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nuntgaped propctfy. sul,ircl, ho\vc\cr. to ant acsi8nno:nl of n fits in <br />Ili, iirsnrc:d nunlp:lge referred to flcrcin. Ilrllil :t dcf :ill j.. dcrl :ncd <br />under Ihis Apiccnlcnt. ho\cen r. pc nnissi„n is prloaucl 1,, t lo. our 1„ <br />collect :old tctain under the plot isions of Ihis Alnccnuan ,loch lull :. <br />l,rclfits, inc•nntc.:110 ch :ages, bill open dchlolt this I,crini"'i, n i -; <br />terininaled its to :ell tr.nts due or collerle,l thcle:ahcr. <br />13. \s used in this Aptccnlem Ih(- Icon: <br />(a) `Nlollpapc" inclolcs A)vvd of Iicr,I •( h:lttrl Alultpngr <br />"Sccorily III!•t111111CI1I ". :111.11 ant ollcl cccnitt IoI Ihc nuts <br />idcnlificd hcicin.:nld cnrdolsc,l hn in.rn :lnrc or hell h_t till- <br />Secretary: <br />(b) "Mottpapec" refers to Ihc holder ill ,hl- no,llpagc idc•nlificcl <br />hcicin, its successors and :c :signs: <br />(c) "Moil r." rcfcls to the pl-ts,nr; n:nncd ill Ihr Iil,.t Ivunpl :11,11 <br />hcrc(if mill dcsit'llatcd ns Mt llcr:. lilt-if snrccs, :ml . licit" :nnl <br />assigns: <br />(d) , Mottgapcd I'nlperly" includes fill lnopclty. real. pc1•.n11a1 ,n <br />mixed. c•ovelml by Orr rtn,ltpapc fir nl„lrpn pr: srrolinp the llou <br />endorsed fill insut:mcc or fluid k Ihc Scrlclalt: <br />(c) "Project" includes Illr m llpnpcd pl,•pu11t ;111(1 all ils ,dhc•r <br />assets of Mull:octcr a :llntc ur nhetcsnrt cr silmll(% eked ill nI. <br />mvned h} the husinrss cnndocicd u)I :1i,i nnnlpap.rd llwllvllt. <br />lvhirh bnsincss is pan if inp housing :Ind olhcr m Ii% ific.. a, au• <br />inuidcnfal lhcicln: <br />(f) "Sulpins (nsh" ntcnnc :alt cash Icnlaiojnp Awl: <br />(1) the pav nn:nt of: <br />(i) All soritsdoe ,I cnnenllt Icclni,cd In he 1 ,,id tinder Ihr. <br />Icrn,s of :Ill% luollp:tpc of uotc inslncd of livid Ili Ihc <br />$ecicl:ll y; <br />(ii) All mimmits rcrplilcd to hl- dcp-JIrd in Ihc rescr\c <br />fund for Icpincc flit: nls; <br />(iii) All oblipaticros of flit- pi,+jcct nlncr limit the insured <br />nlnitgnpr tnllcss funds flit lntI t lrnl :fir scl Aside or <br />(lcfcnm :fit of pa�mcnt hits been :1ly16)Ncd ht Ih(: Sec <br />- <br />Ictarl, ::tad <br />(2) Ihc scgtrpntinn of: <br />(j) An athounl cgnnlb, Ihc :lpprcp,Ilc of all spccjal hinds <br />Ictluircd to he nlajntiliucd by the ploit-c•1; and <br />0i) All temint scrulity deposits livid. <br />Ig) '1*41ibulion" tncltns :illy \601011r:11 of takinp of cash or:nly <br />: ;%cls of Ihc ptoicc•l, iucln(1inp flit. suprcpalion of rash fir asscls <br />for snhscc lntff %, itltr11r;m0 \vilhin lfl(! Iinlitalion,; of 1'Innprnph <br />ble) hctcnf.:u:d cxchali,Ip 11;1vowlll fill tcasnn :Illlc cxl,cm.cs <br />hicicienl to file oprrntion :old nlailiteIf:vlc•c of file plojcct. <br />200006301 <br />Ili) "I)chlill" ntcmis :t dcholt dccl:ucd l,v Ihr. Scclef :nv - , n <br />0olalion of this Agrc•cnlcut is not cnrtccicd In his sali•I •,` n <br />\vithin till, liulc :11111 cd b} this Aplccnlcn( or such furtb• •little <br />:IS nl:ty he allmved by file Scclet :uy lifter \\,riticn nutice; <br />1111 "Scc•tinn" refers to It Scction of file Nutional Ilousing Act, <br />as Ilnlcnded. <br />Dkp[acc(1 persons or flollilics" shall mean :l fnnlily or fmnilics. <br />r,r a pclsml ilkl+lncud li„nl :ill urhnn Ictticm- :11 alra, fir Its file <br />Icsolt of p,,ccrnulcm action. or as a Icsull of a major disaster as <br />dulvrnlillcd lly Ihc 1'lrsirlcnl puts" :tot In Ihc Disatslcr Relief Act <br />of 1910. <br />(I <1 "Fillmly person" nlc :tns any person. nmuied or single, who is <br />slxiv -( \vn vents of Iige or five, -. <br />I1. 'lllis insttunlcat shall hind. Ilad the hcnefits shall inurr to, the <br />rc•puctive (hvrirrs, their hens. Icgal rcpfescntatives, rsccutors, <br />mhlliuistinfols. successors in office or iutelest_ and assigns, and to the <br />Serlchily and his surcessots so long Its file conhmef of nuaigage <br />insttl;ulce c•ouli11ucs in effect. and during such fulthcr time as the <br />Sccrctary shall he the im new, holder, or rciusuler of the nonigltge, or <br />nhligntcd hl lcinsurc fit I t. mortgage.. <br />15, Owncrs 1%;,1r;Int that they have nut.:urd \vill not, execute ,lily olhcr <br />agtccmcut Willi provisions c•outradic•tory oC or in opposition to, the <br />provisions hcrcof.:old Thal, ill :illy event_ the rc,luirhtncnts of this <br />Aprccnlcnl :fie pulanlounl and coultcdling Its to the rights and <br />oblip:11ions set fotlh and supersrcle uity othel rceltflrcnicills rn collfllct <br />thcre\vilh. <br />Ill. 'Ihr invalidity of any clause, plot or provisions of this Agreement <br />shall lint ;[feet the v:tliclity or the rrulaiuinp portions thereof. <br />17, '[lie folimviltg Owhets: RE:cent , L. L. C. a. Nebraska <br />Limited Liability Co., General Partner <br />of French Village Limited Partnership; <br />or it's member manager James G. Rector <br />or it's other member Robert R. Rector; <br />or any 1�mited partners of the French <br />Village Limited Partnership. <br />Do not assume personal liability for <br />payments. du.e under the note and mort- <br />gage, or for the n;�yments to the re- <br />serve for replacements, or for matters <br />not under their control, provided that <br />said Owners•shail remaiin liable under <br />this Agreement only with respect to the <br />matters hereinafter stated, namely: <br />(a) for funds of property of the pro- <br />ject coming into their hands which, <br />by the provisions hereof, they are <br />not entitled to retain; and <br />(b) for their own acts and deeds or <br />acts and deeds of others which they <br />have authorized in violation of the <br />provisions hereof. <br />!_ (To be executed with formalities for <br />recording a deed to real estate . ) <br />IZ(Ipltices 1`1 IA-2466 which may bn I.Knd unlil supply n xlr;ln5lnd Fagn fi of ti <br />