. . . . � . . � �e`�r . � ' . . . . .. . . _ . _. . - _. .__._T _ __ . _-._. . ___ _ _ . .. ..
<br /> -_ ' �' -�- �- ' . � ." �( •_ . `"'_ . _ _ _ -.-_ � .� -_ �.. ' _ . ' _ ' , � . _. __ -. '` - . ' _-� ';�
<br /> . . � � . . . � - .� < � � . . � . . . . ' .
<br /> , . - - . . ..- . • , . . ..
<br /> -_.' __ ' ' T"�- .. T_=-!_-__-.-..__ -- _-. . -_ __--___ __. . .. _ , -z. . . -
<br /> < < _ ,� . i�331s ..
<br /> � . . � . � . 9Q— � . �
<br /> ` - L 1'+q�t s[hf�el�i,�*■/LiMe Ci�rR.HoRO�ra si�U WY N1�a due the priaaP�i of.and inta,est oe.ti�e Qebt
<br /> � evi3arad 1�t6e Nde and Lte cbae�a dae nn3a Ne Nou.' . . , .
<br /> � 2.1[�i1t rrT��t i�•���'i 01�er C�.Bo�oxa�ail include in ach montl�IY P�Y��.t�er with , �
<br /> ,--� - tht yrL�p�1 aod in�int as aet fatB 3o tLe�►tote and asy iue dw�es.an ioualloKat of�n�(y taus aad sDeQat�oi . ,
<br /> •--�a tQ be.lerkd a���l►•�ti�)1a�o�_P�T�"ts°r Q°°°d reAa on We Propaty,aad(�)Dr� -
<br /> � • i�a r«�ed br�+P�I• � � ' <
<br /> � �, � •. F,�d�aoatLt!�fQF fitam�s(aI.(b).and(c)s�e�wl a�e-tw�d8h of tbe ann�al�ac.as ca�soaably�imatsd M► _ . �
<br /> � E,�Ber,pti�s ae awaet�#t�ient to m�intaia an addi��onai.b�x of na fiore tt�m oae-sixib of tLe'aSmued�-Tbe .
<br /> � ' fi�atw�t a�o�at fa arle ivat sh�ll be ioa�muNmed bY��vithin s P���t one month befae an ite�n�raaW
<br /> - t : brooa�e d�t,I.�ader sLalt bold tbc�a�oimts coliected'm t�mt to pa�►itemi(a).@)aa�tt)before ti�►berome ddim4aeat. . ` ` .
<br /> If st ary tLe tbe tot�l af tbe psymants,heid 1rl►3�ader fa itans ta).(b),and(¢?.to�etha wnth the future montWY PR��
<br /> 1 -. i tbc a�cb it+es�Pi►Y+1�ie to I�der P�to tLe due d�oi wd�itac�,�bY�thm oae-siatL tlie esdmaced amo+mt of , . . ,
<br /> - : q�eats requ�red to A�l►��tams wrhen du�and if P��enu an the I�ata are cvrreat,thm I.ender:haU dtber�mfiwd tlfe
<br /> � era�s orer ooasi�h o€tbe�tsd P�ymeats�credit the saoess mer aae-si�h of the admated payments to su6scquent
<br /> i , era s ���.If the toW of the payenmta n�de bp Bcrrto�rer for item(a).(b),or(�)is
<br /> ;; . �if�Barowa,a the ap�an , .
<br /> to pytUe kem w!�d�e.the4 Bouowa sl�sri PaY to Leaddr aay amount na�uYtomake ap the dsficiency oaor • .
<br /> � � • � �'�;;.�.befoe��11e.�te tbe item beoomes due. � - .
<br /> ° �=A��.'�.m thi�3��xuitY Irstrument,"S�ccs�uY"�ns tAe Sccret�c9 0€I�Ionalna�tnd�Urb�n Ikvebpmeat or his or her .
<br /> ��,f , '"•dedp�ee,��Iast Securtcy Imtn+-�ents inwred NY t6e Seaetaq►are in�ar���10��b�4t�ire advaace WYarent oitbe �
<br /> : � �a�c:�i�ana pmmtum.If th�So�ur�tY Ia�t�me°=is ar was iastued.under a pro��m�rhieh did nat raluire advaixe
<br /> '• d!tUe ea�e�sortp�e i�a�a P�w°•tlKn acB moathly►p►7�ment shW ako indud�dther:(i�an msta0meat.oitbe ,
<br /> � � �''�tp�e�pcqaiu�a ta l�t D�i d b Y�.e n d e r w t L e 5 a:e t a r!►.o r("u�s mon t l�►c 1�a r�in�te�d of i mati�t� � '
<br /> 4 im�aooe•p[ani�a�ahis Sec�uitS►Ins�meat is hdd 6y the Secnts*Y.Each moatblS►ia�allnkat of tbe aart�e ins�ua�oe - — .
<br /> � , . pc�oiam s�ll be in si aownnt aafficknt to scxumuLte the fnll#��m�E���P��um wlth i.ender one naonth . ..
