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<br /> T w
<br /> . . . , � g�--� i4329� � - � .
<br /> � ' . `.-�€•�,��d��e im.wranct u a condition af making the toan seceue�d by this Securit�r In�wment, . �
<br /> � � ' Bocro�►tt sbi11�a�y f�e pceauu�s reqpirod to m�intain tht insuranct in ettect until sueh time as the roquirement�for the . �
<br /> t . � :� . - insurance�etmi�at�in aa�orda�icsa►nih Borroaver's and Lender's written agreement or appGcabte law. , ,
<br /> • '' �„�„� LM/�Ni�; LNi�r at-i�agent may arake reasonabte entries upan and inspoctions af the Preperty.Lender ,
<br /> � ; - ° s6a1I�ixe Bommres na�tice at the time oEor priar to an inspation specifyieg reasonable csuse for ihe iaspaeUoa. , < ,
<br /> " � � . y'. �. 'fhe procaeds of my a+�ard ar ciaiin far dame8a.dir+ect or consoquantial,in cQnneetion witli ,
<br /> � : uiy ct�densaauon or other uktn�of�ny put of the Propaty,os for cunveyance in liw of condemnation,ate hereby . �.
<br /> . : � : assi�ned aad s1�at{bc paed to I.ender. � � ' � •
<br /> , � ` � � In the event of a total tsltii��of the Praperty,the proceedss shall be applied ta the snms securcd by this Soc�itity .
<br /> � . �Ynstrufnent,'irt�ether or not then dve.xith any excess.paid to Bormwer.In the evcnt of a partiai taking of the Propetty.
<br /> ° E . unkss Borrower and I,ender othenvisc ast+ee ia writing�th+e sums secured by this Secwity lnstrument shatt be reduced by
<br /> `_ � the�mount,oi tLe procaeds multiplied by the follo�vin6 fraction:Ea)the total amonnt of the sums secureQ immediaueiy •
<br /> before the takina.,divided by(b)ebe fair r�rictt value of the Propert�immediately before the takiag.Any 6alance shall be
<br /> p�id to eorro.vet . � ,
<br /> �.�� �� �� . If the Prop�ty is abmdoned by Barto�rer.or if,afta notice by Lender to Borrowet that the condemnos offets to �
<br /> � e�a1Ee in a+v�rd or settk s�1sim for damages,Borro�rer fails to rapond to Lender withia 30 days after�&e date the natice is
<br /> f . �re�,I.ender is authoiized to colket ana apply t6e proceeds,at its option,either to ratoration or repsir of t6e Yropercy or
<br /> M • , to the sums sFcurad by this Security In�trument,wt�ther or not thert due. � � �
<br /> � Unlexs Lender an&.8orroNer othe�+ise agrae in wsiting,any application of proceeds to principal shall aot extend ot . .
<br /> � postpone the due date of i?se monthl paynunts refercad to in paragr�phs 1 aad 2 ot cbanga the amount of such paymenis.
<br /> i f0. Borrower Not Rek�Forbeuasce By I.eader Not s Wal�er. Escensian of the time far payment or '
<br /> - madificatian of am+srtizatian of the sums secured by this Sacurity ins�rummt granted by Lender to any succes.gor in
<br /> # interest of Harrower shalI not operate to release t�e fia6ility of tice original Bonower or Borrower's�tsccessors in intaest� �
<br /> _ ; i.ender shall not 6e required to commrnce prrceedings against any succasor in interest or�fi,a.�;to eatend time fot �
<br /> . � payrinmt or otherwise tnodify smorti7ation ohhe sums secured by tltis Security Instrumrnt by r�su�;��i any demand made ' .�: ' •
<br /> j by tlft oriEins�.Horta�ver or Borrorver'ssucc.essors in interest.Any fotbearance hy Lender in eacrcis�ng t�ny nght or tes�edy ;.',�-��:�,.� ,
<br /> � shaq not be��aive�ofor prectude the eaercise of any right or remedy. ��, .� .
<br /> E 21. S�OCCexocs a�Asdps BoY�d:Joiat sud Se�ual LisDility;Co-sigaen. The covrnants.�nd agrar..*�s�'::' ,; �
<br /> _ ; t1►is Secwity Instrument shall bind�and benefit the success�rs and assigns af Lender and Borrawer,sa�et to the provisias:a: . ;,..
<br /> ; . of pars�rapb 1�.Borrawes's covenants and ageaments shall be joint and several.Any 8orrower who�asigns this 5avritg'"..- .
<br /> ` Instrumtnt but das not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Saearity Instrument only to martgage,grant and cunvey �
<br /> � ' that Borrower's interest in the Property under tht terms of this Security Insuument;(b)is not personally abligat�d to pay i �
<br /> . i the anms secured by this Socurity Instrnment;and(c)agas that Lender and any other Bonower may agree to eatend �'�
<br /> � � madify,forbear or make any�accommodations a�fth regard to the terms of this 5ecurity lnstrumezar�r the Note without ; _:
<br /> � that Bonower's consent. �""� �� ' .
<br /> 12. Lo��C6ar�es. IP the loan secured by this Security instrument is subject to a law whiqh sets maximum laan . _
<br /> ' eharges, and that !aw is finally interpteted so that the inttrest or other toan �harges collected or to De callected in � ..
