<br />That Grantor, SHELAGH G. CHOPE and THOMAS F. CHOPE, wife and husband, %'r`
<br />in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, s�
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, convey to SHELAGH G. CHOPS, Trustee of
<br />the Revocable Trust of Shelagh G. Chope, the following described real estate (as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section Five
<br />(5), Township Ten (10), North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast
<br />corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); thence southerly, along and upon the
<br />east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Two
<br />Hundred Thirty -six and Fifty -five Hundredths (2,236.55) feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 90 degrees 04 minutes 05 seconds and running westerly, a distance of Two
<br />Thousand One Hundred Ninety -three and Fifty -one Hundredths (2,193.51) feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 84 degrees 53 minutes 39 seconds and running
<br />northwesterly, a distance of Eight Hundred Six and Thirty -eight Hundredths
<br />(806.38) feet; thence deflecting right 03 degrees 15 minutes 14 seconds and
<br />running northwesterly, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty -two and Forty -one
<br />Hundredths (652.41) feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of the Union
<br />Pacific Railroad; thence northeasterly, along and upon said southerly right of way
<br />line, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Five and Eight Hundredths
<br />(1,505.08) feet to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4);
<br />thence easterly, along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4),
<br />a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety -six and Three Hundredths (996.3) feet to the
<br />point of beginning and containing 104.522 acres, more or less, of which 2.445
<br />acres, more or less, is presently occupied by public road right of way.
<br />Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor:
<br />1. is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances except
<br />easements, covenants, and restrictions of record;
<br />2. has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />3. warrants and will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful claims of
<br />all persons.
<br />DATED , 2000.
<br />Shelagh G. Chope
<br />Thomas F. Chope
<br />) ss.
<br />COUNTY OF N-pk)6 )
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedefore me on
<br />2000, by Shelagh G. Chope and Thomas .F: 9,4 p -7 wife and husband.
<br />Notary f?ubii a
<br />CiC�t OXp,res: August 30, 2007
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<br />That Grantor, SHELAGH G. CHOPE and THOMAS F. CHOPE, wife and husband, %'r`
<br />in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, s�
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, convey to SHELAGH G. CHOPS, Trustee of
<br />the Revocable Trust of Shelagh G. Chope, the following described real estate (as defined
<br />in Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec. 76 -201) in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section Five
<br />(5), Township Ten (10), North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast
<br />corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); thence southerly, along and upon the
<br />east line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), a distance of Two Thousand Two
<br />Hundred Thirty -six and Fifty -five Hundredths (2,236.55) feet; thence deflecting
<br />right 90 degrees 04 minutes 05 seconds and running westerly, a distance of Two
<br />Thousand One Hundred Ninety -three and Fifty -one Hundredths (2,193.51) feet;
<br />thence deflecting right 84 degrees 53 minutes 39 seconds and running
<br />northwesterly, a distance of Eight Hundred Six and Thirty -eight Hundredths
<br />(806.38) feet; thence deflecting right 03 degrees 15 minutes 14 seconds and
<br />running northwesterly, a distance of Six Hundred Fifty -two and Forty -one
<br />Hundredths (652.41) feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of the Union
<br />Pacific Railroad; thence northeasterly, along and upon said southerly right of way
<br />line, a distance of One Thousand Five Hundred Five and Eight Hundredths
<br />(1,505.08) feet to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4);
<br />thence easterly, along and upon the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4),
<br />a distance of Nine Hundred Ninety -six and Three Hundredths (996.3) feet to the
<br />point of beginning and containing 104.522 acres, more or less, of which 2.445
<br />acres, more or less, is presently occupied by public road right of way.
<br />Grantor covenants with the Grantee that Grantor:
<br />1. is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances except
<br />easements, covenants, and restrictions of record;
<br />2. has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />3. warrants and will defend the title to the real estate against the lawful claims of
<br />all persons.
<br />DATED , 2000.
<br />Shelagh G. Chope
<br />Thomas F. Chope
<br />) ss.
<br />COUNTY OF N-pk)6 )
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledgedefore me on
<br />2000, by Shelagh G. Chope and Thomas .F: 9,4 p -7 wife and husband.
<br />Notary f?ubii a
<br />CiC�t OXp,res: August 30, 2007
<br />