<br /> � prior W the date the faU�nnw11 inortp�t insurana P�emium is due to the Sec�etarY.or iPthis'SecuzitS►Iastcum�at is held by the
<br /> ;, ' Sax�;adi mod�!►cliar�e shalt be ffi aa'ataaunt�qud to oae-tMe,lfth of oae-hstlf P�cea►t of the ovtst�ndtn8 P�.. ,
<br /> bd�oedlie on the Note.
<br /> . i . . .�f•�ceto�rer tende[s w lsada tbe fnD payma,�,of aD stuns aavsed b Y t i s i s S e c u ritY I�s t r u m e n t,B o n o w e r's a c w u a t s b a A b e .
<br /> � � �.�r �ditid wdth the b�laace reaisinin8 for a��Am�ta for items (�). tb) and (c) aad aaY mort�8�1�svranx pre�ium ,
<br /> � � , �'�. mtip�t tLat Lsnder his not bcceme obtiEai�w psY to the SocretarY.and Leader shstll promptt]►ref�tnd aaY a�oess fuQds s� . �
<br /> ; . Ba�• ImmadLCdY 0�to s£areclosure aak af the Propaty or ib a�cquialtion by Lender.H��er's ac�a�ai sTiall be . -
<br /> , ; . cmd+'t�:wlth saY b�ace trm�for sU iattallmeets for items(s).(b)aad(c)• .
<br /> . .. 3.A�/1kMM��tls7�d.A1I'WYp►ents under Da*�yr+P1�a 1 and 2 shall 6e applied bY Leader as foltoMS: • � ;.,;
<br /> � �j$�.to the m�e Insuruice Pcemium a�be paid by I.euder to the 5eccetary or W the mont�lg ehuae by t6e SaTetsuy .F ,�
<br /> , . . , i�ad of tbe mo���noKE�te insuraace p�um.un k s s B o a a w e r t►s G 3 c 5 e e a t i r e m o rt E�6�i a s u,�a c e p r e e a I u m v r hea this , .:,
<br /> „ SeeurS�y Instrnment�vas si�ed: . . •.-:�;
<br /> . .to anY�a:sPa���°�1a�+et►o 1 d payments or grou.z d r t a t s.a n d f i r e.t l o o d a n d o t h e r h a z a z d i a s u r a nce .{ __,_
<br /> . ums.as tequired: ' �__�
<br /> �j$�,to Intarat tlue uader the Note: . ,
<br /> �O11R�H,w smpstit�tian o!the p�dpal af the Notc; �
<br /> � g��W tate char�s due under the Note. . ,
<br /> 4.�ire.�MM s�Olrer Ra���wrs�es.Bono�ra ahaU insure all improvements aa e�e Property.whether now ia e�istenoe . ,.
<br /> . or suMequrnttY uected.�tain�a�M'h�tzards.casualties,aad contlnjencies.includin�l�i e��[or whiah LeaQer requira insurance.
<br /> This iaturanae ah�11 be ma3nwtned in the amo�mts aad for the yeriods c�sat Lender?YQuires. Borrower shall also tasure aU
<br /> � � � improvemenu on cba k?roD�Y•whether now in sxistence or subse4ueady accted.apinst los+by floods to ahe exttent required by =—
<br /> , ithe SecrewY.All ica+araaoe sdall bt carried�vich cotapaaks apDroved b�v f..ee�der.Ttu insurance po�aes and any reae�►als ahaU
<br /> i be heid bY i,ende��ncl fha11 iact�de toss pay�bk ci�uses in favor of.anc�s":�a form acceptabk ta,Lender.
<br /> tn tlse eva�t ot lo�t,Horrower aha11 live Lenda imai�ia�e notke by mail.Lmder msy malce proof of loss if not made DromDt-
<br /> � � �y�yy��.g,�in��e cca�npany coekerned is hereby authorized uid dirocted to make payment for such bss directty to
<br /> Leader.iuited of ce,Borro�re*�nd to l.ender iointlY.�►11 or a�r part otth,�insurance proceeds msY ba�tDD�bY��*•at its . ,
<br /> ui
<br /> 1 � • option,either(a)ta the reduction ot the indebtedness under tAe Note acd thls SecufltY Iastr�mm�,first to any de nquea�`.
<br /> + aowuAu�pplied in the urder ia Para�caph 3.aad then to ptepayment a8�rinciFal.or(b)to the restnrattoa or repair of the
<br /> } . ���ed praperty,/�ny sppli�on of the procads tn the prindpal s6a11 not extea.d ar postpone tlie due date of the monthty .
<br /> IaA�* .�`"
<br /> , p�ynsenu whicb s,re nferred to iu Puaarapb 2.or cdtnte the amouat of such p�yments.Any exeess Insurance procaeds over an
<br /> � .. �awuat requtred to psy all outatandinj lndebtednas under the Note and thi�Security Inatrument sha116e paid to the endty le�+t- ;�.�.
<br /> ly entitle0 thereto.
