� - _-� , � ` .. .l- . . ` ` - . .� . . • � ` , . . ` � r .�.....�� . . (�
<br /> .__. - __. . . .. �- _ ___ __-_-_-___ -- __ __._�_ - _- ___ _ e�.��_�.__��. . _�� _ ___ ' - :C_ .
<br /> . ',:9 BVEN'!'.�8F bEFA�.tL'�: Any of ti}c�foE'�wing evenie sA�li be deemed ari event af defaalE hereunde�: , ` � .
<br /> < • . � (a? 1�eqslor shal�hsve faite�rl W make pay�tent'of any instal lment of intxrest,Principal,oe principa!and inteast or.aay t ` � ``` "
<br /> - - utI�es avm�qcae�ed hereby when due:ris� � . �
<br /> ' fW 7'hen has occ�l'a bteach uf�defauit underany te=m,covenant;agreement,candition.proviaion,c+�pre'aeatation '
<br /> � C�'J� ot r�uRaat�!ooa�ined ia bny af the Loan Ynaqromenta. , � � : � � � .
<br /> d 1l9.ACCELEI�ATI011I LJPt)N DEFAUg.T,AnDITIONALREMEaIFS.SHoWd aa event ofclefault arus Beneficiaty. , , �
<br /> M tnay decta�e all ii�debtnesa aerered heireby to b�due and payable and the same sJ�atl theseagon becum�due and payable
<br /> - � . �.*itliio�t ui!!�ersenttnee�,desnand,�xe�i or noliee of sag Iciad. TlteseaRer S�e€ccia�s may. � -
<br /> ' a `(��EftB�e in pe�wn or 1�Y a�it;with u�withant beinging any ac�oa ra p�oeeeding,or bp areceiver a . � `
<br /> . �ufd withoot i+e�aea to Rhe of ite eecurit ,enter u�on and talie DPf►in4dby a toad .
<br /> - �,.� ade9uacY � poeeeseion of theTruet Eatate,arany parttlxt�of,ut . • `
<br /> its aiim rt�roe otim the ngme af'1'rwstee,and dp a�y acf,�r which it deema necessary ordesirableto preserv�t h e v a t n�r u a r l c e t. `
<br /> ` a b i b t y or r e a t a b i l i t y o f t he Tsast�state.or pert thereof os inte�st therein,iac�ease the inmme therefrora or pmtect th� �
<br /> -. � .. � �reitl►h�!`and.�wit�ar�viEhnut tafdng�o�eeaeion o€the 1'ruat Estate,aub for ar othenvia�collect the�ta;isaea and .
<br /> , . pe�H�e�enf,dndac�ingthcsePestdueand�uaPaidaadapplpthe�ame,le�eooefaendexpeneesofap�atioa.htt�edlectian ` .
<br /> .. �cladns!�tan�ys'fees:upon atfy indebtedneae ectivnd hereby.a!�in snch arder as B�eficiaty may detesinit�� TLe- ,
<br /> � .. , a�pd��ya��nd talring poes�sion of the Z'ruat Estatr.the coliedii�af auch ients iseues and prnfrts and the appfication
<br /> . .. u�neaf r�fotaaid,shalt rt�i:�e ar waive any default or not"sce of c�ntt hecennder ar invs�date aayactdonein nesponee
<br /> . . �to.�chde�qhorpur�daat#c��aucht�atioeofdefaWtand.notwithstaa�thecoatinuanceinp�iunoftheTraeE�tate �
<br /> _ ; �,�•.cae+�eoikction,ravt�Dt end apptication of rente,issues or profita'�r.1#itee ar Benefieiary'shali L�eatitledtoexercise�rrery -
<br /> , � � �'��°ii��pr�v�ided fo�in eny of the Iaan Inatruments or by law uDon occurrenae of any event of default,iaciu�irig fhe ri�ht to '
<br /> �, ' . a�oe�c�iie tbe po9rer of aale; � � . � • �
<br /> ;� ' '� ''<��s��c�an actiot�to foreciosethis I)eed of'Ihtst se a nioi'tgage.appoini a aec�iver,or epecifx�aIly�mfaroe a�y ot �
<br /> :,,:F� . . . . .