<br /> � E connectian with the loan excad the pera�itted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shap be rednced by the amount
<br /> ' ? ne¢essary to reduce the chafge to tht pemyitted limit;and(b)any sums already collocted fram Borrower whicb eaca�ded . -
<br /> i permitted limits wi115e�efunded to Harrower.I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing tht principal owed � �
<br /> under the Note or by making a direct payment to Ronawer.if a refuad reduces prncipal.the reductian will be treated as a �
<br /> '" partial prepayment withuut any prepayr�tent charge under the Note. � � '
<br /> • � i� l3. j.egkbtlw Affeetly� I.endee's'ltigrts. Ii'enactment ar eapiration of app]icable laws has the offect of
<br /> ( tendering any pravi�sion oi'the Nate or this Sacurity Instcument uncnforaeable acxording to its terms.l.ender,ai its option.
<br /> '{ may reguire immediate payment in.fuU of�all sums secured by this Security Inswment and ma�:i:�voke any remedies
<br />, permitted by paragraph 19.!f Lender excrcises this option,Lertder shall ta�Ce the steps�specified in��:�second paragraph of
<br /> '. . �t Paragrap[�t?. .__
<br /> ( ir. Natiees. Any notice to Borrower provided far in ihis Security lnstrument shall be given by detivering it or by `-
<br /> ' � maiting it by first ctass mail unless applicabk taw requires use af another method. The notice shaA be directed to the ;�.
<br /> ' Property Address or aur other address Borrower designates by notice t�Lender.Any noti¢e to I.ender shall be given by
<br /> � � first class rtsail to Lender`s address ststed herein or any othcr address l,ender designates by notice to&�rrower.Any noticc
<br /> provided far in this 5ecusity lnstrutc::nt shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower i�r I.ender when given���rovidec!
<br /> ; inthispaf�tg'taph.
<br /> � iS. Gorernleg I.sw;Severabillty. This Security (nstrument s}iall tie governed by federal law und thc law of the�� � � ��- � ��
<br /> . � jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that any provisian or clause nf this 5ecurity lnstrument or the
<br /> • � � .Note conflicts with applicable taw�such cvnflict shall n�t affect ather prr�visions of this Security Instrument or the Note .
<br /> , R which cani be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of thi�Security lnstrument and the ,
<br /> i Note�re,dte:�red to be scverab2a � . , . �
<br /> # I�i.,.Borrowet'�Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformeci copy of'the Note and di this 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> � � � 17. :Transfe�c�t6e Property or s &neflrial leterest in Borrower. 1P all ar any part of the Property or a:t�
<br /> 4 ,. 8nterest in it is sold c7 ts'ansfened{ar if a tt�nefecial interes!in Borrower is sold or transferred and Horr�wtr is noi a naturai
<br /> � person)a�it�aut Lendes's prior wtitten cansent.Lender may,at its option.sequire immediate payment in fali�Eali sums
<br /> � securtd Fs}�:�his Security Instrument. Howe��er.this option shall nat be exerclsed by ixrtder if exercise is prc"s7ibited by
<br /> � federal IaW as of the date of'this Security lnstrument. --_____<_
<br /> , If,Lender exercises this option,l.endet shall give Horrower notice oPacceleration.The notice shall provide a period ' .
<br />� � . atnot less 4han 30 days fram the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Horrower must pay all sums secured by �
<br /> - -- � . tt�isS¢cu�yttt5tnirrttrtt.tfBmt6werfaiistapaythesesums�riortvliceexpis-aiiu�ruPilii�y�criati,�,end�csr�ayinval:cassy � -
<br /> � rcmedies�etmitted by this Security�nstrtiment withaut furz�er natice or demand on Bnrrower. , � �
<br /> t 18.Borrower's Rfigh!to Reinstate. if�orrawes meets certain conditions,$orrowet stta:!have the r,;�:t to have '
<br /> . enforcement of this Security]nstrument discor,tir.ued at any.time prior tn the earlier of:(a)S days(cs.such otf�er pericxi as
<br /> L ' a�plicable law ma►y specify for reinslatement)&xfore sal�af the Property pursuant to any pawer of sete cnntained in eSzis
<br /> ; � Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this 5ecurity Instrument."1'hose canditions�re that Aarr6wer.
<br /> ' (a)pays Lender all sums which theo would be due under this Security Instrument and thc Note had n�a:,celetation �
<br /> � � occutred;(b)cures any default.of any atker covenants or agrc�ments; (c)pays aU expenses incurred in enf�rcing this �
<br /> � Security Instriuneat,Iactudi�sg.bu[�at timited tv, r�asanabte uttarneys`fees;and idj takey sueh action as Lender rr�ay
<br /> � rcasonably require th assurc ths�t the lien of this Security Instrument. Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower s
<br /> � obligatian to pay the sums securec} by this Security Insttument. sfiall continue unchanged. Up�n reinstatement by � �
<br /> _. .... _ . . .. �
<br /> � Botrowes.this 5ecuiity lnsfrument asid ttie o6ligafions sec:ured iierc�sy shall reniain fuily effec�ivc:i�if ri�i acceleration hIId �
<br /> oCCUlted.However.this ri�ht to reinstate shall ttat apply in the case c�f acceleratian under paragraphs 13 ar 17.
<br />, ', ` - �
<br /> � .
<br />