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<br /> ; iu eotn�ideratioa of '�! th�ai+�td �o2lart (�t0�000.D0) . . . .
<br /> .. � �.reetiv�d�irom �r�atees. daes.�rant, barg�in, sell eonvey aad confirm rmto � , ; .
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<br /> aad appc::�t�enances Lhereto belonging unto the grantees and to �their sesigns, or to tho- heii�s and assigns �
<br /> � oi the s�Tvi�ar oi t�e.� forever. , ` '
<br />. f � And grantor 3oes hereby covenanC�mvitH the granteea and �vith their aieigns aad witb the heirr �
<br /> � �nd aeei�.'o.f the anrvivor of them that grantor is leas�'ia�ly aeiaed o�said premiaea;that tbeq are iree from
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<br /> ( tDe entire fee titl o tty��s1 proprrty �hall vegt in the suruicing grantee. �
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