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<br /> � �:_� � . , . � , . ` DBED OP T[tUST � 90--- 103 3 01 � : . � � �.�
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<br /> - � - 1�04i�ALt. �11 BY TAESB P�ESffiITS: that- 1'�ARK.I1. STBLIC"AIiD WANbA L. STSLR, �aIISBl1l4D ' �.
<br /> ' ,- � A�(D i1�PB • � ; bere3aaf ter referred ta as the�"�'rwtor", to .
<br /> . �, � s�cure s Ncr�e beatin*, evea, date heiaritb �fos the psincipal aaouat of TEIf THOUSAND .
<br /> �k11D AO/IOti----------- • , � - � . Do`l2ars {$ I0;00 . j gsqable . ' , �
<br /> � ,_ .ta tht asder of G�i11D ISI,A� It�iBSTl�l�T C�ABY, h�reinsfter referred to a� :the ��: �
<br /> . _ � "�ffcias?", pray#83as for pa�eat of tIu entire priaei� b �ce, together � .
<br /> `• , vith tntereat�,at the rate af T�VH � �t��-I2.��_z� � ��� � .
<br /> #n �nth�7�f�ul�e�ts af � ` �
<br /> -. .:� � . � � . Dollars ( 222.44 ) each uatil ` � . 19�,.,.* at . .
<br /> � � vlsicb tiae a11 principt�, snd intareat provided for by this Note ehs11 have treea paid. .
<br /> •�:, � � da JKreby griat aad caavey patil ARE�ID S. BMCH, Attorney st Lsw, the "Trustee", . � - .
<br /> � tbe��£allawing-deacri��+"d prcpesty: � " ,
<br /> .. � . � ��.:: .
<br /> , � . � � , " �
<br /> ' `f � - �.oC Five (:��;;� in Black Seven (7), in Boggs ��,�i��l,'s Addition ta the City of
<br /> ` � ' . � Qiand Islaiid, Hall Couttty; Nebraska " � . , •
<br /> •{. , � ,
<br /> � - �:; � � � � �- - _
<br /> . , .
<br /> , � � � .�� . � � . � ., .
<br /> . . , . ..
<br /> , . � .
<br /> t TO H!►V� AND TO HOLD the aase, tagether witb alI sppurte�aar=..@.s, ia araruat � � ' -
<br /> ; naverthe7�esi, and tn cs4e of defau2t ia the pay�eat of asid Nate or anq �art � `�
<br /> thereof or iatereat thereon or in the performance af aAq coneaaat hereinaftes �'.�'�
<br /> ±:-
<br /> •et forth, thea the Trustee ahall luve the power to aeii the above-described -
<br /> � propertq. utd upon request of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shali file foz record x
<br /> i in the<As�istar o# Deeds' Office af Hall County, Nebraska, s H�tice of
<br /> ' Dcfault, settimg farth thst s bsesch of sa obligation, �os which the sa� propesty _
<br /> , vu coAVeyed u secur�ty. has o�curred� and settiug forth the nature ofr:such .
<br /> . � breitcb aad tba Tsustee's election to sell the �zoperty to eati�fg the oba.sgatioA;
<br />: I , '. aad after tlt�c. l�pse af aot les� thaa one (1} ��h, the Tr�satee.��21 give- � �
<br /> : ' � w'ritten notice.of tl�e tise aa� .puce af asle which msp b� betweea 9:00 a.aa. and . • '�
<br /> � • 5:a4'.p.s. at�the pre.siae�, or dt the �L1 Ccuaty Courthouse, and �articulasly �
<br />. � ' .� des�s�.bia� the property to be sold; ssfd Notice ta be pubii�hed ia s newspaper of �
<br /> : a ge�aral circulation in Hall County, Nebra�ica. once a vicek for five (S) ;'
<br />� � � • CORitCIttSVf i/!tI[s� ehe la�tt publicatia►A to be �t leut tet� (10} dsys but Aot ;;
<br /> iore tba��thisty (30) dsys prior to tir,� ��ale; sad tbe Trctstee shall thecs. s•eil esid �
<br /> � ..� psap�irty at the ttwe wnd plsce deai�lt+ad in the Notice, :in the maaaes pt+xvided . �� '
<br /> b�► Yait 3n effect at Ehe t1�e of filing said Hotice, sad public auctioa tu the - :.���
<br /> ' hi�hest bidder for ca�h and �hall deliver to sucb purchases a de�ed to the property � `���
<br /> . sold, con�i�teat aith the lav in effect it that tim¢. Additionaliy. Trustee �shall � .
<br /> sait T�cwtor a coDy of aay Notice of Default aad Notice of ssle hereuade=
<br /> upo�r d�fault addseoaed to thes at 2021 N Sherman, Grand Island,NE � pu� pf the.
<br /> ; �pra�Cteds of asid �sie. the Tru�tee stull retaia aad pay firsL all fees, charges
<br /> ' ' and costs ot a�l� and all �onies advaaced ist t�xe ezerci�e of tha power of eale, �
<br /> . �Ttcludiea the paysent of the Trustee's lees actually iacursed, and psy second
<br /> . rh�c oDli�ations sesnred hy ehis Deed of Trust; and the belance, if any, ehAll be
<br />', . . psid to the .peraoa or persoas �legeZiy entitled theseto. Aay pereon, including the
<br /> Den�ficiary, rap purchau �aid p:a��sty �ti such s�le. � �
<br /> � 1'tte ttustor �ovenants that at tlie tf,me c►f delivery of these presents,
<br /> . they.�se ae�ted of eaid progesty fn fee aimple, and thnt said property is free �
<br /> • of eacun6rsnees. a�xcept eacumbraaces� eaaemente� rights-of-�+ay, restrictione. and �
<br /> • rsservatia�a of record. ind they wili properly mairtain the property, keep e21 � : �
<br /> .� buildin�a iasured for fi.re attd extended cove�age in an amvunt equal to the ;
<br /> . unpsid bilaace of t6e a�oreasid Note� aith los� payable to the Beneficiasy, and �
<br /> --. - -- -. .. .. .. . _ �.l��p��. r.3�. t�a.u� aeatsa�cur.s-�ga=s�a� :.si�3 �r��rty anc� a��ts �it�a vs� pefvr - � � � ;
<br /> . encwibraace�. snd Zf tb�ey shall fail to p�y iaeusance premiums or. t�xes on
<br /> � saauata du� on prior encu�brences, the• Ben�ficiary mey pay the eame and a11 � � �
<br /> � s�ouats so paid shall beco�ae additional indebtedaesa due hereuader; and fn rase � �
<br /> of forec�osuxt. Ttustor will pay any reasonable ettorney fees incurred 6y
<br /> • Beneficiary or.Trustee in euch fareclosure prviceedings. w
<br /> • . ' , . � f.° ,#.
<br /> a. �
<br /> ' . • � � -
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