102927 Toget er wit t e Note s} an�indebtedness described �in arid � �� , ';
<br /> . � secur ��j+t�ie instrunent a�oresaid. � . _ ..r.. .:
<br /> j • ' `1'-'._;°_
<br /> y � '`Ii0 HAVE AND T�0 E£��A the same unto the said PAiNCiPAL M[)TUAL. LIFE INSIIttAAHCE CORPANY . � �., } �-•_
<br /> . � aIla L1I1C0 itS Sl1CC83SOr3 8 ass3gns a oresaa. . ` . —
<br /> � , _
<br /> i , -
<br /> ' ZHIS ASSIGN[�Nt �S MADE expressly subject to�and iai accordance with the warranti�s and _
<br /> ,, representations of l�ssignor with Ass�.gnee pursuant ta � certain Mortgage Loan Origination �.
<br /> Agreement l�tween Assignor �nd Assignee, a co�y.of which is on file in Ehe Offi.c.� of Assignee. .
<br /> � � :� �� 1�Ci�.AND DELYVEttEED �F�;is 3oth day of - May �, �1990 ." -
<br /> � . ' �(gFql,) � ' . � � OOI.UI�US FEDERAI. sAVINGS BANK , s�ssi or � �
<br /> � . � �
<br /> . . .i;�. ,
<br /> . ,, .
<br /> . ;i � By:
<br /> • � �.� . ....,.�
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<br /> . ; ,,� By: �'�e�.��� ���M�=,�
<br /> . i
<br /> ` � ' TTT4E: - seG=etary .
<br />. � STATE OF NEBRASKA �j ss �
<br /> Couat� of Platte ) �
<br /> -- =: c�v � � . . .
<br /> `�� ,,; , �"'� 11�i for oi�g�,instrumen�wa� ecknowledgec3. b�fare me this 30th day o� � Ms � �,.
<br /> . � �g�90�: by���.M. ergvson, ee dent � , of COLUMBUS FEDIItA�. � NGS BAN[C . ,
<br /> ry Ass�gaor, a Nebraska Corporat on or As�ociation, on a o t e Corpor�t on or
<br /> . , Assoc'�ta.ah. .. _--
<br /> . �-__
<br /> �' Wi ess my hard atxl lYotarial Seal �t my office in safd . Platte Cvu�nt�� � '
<br /> r at lt�nb�us., Nebraska , this 3, Oth. day of � rtav , 19 N �
<br /> �� , . .
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