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<br /> ` � � ` ' v�c��,�. . �.�a���:�,a.�ur�:� 90--�03296 - .
<br /> 1. r�t orlP,i�ey,l aM�Ta1e�Pr�r�.■�t,tt Cwr�, eo�ro�vu shaR promptt�pay�rl,n,due
<br /> ` � . tbe ptaic�pai o�and iaterat ao ihe deb�t ea�ida�ced by t!x Note and any gtipaYment aad!ue char�a due under the Note. '
<br /> - , - 2. FiN�/�rTittitaiNl�riseR. Subjecttaapptic`ibtelawor�a�+writtm+vaivar6y�da,Harro�rusl�ltpay �
<br /> a L.a�deran ibe day ma�zbl�A�Y,na�a u+e due unde:r�e Nar.tmtii tix Nae is�-in�s sam("Fw�ds'?oqusl to ,
<br /> . . o�t�dtts of: (s}ynriY ta:a and�n�mrnts+�Tti�h may.attain priority over this Secuiity,�asuument; (b) Yqdy �
<br /> �e�oi���a�eaa_c�Qa�t'ren�s on tbe Propercy, if mY; tc)xearly Barud insurance premiums; and(dj yarly _ . ' `
<br /> � �i�R�r�oe ptaoiur�if aay.?hese ifam ae calicd••esrrav etans."l.ender may atimate tbe F�u�ds due on the � .
<br /> . , b�atcurneatdatsandrauae�btesttim�te�offutureacrwrite:tu. • � • � -
<br /> ' T1jaFw��116e bdd it�ae ia�itutioa tbe depesir.s oc aceouau af�rbich are inwred ar�uar�ntad by a faderal or �
<br /> .� �M�Y C�1�I.eeder�I,et�cier is strcb in in�stitution).Leader shuU apply the.Funds co p►y t!u escra�►hems.
<br /> < � La�der m�y aat cb�t�e for i�oldia��e3 tpplyin6 tb�F�S►aeslyzing the:ccauit or veriCyin6 the e�cr+ow.ite�s.unk�s ..
<br /> � �P�lR Hortower iater+ett on tbe Fuods and appli�xbk 4�v permits Lender ta maks such a cbasaa Borrawer and .
<br /> : ' La�des msy a�ne iu�►ritini that intetat s1�11 be p�uid on the Funds. Unlas an ageana�t is made or spptieabk lawr
<br /> � [eqa'te�es iater�t to 6t p�i�I.ent�er sbaU eo!6e requined to p�y Borro�rer any intaest or dmin�s on the Fw�ds.Leader �
<br /> - s�11 pve to Horm�ver.�ritLout char�aa snanas iccountin�of tbe Funds shoNiri=credits and d�bits to tbe Feu�s and th�
<br /> . . p�rpo�e fa w►hich ncb debit to tbe Fands�u made.11ne Funds ue pledgrd as sdditional security for the sums se�ured by
<br /> , . t11is Saarity Imtruolen�. • � � � .
<br /> , � if tbe aQiouut attbe Fuads 6dd by La�der.to�etber�rith the Wttue monthty pYmmts of Funds pryabk pri�to .
<br /> tbe dne dsta of tLe acro�v itarn.s}ui1 excaed the uno�nt required to p�y tbr escrrnv items when du�the excas sh�ii bG, '
<br /> u Bocro+rer's option,sitliar Pro�pt1Y re�id to BorraMer ar credited to Borrower or�monthly W9ments of Fw�ds.If the
<br /> aa�ount attbe Fut�held by Lender i�ewt su�cient ta pay the escrow items wben due.Boaow�er sha11�p,�y to L,ender�ny
<br /> . amomit neaswy to maice up Ihe d�ltciaky in one or mars psyments u reqair�by Lender. .
