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.Regulatory Agreement for <br />Multifamily Housing Projects <br />Under Sections 207, 220, 221(d <br />Project Number <br />- <br />Amount of Mortgage Note <br />- - - - -- $563,000. - -- <br />MongageRecorded Slate Nebraska <br />Bonk 14 5 <br />Assigned: — 56 <br />This Agreement entered into this _ -- <br />U.S_ Department of Housing 200006301 <br />and Urban Development <br />Office of Housing <br />Federal Housing Commissioner <br />4), 231 and 232, Except Nonprofits <br />---------------------- - - - - -- ----------- - - - - -- — <br />Mortgages — - -- - <br />F-irs_t--arTrust CompApy____ -_ —_- <br />Date <br />2 -1 -1968 _ <br />county Hall Date originally endorsed for insurance under Section <br />rage 321 2 -1 -1968 221(d)3 <br />- - - - - -- dry of A2 i 1----------- - - - - -- • A0 0 0 — <br />between French Vi 11 a_e _ Limited _Partnership <br />r ;hose addre,s is 14541 Grover Street, Suite 1 <br />P.O. Box 45531 <br />Omaha, NE 68145 <br />their successors, heirs, and assigns (jointly and severally, hereinafter referred to as Owners) and the undersigned Secretary of Housing and Urban <br />Development and his successors (Frcrcinaftcr referred to as Secretary). <br />In consideration of the entiorsentent for insurance by the Secretary of the <br />above described note or in consideration of the consent of the Sccretary to <br />the transfer of the mortgaged properly or the sale and conveyance of the <br />mortgaged property by the Sccrctary, and in order to comply with the <br />requirements of the National Ilowing Act, as amended• and the Regula- <br />tions adopted by the Secretary pursuant thereto. Owners agree for them - <br />sclvcs, their successors, heirs and assigns. that in connection Witt) the <br />mortgaged property and the project operated thereon and so long as the <br />contract of mortgage insurance c•untinucs in effect, and during such <br />further period of time as the Sccrctary shall be the owncr, holder or <br />reinsu-cr of the mortgage• or during any time the Secretary is obligated to <br />insure a mortgage on the mortgage property: <br />1. Owners. except as limited by paragraph 17 hereof, assume arid agree <br />to make promptly all payments title under the note and mortgage. <br />2. (a) Owners shall establish or continue to maintain a reserve fund for <br />replacements by the allocation to such reserve fund in a separate <br />account with the mortgagee or in a safe and responsible deposi- <br />tory designated by file rnortgagcc., concurrently with the begin- <br />ning of payments towards amortization of the principal of the <br />moilgagc insaurd or held by the Secretary of an amount equal to <br />ti _.6_7. — per month unless a different date or <br />amount is approved in writing by file Sccrctary. <br />Such fund, whether in the form of a cast) deposit or invested in <br />obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal fly, the United <br />States of America shall at all times he under- the control of the <br />mortgagee. Disbursements from such fund, whether for the <br />purpose of effecting replacement of structural elements and <br />mcchanic•al equipment of the projcct or for any other purpose, <br />may he male only after receiving the consent in writing of the <br />Secretary. In the event that the owner is unable to make a <br />mortgage note payment on the due date and that payment cannot <br />tic made prior to the due day- 4111c next such installment or when <br />the ❑tortgagee has agreed trr forgo making an election to assign <br />the nnrrtgagc to the Sccrctary based on a nwnctary default, or to <br />withdraw an election uIreadv made, the Secretary is authorized <br />to instruct the nuntgagcc to withdraw funds from the reserve <br />fund for rcplaccntcnts to be applied to the mortgage payment in <br />order to prevent or cure the default. In addition, in the event of <br />a default in the terms of the mortgage, pursuant to which the loan <br />has been accelerated, the Secretary may apply or authorize the <br />application of the balance in such fund to the amount title on the <br />r ortgage debt as accelerated. <br />(b) Where Owners are acquiring a prgjcct already subject to an <br />insured mortgage, the reserve fund for replacements to tic <br />established will be equal to the amount due to be in such fund <br />under existing agreements or charter provisions at the time <br />Owners acquire such prgjcct, and payments hereunder shall <br />hcgin with the first payment due un the mortgage after acquisi <br />(ion, unless sonic other method of establishing and maintaining <br />the fund is approved in writing by the Secretary. <br />3. Kcal property covered by the mortgage and this agreement is etc <br />scribed in Schedule A attached hereto. <br />(ibis paragraph 4 is not applicable to cases insured under Section 233.) <br />4. (a) Owner., shall make dwelling accommodation and services of the <br />project available to occupants at charges not exceeding those <br />established in accordance with a rental schedule approved in <br />writing by the Sccrctary, for any project subject to regulation of <br />rent by the Sccrctary. Accommodations shall not be rented for <br />a period of less than thirty (3) days• or, unless the mortgage is <br />insured under Section 331, for more than three years. Comma- <br />vial facilities shall be rented for such use and upon such terms <br />as approved by the Secretary. Subleasing of dwelling accornmo- <br />dations, except for subleases of single dwelling accommoda- <br />tions by the tenant thereof, shall he prohibited without prior <br />written approval of Owners and the Secretary and any ]case shall <br />so provide. Upon discovery of any unapproved sublease. Own- <br />ers shall immediately demand cancellation and notify the Scc- <br />rctary thereof. <br />Replaces FHA -2166 which may be used until supply exhausted Page 3 of 6 <br />(b) Upon prior written approval by the Sccrctary. Owners ntav <br />charge to and receive from any tenant such amounts as from time <br />to time may be mutually agreed upon between the tenant and the <br />Owners for any facilities and /or services which may he fur <br />nished by the Owners or others ur such tenant upon his request. <br />in addition to the facilities and services included in the approval <br />rental schedule. Approval of charges for facilities and scrviccs <br />is ri.rt required for any project not subject to regulation of rent by <br />the Secretary. <br />(c) For any project subject to regulation of rent by the Secretary. the <br />Secretary will at any time entertain a written request for a rent <br />increase properly supported by substantiating evidence arid <br />within a reasonable time shall: <br />form HUD -92466 (10 -85) <br />ref Handbook 4571. r <br />