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<br /> � � . � . � DBSD OF TR�ST � . ` .
<br /> . . _ �S�Q� Fa�� - 9�--io33ao . � . � �- = ,.
<br /> . �:� � � � . . � � � � . � �, : .
<br /> - . . . �T ll�.t� DY��B PB8$EtiTSs �,that" 1'�ark��� SEelic aad t�Taada L. Ste�i�, hasbanti - - - , " - __
<br /> t • anc� wift - - � , bereinaf�er referred to as the "Trustor', to � � • .
<br /> . � � ' . � s�cur� a 11ote`bearist� even date erevi�h for the principsl smount of T�n � . � .
<br /> _ . . � . . thousa�d sAd ao/I00 _�-�� ' ...- _.. _....�.,.�11us ($ •10,0 , . ) payable �� .
<br /> . ta tbe order af G?A� ISIJIIm .IiiV�S�CQ�ANY; 8ereinsfter referred ta as the � ` • '
<br /> . ' "�ea�fi�ias�'!, provfdit� for psyae�t a€ thie priacipal baZaact, tagether . ._�
<br /> . � irit& tater�st at the�'rsts of �elve ceat ( ;2.0�? pet annva, < '
<br /> - � � � . 3n srootLly. ivatsl.L�eats af o and 44rrQ�— . . < '
<br /> i � . . Dcrll�rs {$ • ) each uatil �e , 19 , at .
<br /> � � vhfcb tiwe sll princfpsi •amd int�rast provided for by this Note st�all have been pa3d, •
<br /> ' do heieby.graat aad convty until ARP.N� x. BAAClC, Attorney at Lav, tbe "Trust�", � `
<br /> , .� ' � .the £ol�.ar,�n�descrfbed_ prope`rty: � � . . �
<br /> � . � , , • � , ' . • , . . _
<br /> i ` Lot Five (S) in Block.Te� ( 10)� in Packer and Barr s Addition to the Ci.�, �� �
<br /> �
<br /> . �yr:of
<br /> � Graad Island, 'Ha11 County, Pebraska. • � ' �
<br /> .. . . , . , .
<br /> � . � . • . � � � �
<br /> "�, ,, �=';` �: . TO aADE AND Tp HOT.D the same, together with ail appurtenances�� #a tsus�: � � � , .�
<br /> , � � neverthelesa, aad ia case of default ia the psymeat af said Note or say part ; ;.�
<br /> � � �'���' thereof ar tntes�st thereon or ia the perfosmance of aay covenaat hereinafter � ' P
<br /> t set forth,. then the Zyrustee ahall have the power to sell the ebove-deecribed � � �—
<br /> � progerty, aad upoa request of Xhe Beaeficiary, the Trustee sha11 file fot record �"=
<br /> . € ta the Regiiter of Deeds' Office of Hali Couaty, Nebraska, a Notice of -
<br /> � Default, settiag forth that a breacb of sa obligat3oa, for which the eaid property
<br /> � . , was conveyed ss security, has octurred, aad setting fosth tbe nature of auch
<br /> ;� 6Yeach and the Trustee's ekctioa to sell the.progerty to estisfy the obl3g�tioA;
<br /> . ' aad after �tke ].apse ag not less thaa one (1���onth, the Trustee eiiall give
<br /> � wsi;teaa a�otice of the ti� aad plate of sa2e wbich msy be b�t�een 9:00 �.m. ,ea�
<br /> .`r�E.� � 3�:00 at the psemise�,, o; at �8e aall ��yty Court�aouse, aad psrtictilarly . � �
<br /> '�describing the property to be so3:d:;� eaid Notice to �e publlehed ia a neWapaper of
<br />- -,-��a general circu7.ation f,n Iiali • ��tp, pebraska, once a aeek for five (S) .
<br /> . } can�ecutive Weelu, tbe lsaet �ub3ication to be at least tea (IO) daqe but not � �
<br /> . aore tfian thirtq (30� days prior to the aale; aad the T�custee' sball then sell ssid
<br /> � .,{ : . ' property ��t the ti�e and place d��.gnsted in the Notice, ta the manaer provided � ;�
<br /> � � by, law tn ef�ect at the time of f���ng eaid 2�otice, �ud public auctipq to the
<br /> : . highest bidder for caeb asid ahali dtliver to such purchsses a deed to the property y'�:
<br /> � sold, coasietent vith th�.�.aw ia effect at tbat time. Additionally, Truetee shall .
<br /> , uil Trustor a copy of aug ;Notice of Default aad Notice af eale hereuader � �
<br /> ����`'�� ' .� upoa default addreased to the� a� 2021 N Sheim�n, Grand xsland,t�E 68803 .
<br /> , � Out of the
<br /> � pzoceeds oF aaid ss1e, the Truste�e �h 1 retain and psy first sll fees, chargea
<br /> ' �tud costs of �s�e aad all foaies mt�vanced ia the euercise of, the poraer af eale, �
<br /> � , , , ittcluding tbe paysea� of Lbe T�cuatee•a fees actuallq iaourred, aad pay second
<br /> � the obli�stions aecured by ehis Deed of Trust; aad the balance, if any, ehall be
<br />. paid to the peraon or parsons legally �ntitled thereto. Aay person, including the
<br /> , Benef�ciary, ssy purchase said property at such eale.
<br /> - Tht trustor coveua,ats that at the time of delivery of these presents,
<br /> they ste seized of said proDerty ia fee simple, and that said property is fiee
<br /> of encusbrances, except encumbraaces, �easementa, rights-of-waq, reatrictions and
<br /> raservations of record, sad they Wili properlq matateia the property, keep all •- --
<br /> � , bui�dings iusured for fire aad exteaded coverage in ga amount equal to the
<br /> � vapaid balaace of� the aforesaid Nete, �rith losa payable to the Beneff.ciery, and I
<br /> will a all tsxces and aesessaents � j , �
<br /> P Y again�t ea�.d pxoperty aad amaunt��.due on prior • T _
<br /> .. -- ,�:._.. _ .
<br /> . , � � �tt�t�t���;-ind if .tIieq ghall �aii to pay inauraace premiums or taaea on � ,
<br /> , , a�ounta due on prior eacumbsancee, the Henefic�ary may pay the eame nad all
<br /> � 'amouats so, paid eha�l becb�¢e additioaal indebtednesa due hereuader; and in case
<br /> of, forecloeure, Truetor vi1l pay any reasonabl� attoruey fees incusred by
<br /> ., 8eneficiary or �rustee in such forec3osure pro�eedings. ^
<br /> �. . _ . _ �
<br /> �
<br /> - - - � �, „
<br /> . � _ " . �-
<br /> , - .
<br /> i .
<br />