<br /> 1 the:i�+�ts#tae�� ` . ,.. . ,
<br /> . "�`ri) belivu to TrasLee a written dedaratioe of default end dear��:for aale,and a written nr�tice ofdefdult�aind electim �.� ` �
<br /> • to.ptv�e Tiwtae's interest in ttie'Itvat Eetate to be sotd.which aotice Trustee shall cause to be dnly filed for reaord in fhe '
<br /> - � ' spptdD�Iutte Ol�a�l�Records of the Cbunty in which the.'�'Nat�etate ia located . �
<br /> ' • ' 11. FORECuOSURE 8Y P�WEP.OF SALE. Sh���°Benefcciary elert to forectose by exemise of the Power of 3�1e '
<br /> . � herein oontauted.Beneficiary.ahall nutify Truetee and"sfi,:11 depoeit with Trustee thie beed of TraqL a�nd theNateanctanch:
<br /> : " ; . rec�eiph and evidence af expend'itures made�ti eecuied�ierebjr as Trustee may mquire. .� . . �
<br /> , . (s�1 Upon reoeipt of such nabice fram&ne�ciary.Trustee shaII cause to 6e recorded.Pubtished and delivered tr►Tru�!r .
<br /> �uch Notiee of Default and Notice�yf Sale asthen ieqtiice�s.:�.y taw and k�y thir;Deed af Tsuet: Triistee shaU,�s;.�t�w.-,L demaad •
<br /> , � . onTrustor,aftersuehtimeaamaythenherequiredhyf��±;�r�iclaftert�ecardaEianofe�chiVoticeafDefaaItoa�=•�.i�rNatd�ceof
<br /> - 3akbavingbeengivenastequiredhylaw,f;etltheTtust��-tuteatthe.timeandRlseeofsaIefixecibyitinKUCh�uliceaf,�SSIe, �
<br /> . eithet aa a whde,p�:in separate lute os pa�els ar items as Tiruxtee Rhall deem expedient,and in auch order�s it maq ci�. � '
<br /> inine.at public au�tu�:�z�to the high�tbidcl�rfar cash in Iawful moneya3�i,�e United Sts�tes payable t�tthe timeofsale.'Myatee
<br /> ehalldelivettosuds�rchaxer��rpnrchaAeretherc�fitx��x,dandNUfc"v:ii:r::deedofdeedsronveyin�the�rapert�raosold,but • .
<br /> '• without any covenant or wArrantv,express os implicxl.7'he reri��1R in�u:..�,;�3e�ci nf.any matcera or facts et�16�C��onclusive � -
<br /> � f � Droofafthetruth�ulnesatheieof. Anyp�rFOn.includin�,�vithoutlimitation,'{'rnstor_�icwandBeneftcia�v:,!�*�....raypurchAee ,
<br /> at sucb sale and Trnatnr herehy cnvenan�4 to w:�rrt►nt tand dPfNnd the title of eurh purGhaser or p�rcha�: • . � ,-�:E-
<br /> . � (b)Aa�may be permitcpd by tAw,atter dcd�aeting T�vatee Feea in the�mount of.�;,;�,;,�,�a}�all apply the ` � �
<br /> , : pmceeds of the eala in the faUowing otder. Ia3 to all reasonable uneta and expenses of tlse eale,ir.�,�.:�•:-,y,:��.T,�.�ut.not]imiLed to, � �''-
<br /> . � trwtee feee of not moie than 1/2 of 196 of ihe groae ealea prioc,reasonabt�attome�e fees and ooe�of h�e c�'rr,d�ce;(bj to a11
<br /> sums eeeured by this ikecl of Trus�(c)to the payment vf,fc�nior Trust lk�c+dx,mortqages ar other Gen het�and(d)the -
<br /> bolsno�if eny,to the pe�nn ar pereona legrilly eAtiued xt�ereto: = -
<br /> � (c) Trurtce may in the m�nner providcti!by law,pnsf}�nne Halc ui all�,r any pnrtion r,f the'[`rust Er�tate.
<br /> l2 REM�DIES NOT EsXCI.i JSIVF,. Tru�►tm and Rrnefi<�ary,nnd ench of th�m,cshnll he entitted to enfarce payment j
<br /> i end performance of any indehtedne�g nr<�hlik;�tiuna�creure�l hereby and li�t�xerciru��ll ri fiht�:and powe�under thia l?eed uf
<br /> 7�st or undes any T�►an Tnstnimem or�rthPr a��mc�nt ur:am•lu«e nuw or h�rc�after in fi,rc,�,notwithPtandir.��me or all �� -
<br /> of the siu,}1 indebtednex�und nhli�;ationw secur+E�d herc-by��:11 nc►�v ur herrafter he uthenti�se seeured,whether by mart�a�e, '
<br /> � deed of teuat,pledge,lien.ussi�nment or�,thi�rwiHC tieithrr chr cir�•��ptancer�f thiK I)ceci ofTru�t nuritsenforcementwhether
<br /> � by court ection irr pursuant G�the�►��F�r of y.�i��ur uthrr Exawer:+her��in c«nt�ined,eh.ill prf judiisr.+�r in�ny manner afPect
<br /> ' . ' it b�ne R aRreed thnt'1'ru,te��nd�Renefic iaryn►nd�irh uft�mm h h.ll tH entitic d to nfrPrr�tc thi�»I�Y���or Renefiriary, .