<br /> � ' Upou p�Yment in fLU of dl:ums secured by this Sacurity Instrumrnt.I.ender shall pmmqty rdund to Bom�trer `
<br /> , �ny Fiu�ds 6e1d py t,ender,if uodet prraanph 19 the ptoperty is sotd or scquired by L,ender.Lendcr shafl appty.ao Qa.ss �
<br />: tltan immeQutety priar to tlse a�i�of the Praperty or its s¢quisition by Lender.any Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> spplicatiaa as a credit a�ainst.tbt sums secured by this Security lnsttument. � '
<br /> . �.'.A�idltio�o�Ps�t�. Unlas applicabk taw►pravides otherwrise.ali PsYments raceivad by Lender w�der
<br /> para�apEa l and 2 ahall be�pptied:6rsc,to late chat6a dus under the Notr,secvnd�to prepsyrtxnt chsrses due urrdar the ' . '
<br /> NotG tl�ird;to�mounts payable unda par�apb 2;fovrth�ta interest due:and last;to princip�l duG. � �
<br /> �. CMr�I.ier. Borrower s1u11 py a!1 tazes�as�ssments�chu�es.fines and impositions attributabk to the �, . .
<br /> ; Yroperty �r�ich m�y attain PrioritY.aver this Seattity l�rurummt. and leasehald psyments ot Srocaad tents. if�ny. ' .
<br /> 8orra�rer shall p�y theae obtiptions in tbe manner proviQa!in pangaph 2.or if not paid in that manner,8o�rower ahall � �
<br /> � pay than on time dirxtty to tLe penoe owed payrnent.Borro�ver shall promptly fumisb to Lendet al!notiea of'amounts
<br /> to be p�id under this parayrsph.If Bor�oMer mafces these psyments direcUy.Borrorver shall promptJy fumish to l�mder `• �.-
<br />. : ' r�ecaPtseridencin�thepayments. . -
<br /> . � Horro�ver s1y11 p�omptly discharseany lien Mhicb has priotity over ttus Security Instrument unlas Borrow�er.(�) . ' . _
<br /> , . ajneeY in Mritin=to tl►e p�ymentof thea6liption secuted by the lien in a manner scceptabk to Lender,(b?contats in saod `
<br /> • hith the liea by.or defends spinst enforament of tl�e lian itti le�al Proce�din�s Mbich i�the Lendtr's opinion operate to .
<br /> oce
<br /> . prevent the eetarcement of the liea or forfeiturc of any qrt of the Propeny;or(c)secura fran the holder of the tien an
<br /> . " �geetnent utisfactory to Lender subordiruti»a the lieh to this Sacurity Instrument.IP Lrnder detamiaes thst aa i�
<br /> y qrt of
<br /> . �. � t4e Praperty is aubject to a lien whicb nuy attain priority ove�,this Secu�ity lastrumrnt. I.ender raay�ve BotroMer a '
<br /> � neti�e ideatifriei the�irn•Borrowtr shaU eatisfy the tien or qkeone or mor�otthe actions set forth above Mithin 10 days
<br /> oftt�epvia�ainotice. .
<br /> S. Hawe�f Iawta�te. Banro�ver sha11 keep the improvan�qtts now existina or heraRcr erected o�the Property �
<br /> . ' .:' insu�ed apinsc fi�hy 6re.hazirds iactt�ded witAin the term'•ext��:.overaje"and any other huuds far which Lenaer =
<br /> n°4w��nsur�oe:7'his insux�nce ehall be miinuined in the�mounts and !or the period�th�t l,etider reQuires. The
<br /> - . in�ulan�cu�r+iet pt+o�idiu�t3�e insuruice shaN�e chqsen by Horro�ver suejat to Lendet's spproval w6ich shs!! not be
<br /> unrmo+uMy�vitt�sld. � . :.�".
<br /> All insvr�u�ce licies sn0 renewals etu11 be �bk to Lender snd sh�tl include s standara mort °F
<br /> aaae claux.
<br /> � . Lendet shr11 hsve the ri�ht to hoid the polkies and re�neMals,lf knder requ�ra.BOrrower sfid)pranp�Jy aive to Lender
<br /> vl reoapts of pid pmniums�nd ttntw�l notic�s. In the evrnt o[losi.Borrrnvtr shall siYe prompt not�e to 1he insut�nce
<br /> c,�nier aad�.ender.Lender may make proofpiloss iPnot maQe promptty by 8orrower.
