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200105962 <br />A tract of land compriOnLi a part pr Fructionul Lot One (A), Block One Hundred 'Thirty Eiglet <br />(;138), Union Pat;ilic Hillrotad Company Second AddItlnn lu the (;11y or Grand 10and, 11all <br />County. Ncbrunka, and more particularly described am follows: Beginning at the Houtheabt <br />Corner of said Lout Onr (1). thence Nurtltw+esiterly ulonp, Elie Eauterly line or suld Lot ()na (1) <br />a distance of 59.0% thence Southwesterly, parallel to the Southerly line of void Lot One (l) a <br />distance or 53.11', tltvnrc. Southeasterly, parallel to Me Easterly ling of sold Lot one (1) a <br />distance of 13.151; thentm Southwesterly, parallel to the :southerly llne of mald Lot Onu (1) N <br />diawnct ur mo, to a point on the Westerly line or ouid Lot One (i); ttsrnce 5outhenetorly n <br />dlatanee or 41.75' to the Southwrat Corner of sold Lut One (1); thence North"Ilterly a distance <br />of db.u' to the point of bo9latHl ®;v. <br />