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a <br />• <br />0 <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned, William G. Blackburn, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />is a member of the Nebraska State Bar Association as Trustee, under the Deed of Trust dated July <br />19, 1989, executed by Clyde H. Christensen & Wilma E. Christensen, husband and wife, in which <br />Five Points Bank is named as Beneficiary, and the undersigned as Trustee, which was recorded in <br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document #89- 103778, on the <br />21st day of July, 1989 and <br />WHEREAS, said undersigned, William G. Blackburn, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />as Trustee, has received from Five Points Bank, of Grand Island, Nebraska, as Beneficiary, written <br />request to reconvey the real estate described in the Deed of Trust above mentioned as follows: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE' /4NE' /4) of Section Eight (8), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, RAnge Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the east line of Park Avenue in <br />the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, intersects the south line of Waugh Street in said city; running <br />thence south along and upon the east line of Park Avenue a distance of one hundred (100) feet; <br />running east and at right angles to Park Avenue a distance of one hundred thirty -eight (138) <br />feet; running thence north and parallel to Park Avenue a distance of one hundred (100) feet to <br />a point on the south line of Waugh Street; running thence west along and upon the south line of <br />Waugh Street a distance of one hundred thirty -eight (138) feet to a point of beginning; subject <br />to any easemaents and any restrictive covenants of record, and subject to any existing utility <br />lines for the benefit of the remaining property in the block in which these premises are located, <br />being Block 31 in Highland Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />said request to reconvey reciting that all sums secured by such Deed of Trust have been fully <br />paid; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in cacc©rdc&nce with-such {equest_and the-provisions of such Deed of <br />Trust, the undersigned as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or <br />persons legally entitled thereto, the estate now held by said Trustee hereunder. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Deed of Reconveyance, at <br />Grand Island, Nebraska this � day of June, 2001. <br />WILLIAM G. BLACKBURN, TRUSTEE <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) // <br />he foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this ` ,, 1 day of <br />2001, by William G. Blackburn, Trustee <br />fiEIiERAL NOTARY -Stair of Nebraska <br />III REGINA R. OLSEN <br />_ My Comm. Exp, Oct. 27, 2003 No ary blic <br />The Beneficiary requests the Trustee to reconvey the real estate above to the person or <br />persons entitled thereto. <br />FIVE PQNTS BANK, <br />By; <br />Edv{rard W. O' Boyl <br />Executive Vice Pre <br />�I <br />M <br />► <br />c> U) <br />o D <br />CD <br />rrt <br />n <br />= <br />!A <br />Z <br />n' -Q_'� <br />t__ <br />t <br />O <br />= <br />N <br />m <br />`> <br />CD <br />co <br />CD <br />CD <br />71 <br />_0 <br />'t <br />n <br />O <br />V9 <br />rn <br />IVEYANCE <br />C.D <br />71 <br />D <br />CF1 <br />jj <br />W <br />' ." <br />C o <br />cv <br />2 0 010 5 9 5 8 <br />DEED OF R <br />O <br />z <br />C2 <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned, William G. Blackburn, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />is a member of the Nebraska State Bar Association as Trustee, under the Deed of Trust dated July <br />19, 1989, executed by Clyde H. Christensen & Wilma E. Christensen, husband and wife, in which <br />Five Points Bank is named as Beneficiary, and the undersigned as Trustee, which was recorded in <br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document #89- 103778, on the <br />21st day of July, 1989 and <br />WHEREAS, said undersigned, William G. Blackburn, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />as Trustee, has received from Five Points Bank, of Grand Island, Nebraska, as Beneficiary, written <br />request to reconvey the real estate described in the Deed of Trust above mentioned as follows: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE' /4NE' /4) of Section Eight (8), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, RAnge Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point where the east line of Park Avenue in <br />the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, intersects the south line of Waugh Street in said city; running <br />thence south along and upon the east line of Park Avenue a distance of one hundred (100) feet; <br />running east and at right angles to Park Avenue a distance of one hundred thirty -eight (138) <br />feet; running thence north and parallel to Park Avenue a distance of one hundred (100) feet to <br />a point on the south line of Waugh Street; running thence west along and upon the south line of <br />Waugh Street a distance of one hundred thirty -eight (138) feet to a point of beginning; subject <br />to any easemaents and any restrictive covenants of record, and subject to any existing utility <br />lines for the benefit of the remaining property in the block in which these premises are located, <br />being Block 31 in Highland Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />said request to reconvey reciting that all sums secured by such Deed of Trust have been fully <br />paid; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in cacc©rdc&nce with-such {equest_and the-provisions of such Deed of <br />Trust, the undersigned as Trustee, does hereby reconvey, without warranty, to the person or <br />persons legally entitled thereto, the estate now held by said Trustee hereunder. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Deed of Reconveyance, at <br />Grand Island, Nebraska this � day of June, 2001. <br />WILLIAM G. BLACKBURN, TRUSTEE <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) // <br />he foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this ` ,, 1 day of <br />2001, by William G. Blackburn, Trustee <br />fiEIiERAL NOTARY -Stair of Nebraska <br />III REGINA R. OLSEN <br />_ My Comm. Exp, Oct. 27, 2003 No ary blic <br />The Beneficiary requests the Trustee to reconvey the real estate above to the person or <br />persons entitled thereto. <br />FIVE PQNTS BANK, <br />By; <br />Edv{rard W. O' Boyl <br />Executive Vice Pre <br />�I <br />