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<br /> �4� . . . J E��IIBTT E ��V���,
<br /> � MORTGAGE ADD�tT+'i �� _ , .
<br /> � ��` :,��=::��.�Q�ing are addenda to<��;=�!S��,fig$qe: Please check ,`' �
<br /> - ` ';� ;, . '������� � addendum. The add��. ';�'hecked shal I be . . � �
<br /> � . . .' .�:�:�.:�,� .. �?:;, .,,�_�
<br /> � incr�i�r��tied into, and recQrded wftl�`�� the Martgage. The term
<br /> ' "Mvrtqag�" shall,be deemed to inalude "Deed o€ Trust," if
<br /> < : app�fcable. . ' _ _
<br /> , . . FHA 7;DDENDUM �_ . � ' .. • . � .
<br /> ' � A�t long as the Mo�tgage is outst,anding, the Leader may -
<br /> � ' declare. all sums secured by the Mortgaqe to be immediate3y
<br /> � � due and payable if : .
<br /> (a) � all or part of the property is scld or other-
<br /> �� wise trans£erred �ather thaa by dev��e, desceat o� � .
<br /> � operation of 2aw) by Borrower to a purchaser ar other
<br /> . � transferee: � .
<br /> .
<br /> ' . ti) who cannot reasonably be e�ected to � .
<br /> occupy the pro�erty as a priacipai residence within �
<br /> a reasonable .time after the sa2e or transfer, a12 -.
<br />, � as provided �n Section 143(c) and 143(i)(2) of the � .
<br /> Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; ar � .�x
<br /> � .
<br /> � (ii) wha has had a �:esent ownership interest ' -
<br /> � in a p=incipal residence� curing any part of the _
<br /> , �� three-year period ending on the date of the saie or -
<br /> ' ; � transfer, aIl as provided in Sec�fon 143(d) and --
<br /> , � 143(f)(2) of the Internal Rever.u� Code texcept that
<br /> . the lanquaqe "100 percent" sbail be substituted for
<br /> � � "95 percent or more" where the latter app�ars in
<br /> � Sec*_ion 143fd)(il); o:
<br /> (iii�) at an ac�:�.sit3�n cost which is greater
<br /> . than 90$ of the averaqe a�ea puzchase price . �
<br /> � � (greater than 110� far taryeted area resideaces},
<br /> all as provided in Section 143(e) and 143ti)(2) o� . .�
<br /> the Internal Reven;:e Code; or �`'�"
<br /> , ,.
<br /> , .
<br /> tiv) who has an income in excess of that �
<br /> established by the Nebraska Investment Finance .
<br /> Authority under its applicable requlations or pro-
<br /> . gram gufdeliaes in effect on� the date �of the �sale -�-�- ------ -��� -�-� � �� � -- - �� -
<br /> or trans�er; or
<br /> � ,:-=�-
<br /> . ,
<br /> � . � �
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<br /> �� Ft,. ,�
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