<br /> �ed uf Trust and any ather
<br /> � eecurity now or hen��fter held by ReneficKary��r'1'rawtcr in aach urd��r and mnnner r�K they or either of'thezs mAy in their �
<br /> } abeolute dia�retion determine. Nu remi�dy her��in nmfNrred ury,n or r��serve�l to Trnytt•e„r f3cneficiary is int�nded to be
<br /> ' � ; . �zelusive of nny oth�r remed,v hi�r�•in�yr h�Inw pru�•idw!ur�K nnitt��d,hut eurh shall lx�rumulative sind Hht�tl be in additinn
<br /> � to every►ather remedy�iven herrundi•rnr now nr her�rafter�•xiylin�;at!aa•i�r in r�quitt��r by Ktatute. F.very powet orrnmedc �
<br /> given bynnv�►fthe I.oan InatrumNnt�a�7'ruyu�•ur tirm��ri,�n��r t���v�u�h c�ithrrofth�•�n ms�y lr�utherwir�eentitletl,maybE
<br /> • � exercisRd,concurrently��r iizde�ndently.from time tc�t'.ir t•t�n�l��K uf'trn as m,�y Ix dremcd ex � � �'
<br /> flciar�r and either uFth�m mr� � ' Pedipnt by Th:ssec�ur HenP ;.�.:
<br /> 'j Y Puryu�in�Ymsiyt�nt rc��nuli��:+. 1„ihin�hc�r�m�+hall l�'(V�J1Htr(il'(I a.y !'/1I11I)1L1l1J��4'I10f1('1A1y
<br /> ! " ftotrx awErkin�n deficiEne;v jud�;m�•nt a�;,rin�t thE�'I'rutiu:r°��th�•��xtent�:uch.irtinn�y p��rmittd b�•law,
<br /> 1 17E U�.�17`I�UHNt)T(t;M:. '1'ruvturh�n�ii•.rcy uc�4Rait��� .
<br /> , � � pyufi�nynuh��ufilefnult��ezdth:�t:incc�otict�ufealehereund'er
<br /> , ' .be maite�l to it et the�:iddrNr+w��•t f��rlt� iu thc�rnt p:�r:�N�r.�ph��f'thix Ih•t�d��f'Pru�t, �
<br /> � I,is� �OV�FiNIN(:I.A�ti. 'd7�;:a 1)tvYl nfTruyt vh�l{1�r•r���w•rn��d h��the�1.�ttiw r1f 111e S+t:iti�i;f�el>ia;ka.�In tFe E�vent thnt . . _ . -
<br /> : , � t�ny pri�v�iaiun ur rlau:�i�uf ui���u!.t:���I�r.�n In�:trume�»?r.�r,aiflict:,will�ap�,l.t�•,�filr Pcti�u;.;�:urh rnnfluty�',ialI r.otaffc��l uiher
<br /> . , ptovisu,ns of such I.uan Instrument�which r:�n hr{�ic����rfi�v�t withaut thE•runilictiny;�ir,��•isiun.�md t��tt:�:•rnd the pr�r
<br />_ vieion9 uf the l�eatt ati�trumerots are dc�cl.irert!:�Fx•�rv��rtii�l�•. '1'h�.ir=Crumf�m�•;�nnut h��w.�i����tl,chan�;E�3,d�st�htir�;c��r
<br /> � terminated oraUy,1�u6 wi{y by an inxlrum�•nt in �v�itin�;r:i�;ned I,v lhe p:�rtv.��;ainat «•hum enfurrrrr�Nnt nf tiny wtiivrr,
<br /> ' chut�e.dixeharge r,r temnin,iti��n iK�:au�;ht. '
<br /> 25. HECUN!'};y�(�'p;!iY T�tUSTisF;. t 1�,,,n�ti�ritu�u reyu��t of li��iicfiri�in•c;t:�lltt�:tll:t�tlll SU111whf�:LCf�i hCry�bv h��ve �
<br /> been paid,end upun sprrendeo nf thi�e I1�wrt i,f Tri�#�fIt1I tFtF i`HFf•W'frwdv•fi�r r.m��rlteition and r�•teniinn nnd upun puy- '
<br /> ' ' mentby'!'rusuirufTrust�+'xfcr:�,'1`ru�tfr•ehaUretr�m�e•ytu"1'ru�t�n•.��rth�•��E•r���nnr�.�r:�unrle�.,Uy�mtitlydthercKu.withuut �
<br /> , . warrantv,c�ny�nrti�m of th��'('ru�t F:Stat��tiieai h��l�l h�•reundi�r. 'Phr n�citat�;n s+�rh rw•��nvey�iniv���f��ny matterrinr f�cL�
<br /> shall be iv�nrlu.vivc�pru��f nf thc truthf'ulnrss th�•rc�d: '1'ht��;rantt�•in;in}�r�•c��nv���:inrt•rn,��•hrdE�cnlu•d ay"t?tr ppr�an i�r :'- _-
<br /> perevn�legxll�•cntitic�t6emt�;'.