<br /> ' ' Ia the event of foreclosure of this 5avrtty Instrument or other tra�sf� ot titk to the Prop�t3t that actinjui�hes the ia- ,
<br /> '' debtednes�.�11 rij6t,titk and izsterat ot BorroMer in and to imurance polick+in totce shall pu�ta the purchaser. . ,
<br /> ' S. �y�r��/ Mal�lww�ce ot Uie teoNeRy. I.eare�if�. 8ormwer shatl aot commit wuu dr destraY. d�mai8e or ,
<br /> wi
<br /> . . sub�taatiiU7r chaa�e the PwpertY oc Wow the Paoperty to deterionte,rwonabk wear arid tar ezcepted.Lrende�maY�D�� _ ..
<br /> � �. ��pr�y if tLe proyerty i�yacant or abaadoned or the Iwn i�iee daft�.It.Lender msy talce r�k�ction to ptotoct and
<br /> prex�ve wc�vaant or�band�eed Droperty.If thls Secudty Instrumeat is an a leisehold.Bonower��11 comply wit6 the provi-
<br /> ; eions o!the(aue.l!Horta+�et xquires foe tltk to tHr Proper/y.1ht tq3ehold and tee titk shaU not be mersed unIess Leader
<br /> . � s . �*eq to the merser in writint.
<br /> � i.Ci�tMr 1�Mterwa�IM�talttfM�of IRNer's Ri j�b M�tlie lt�eetl.�orro�va sha11�Y d1�avernmemaf or municipai
<br /> ° �har�es�tines�nd irroposhiCrns.th�t�r,e not inctudcd in Pirynpt�Z.Borrower shall RaY thae obli�ntions on time directty to the
<br />: � eetlty wrhkh u or�ed thG payment_.lt Paiture to DaY waWd adversely aitect Lendet's iaterest in the Property.upon Lender's rc-
<br /> quest 8otrowei aM]I�ro�aptly ituni�h«i unckr ceceiyts evldencinR these paYtnena• �
<br /> . � Ii Horrawer i�iLs to mvice�hese p�yments or the psyments requircd by Piraeraph 2.or fotLa ta periorm any other covenants and
<br /> a�eements contained ia this Secutitr instrument,or there is A tejal proceedinj tha�may el�aificandY afkct Lender's riahta in r__ ___
<br /> ��prppettr�ss�ch y�s�p�o�edin�1n banktuptcy.far condemnaliao ar to enforce laws or reguluions),thm Lender may do and ti
<br /> '. ' pfy what�ver i�necessuy to D�d��the vJ�tue ot the Ptoptrty atb Leadar's risMs in the Property.including nayment ot taaes. i ,
<br /> h�zatd inwt�nce md othec items mentiot�d in Pua�raDh 2• ,
<br /> ` � Aey atliount��isbursed bytender und�r triis Ymr�r�ph-�bmrme�s�ditlass���°F�MQ���`�F�h�`ehis _ _
<br /> 5ecurity Usttument.The�e unounts shd�Atu interest from the date ot disburatment.at tRe Note rate.and at the option o! a�
<br /> � 1,enQer�slual be imtncdiatdy due and payable.
<br /> � 7.('qNewd�.The proeeeds of a»y award or ciaitn 4or damagrs,d"uoct or conseqaenti�l.in conneclion with any rondcm-
<br /> as�tan ot Mhes t�tcirt�of any put ot the property.os fer convoyance in place df condemnation.are hereby assigned and shall be
<br /> pald to Lendet to the extent ot lhe full amonrtt of tAe indebtedness ttui rcmains unpaid under the Notr 5nd this Secudty tnstru- .-
<br /> ettmt.Lendtr ah�ll apply such proceeds to tht reduction of the lndebudness under the Nose and th�s Secutily iasuurnent.first tn �;�,
<br /> ' ' �ry detia�ueat unwnt�aDplied in 1he o:tletr proYlded in Puagraph 9.and thea�o prepaymeni of priricipal.Any applieation of
<br /> � t�e prb��eds ta the prin�iptii sfia8 not ek�ten4 ar ptsstpc►ar tho due dafe ef thE m��nthiyr papments.which are referrerl tc�in
<br /> Para�taDh 2.or change the arnavat ot suc6 pa�ents.Any exctss prescetds a��er as�am�ut►t reE�u,red�e�pay a11 outstanding in- r _
<br /> � debttdness under the Note and this 5ccutityl�.;ttument shal!bt paid ta the ennty tegally emitie.i�hereto. �r a
<br /> . _ . . .
<br /> - . . A.`te�.Lender mnY coltec�fees and�harges au�hor�zea tiy the Se�rcta,y. . , . _
<br /> . f'a2r 1 at�
<br /> �
<br /> _ _ — �_ .:. , �-.'. ._ .._a4�=�_�.
<br /> '�?T"7_?_��..�'1_i - ,-_- '
<br /> _ .�._ '
<br /> .:. :::_. ..a.-.__ , a,�..:...z_T . __ _ -___ _-. __.__-._-__- ___ _. __ _ __- ..__...._ .aam?y_-�a.=_�_.�..�r�+�--a _ -
<br /> -�`T �'��^� .�L'.1.. _. . . ..,t . � -- ____-- ,� ._ --'- '. • ' ' �_� ' . '_. .. .. . ,.. -i�:. _. . ...
<br /> . . . . . . . . . .. . . _. - ._ '.t .
<br />