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WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust made among Roger Nelson and <br />Lavonne R Nelson, husband and wife, Trustor, and Central National Bank as Trustee and The <br />Equitable Building and Loan Association, as Beneficiary, dated December 7, 2000, and recorded — <br />December 12, <br />on 2000, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Hall County, <br />Nebraska, as Instrument Number 0200010764 , has been paid; and <br />WHEREAS, the Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust has requested that all the property held by <br />Central National Bank, as Trustee, under said Deed of Trust be reconveyed, without warranty, to <br />the person or persons entitled thereto. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the written <br />request of the Beneficiary, Central National Bank, as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without <br />warranty, to the person or persons: entitled thereto all the estate and interest held by it, as Trustee, <br />under the above described Deed of Trust in the following described property: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots Thirty-Seven (37), Thirty-Eight (38) and Thirty-Nine (39), <br />Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two (2), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 38, said point being 48.42 feet, as measured along the chord, <br />from the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 38; thence, continuing Northeasterly along the arc of a curve <br />whose radius is 400' and along the lot line, a chord distance of 151.25 feet, to a point on the <br />Northwesterly line of said Lot 39; thence, deflecting right 118° 46' from the last described chord, and <br />running Southeasterly, a distance of 274.45 feet, to a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot 37; <br />thence, Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of Lot 37, a distance of 115.04 feet thence, deflecting <br />right 92°21' and running Northwesterly, a distance of 128.52 feet, to a point on the Northerly line of said <br />Lot 37, said point being 68.21 feet Easterly from the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 37; thence, <br />deflecting left 11° 47' and running Northwesterly, a distance of 80.4 feet to the place of beginning and <br />excepting therefrom a certain tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded as <br />Document No. 81- 000174 in the Register of Deeds Office, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Executed S`Z�(01 <br />Central National Bank <br />by <br />Vice President pO <br />attest 1 SEAL ,may <br />Assistant Secre ry •ro "�^n <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF NUCKOLLS ) <br />The foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this 24 "' day of May, 2001 <br />E. J. Meekins as Vice President of Central National Bank, as Trustee. <br />Notary Pu <br />K7 SrHIERMEYER <br />ftiAL NOTARY <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />IHI €+" MY Appt• exP•S_ ept 8,2004 <br />= <br />iii <br />n <br />M <br />o <br />~v, <br />C) <br />CZ) <br />1C <br />ni <br />-73 <br />iy UJ <br />U1 ,yi. <br />Q <br />UZ <br />Ca <br />CAD <br />Ci'l cfl <br />10 5 9 5 9 <br />� <br />C-0 -a <br />DEED OF <br />N E <br />ANCE <br />Cn <br />ca <br />WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust made among Roger Nelson and <br />Lavonne R Nelson, husband and wife, Trustor, and Central National Bank as Trustee and The <br />Equitable Building and Loan Association, as Beneficiary, dated December 7, 2000, and recorded — <br />December 12, <br />on 2000, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Hall County, <br />Nebraska, as Instrument Number 0200010764 , has been paid; and <br />WHEREAS, the Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust has requested that all the property held by <br />Central National Bank, as Trustee, under said Deed of Trust be reconveyed, without warranty, to <br />the person or persons entitled thereto. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the written <br />request of the Beneficiary, Central National Bank, as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without <br />warranty, to the person or persons: entitled thereto all the estate and interest held by it, as Trustee, <br />under the above described Deed of Trust in the following described property: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lots Thirty-Seven (37), Thirty-Eight (38) and Thirty-Nine (39), <br />Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Two (2), more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br />point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 38, said point being 48.42 feet, as measured along the chord, <br />from the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 38; thence, continuing Northeasterly along the arc of a curve <br />whose radius is 400' and along the lot line, a chord distance of 151.25 feet, to a point on the <br />Northwesterly line of said Lot 39; thence, deflecting right 118° 46' from the last described chord, and <br />running Southeasterly, a distance of 274.45 feet, to a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot 37; <br />thence, Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of Lot 37, a distance of 115.04 feet thence, deflecting <br />right 92°21' and running Northwesterly, a distance of 128.52 feet, to a point on the Northerly line of said <br />Lot 37, said point being 68.21 feet Easterly from the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 37; thence, <br />deflecting left 11° 47' and running Northwesterly, a distance of 80.4 feet to the place of beginning and <br />excepting therefrom a certain tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded as <br />Document No. 81- 000174 in the Register of Deeds Office, Hall County, Nebraska <br />Executed S`Z�(01 <br />Central National Bank <br />by <br />Vice President pO <br />attest 1 SEAL ,may <br />Assistant Secre ry •ro "�^n <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF NUCKOLLS ) <br />The foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this 24 "' day of May, 2001 <br />E. J. Meekins as Vice President of Central National Bank, as Trustee. <br />Notary Pu <br />K7 SrHIERMEYER <br />ftiAL NOTARY <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />IHI €+" MY Appt• exP•S_ ept 8,2004 <br />