<br /> ' 16. N(Y!'IC�S. 1A'hene�•E�r liene�riarv.TruSG,r ur'fn��t�w�h;dl dr�sire�t<i�,���r ur tit•rvN:�nv nr�tire.c1��mand,cc��ue�t ur '
<br /> -- -- - -- athereommunicutiun w�th r�spec:t tuthi�1k��1 of't'rnst.Narh�nrti�,�hc�_de�n�.rz�stc..�L:u�:lhrrrc►is:sasun;c•a�r�t�sis:����sa� ` �
<br /> �in wntinannd ahal!��eef'fn•t;Ye��nl�ifthe•ti.lhl(•ixdci��•imvi h}��a�r��m.e)�rr�•ir�•urm.iiletl b�•���rtified matl.post�a�;eprepaid. j •
<br /> • retur�icreiptrequt�stc�ti,adilr�4vcv,Itnthl�itddrEwss:rtti�r�b:+tthi•��e�.�nnin��,}'thitit�eK<i<,f'!'ru.t.Am•part�•m�iyatthistime • '
<br /> chanqeiteuddre�xfr�r�urhn��ti�•��h�•dE•li�•�•rin�;urrrc��liu�:t��Ehf�uthrrFr.�rtit��:hrri.U�,:��;�f��n•���id.:inuti�r•ufr:urhe•hiin�N., � • �
<br /> � ' 17. ACC�1''IAIVC6:131i'1'tf[:i+'fF:F:, 7'ru�t���arr�•pt.th��'1'�tc.�t�+I��n[Iu.{���t•�!��t'f�rn.t.dutp cxt•c•utcd.mti:�ckn��tv-
<br /> lt�etl.is made�pa61i�•r�vr;rd:iv prr�ricl�•i!by :tew.
<br /> ' l:�i �ViT\�F.�:�14NF:Hl�:()��.'1'ruwt�rt h:i.F•xtr ut�•�l th�• t 1�w�{��f'I'ru..t .i.i,f/is+•,at.it .►nd }•c�ir fir�E ut���vt-«rittem: . . I�
<br /> 'fl2Ufi'l`I:E:. 7"r�t•t���• accr��.t� tln• '1'ru.t �ibE�r� tht. !tt•rd ::t "!'rej�;E. eiul�- r�te��ut�•r.i <iuct uckns,ev-
<br /> _ .1ed};Ed,iy mad�u peblit'IY'tYtFfl:Et�tKt�Yi��{•�13�v tt�:v �
<br /> �'. �t
<br />' IAi �YI'I'SiNt+.��ti"11F;FZi:F)i�.�Tru.tur h�tw�•secut��i! [ht� i���ea1 ut fru,t :�.,:.f tiu•�I:�r .ind «�.�r tir�t:�h��er«•ritt�•�r , r° s
<br /> . . .. ... � . ' - _
<br /> .. . . � _
<br /> . `_: .
<br /> . C� 1r�G 3C. �DZ9F�RUS i• -`�"i .
<br /> y,,�k t � .. , , ��� .. "'1. ,
<br /> . Ki�!B KLY � ,. EU' '� g �v. :_:..
<br /> �_ �. . � . �-
<br />