<br /> � Unkss Lender and Horrower Mhetwise�6ree in writin j,insurance proceeds shall be a�+plied to restatation or repsir
<br /> ot tLe Propert�?ci�maEed.it ths resionticm ar repair is eamoms,c,T►Ty fa�ibfe and Lender'i�rurity is not lessrned. If ttte '
<br /> reKOntio.n or r.r�iir is not ecflnomic�lly tps�bk or Ltnder's sa��rz�ity wouW be kuened.��d insur�nce practed�sh�,il be - - � -
<br /> rpplied to the su�m�securM by this Security Iastrumasa.whether�or nnt then due.witb u►y extess px�d to Borrower. lf.
<br /> , Borr�owcr a6andon�the Prn�rly.ot does eat answtt+��thin 38 A�ys s notice frorn Lender that the inwrarre catriet hts
<br /> o�ered to eettte a slaim.ther�enQer may cullect t he i:�sutance proceeds. 1,,ertGer sniy use the praeeeds to repair or restore '
<br /> the�Propeny or to p�y sums securod by this Serunty Instrument,whether br not thrn due.The 30�day pe�iad wnl!be�n
<br /> Mhen the riotice is pvm.
<br /> Unk�a I.er�der u�d 8o�rro+res other�v�se�aree in wnting,any�pplicat�on of prucreds to pr�ncipal sh�ll not eMtend or
<br /> postpo�se the due date of Ihs month�y p�y�nt�c�fetred tn m paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the arrtcrunt af the`wyment�.lf
<br /> under pua�raph 19 the Propeny is acquired by I,.ender.Bortower's riaht to any�nsurance policies and prc�ceeds r�sulting
<br /> , from d�maae to tts�Ptaptny ptior tq Ihe acquisition shall ptss to Lender to the eatent o!the sums sees�red by Mis Socunty =`- -�
<br /> Instrumrnt immtdiateiy prior to�he scquisition. .
<br /> �. Praer�afks a�/MWctaaee otProrer�:[,eatef�o(�. Bonowtr shall not destroy.damage or substantialty
<br /> ch�nae the�roperty.�lbw t�ht Ptopeqy to deter�onte or commit.waste. If th�s Secunly Instrument �s on a lqsehpld.
<br /> . , Barowrr shaU comply with the gro�isien.s nPthr te�ser�nc!it Hn:rnwn ac����re�fe��i��iv t!�P:sr�sess3.sl�r l;.ssct�mtd as� � i -
<br /> ,�
<br /> iee iitle��iatt no1 mer6e unless l.ender�drers ta fhe merger�n wnctng. �
<br /> � 1• .��� °�1�'t Ald�tA tie Pro/e�tY: Moripte Iesarute. lf Borrowrr faits to perform the �
<br /> : � covenantyu�d qareements cantained m thi�Secun[y testrum=nt,ar there is,n legal proceeding that may s�gnificantly�ffect ,
<br /> l,ender's ti�hts in the Propetty(sueh as �prbr�lmg in 6anRrupt�y,probate.f�r candemnauan o� ro enfatce lav�s ar
<br /> re�u4t�an�).then Lender inay dn and��.tor whatever�s neccs;ary to protect�he��atue c,Pthr Proper�y and Lender's nghts
<br /> . �n�ht Ptoptny, t.ender's acuc�ns may includa p�ying any sums se�urad by a iren a�hich has,pnor��y �tier this 5ecunty �
<br /> � ins►rumrne,�ppeaang�n coun.pay�ng reasuna�bie attomeys'fets und rnteru�g�n the PrupCrev ta maice repa�rs Althangh �
<br /> Lendertnay takeachan undtr eh�a�satagraph�.1.e�tdet d.�esttoi ha�•e ta dn sr+ ' ��. _
<br /> /tny amountsdic�bursetif by Lendee under�hispatagraph T shsll ixc��rr►e add�tionaS de5t a�BUtlalitT 51.CUi!'l�by 1ff15 . -
<br /> Secunty lnstrunient !,►nlcss bo�rawpr anc9lender agree to other terms of��ymer.t,these amc�uncc�ha13 hcar�ntcrest frEfm � �
<br /> t!te d�te ef d�sl+ursemenl at the�ic►te tace end.shall !+e �+ayahJe. with inaerest, upc�n rtnfrs:e fr�•tr� I.enclec t�� H�,�rr<•wer
<br /> icqunt�ng payment '
<br /> . ' �
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