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Regulatory Agreement <br />Multifamily Housing Projects <br />Instructions to Closing Attorney <br />U.S. Depar(ment of Houuing 200006301 <br />and Urban Development <br />Office of Housing <br />Federal Housing Commissioner <br />Under Sections 207, 220, 221(d)(4), 231 and 232, Except Nonprofits <br />1. Form ofMortgagor <br />Sara Jones Trust," be I isted in paragraph 17as"Mr. Jones, individu- <br />a. Corporate Mortgagor- any form ofCorporatcChartermaybeused <br />ally," and sign theAerecmcntas "Mr- Jones,trusteeoftheSaraJones <br />which: <br />Trust." This would make the Sara Jones Trust responsible for carrying <br />( I )contains nothing inconsistent with the Regulatory Agreement, <br />out the provisions oftbc Regulatory Agreement, but Mr. J ones would <br />(2)gives the corporation powers necessary to operate the project <br />be responsible individually only for his own acts. <br />and execute the note and mortgage, and <br />4. In all cases involving the issuance of a comniiUncnt to insure there <br />(3)spccificaly authorizes the execution ofthc regulatory Agree- <br />shall be added to the mortgage a provision substantially as follows: <br />mcnt. <br />"The Regulatory Agrccmcnt of even date herewith entered into <br />Suggested charter provisions to accomplish the above purposes <br />between the Mortgagor; (Grantors) herein and the Secretary of <br />arc attached. <br />Housing and Urban Development which is being recorded simulta- <br />b. Partnership Mortgagor- Unless all general partners execute the <br />ncously herewith, is incorporated in and made a part ofthis mortgage <br />Regulatory Agreement, a copy of the partnership agrcemcnt <br />(decd of trust). Upon default under the Regulatory Agreement and <br />should be furnished and should be furnished and should be <br />upon request by the Secretary, the Mortgagee, at its option, may <br />examined to determine that it contains nothing inconsistent with <br />declare this mortgage (decd of trust) in default and may declare the <br />the Regulatory Agreement. It should further contain a provision <br />whole of the indebtedness secured hereby to he Line and payable_" <br />substantially as follows: <br />If the mortgage is already on record, it should he modified to <br />"The partnership is authorized to execute a note and mortgage <br />incorporate the Regulatory Agreement. Ordinarily this may be done <br />inordcrto secure aloantobeinsurcdh y the Secretary off-lousing <br />byascparatc Modification Agrccnicntcxceutcdbythcmortgagorand <br />and Urban Development and to execute a Regulatory Agreement <br />mortgagee. <br />and othcrdocuments rcquiredhy the Secretary in connection with <br />5, The Regulatory Agreement shall he executed by the Mortgagor and <br />such loan. Any incoming genera partner shall as a condition of <br />Sccrctary and recorded at the expense of the. Mortgagor prior to <br />receiving an interest in the partnership agree to be bound by the <br />endorsement for insurance, prior to consent to a conveyance in <br />note, mortgage, and Regulatory Agreement andothcrdocuments <br />existing insured mortgage cases, or prior to the conveyance to it <br />required in connection with the FHA insured loan to the same <br />purchaser in sacs cases. <br />extent and on the same terms as the other general partners. Upon <br />any dissolution, no title or right to possession and control of the <br />6. Since the requirements for execution vary from state to state, space <br />project, and norighttoco llectthcrentsthcrcfroimshallpasstoany <br />is left at the end ofthc printed frm for proper exccution .Generally, <br />person who is not bound by the Regulatory Agreement in a manner <br />acknowledgment by each party will be required and the form of <br />satisfactory to the Sccrctary. <br />acknowledgment used in the mortgage or decd of trust would he <br />c. Trust -any Trust Agreement before itisfinaly accepted generally <br />acceptable. <br />should: <br />7. If the mortgage is insured pursuant to Section 232, Par. 4 of the <br />( I) Givethetrustecthc powers necessary tocxecute the note and <br />Regulatory Agreement shall be stricken andthc deletion appropriatcly <br />mortgage; <br />approved by the parties. <br />(3)specifically authorize the execution of the Regulatory ° Agree- <br />ment <br />S. The Agreement is to he executed in the namc of the Sccrctary by the <br />(3)contain nothing inconsistent with the Regulatory Agreement: <br />Field Office Manager. <br />l4)prohihit the transfer of beneficial interest priorto completion <br />9. A legal description of the property shall be attached. <br />ofthc project without the prior written consent of the Secretary <br />and prohibitthctransfcrofsuch interest subscquenttocomple_ <br />10. Whenever this Agreement is executed by a person not liable for the <br />tion of the project unless the new beneficiary ° assumes and <br />payment of the note and mortgage, such person shall be listed in <br />agrees to he bound by the Regulatory Agreement; and <br />Paragraph 17. If all persons executing this Agreement arc so liable. <br />{S)rcquircthat the Sccrctary be advised ten ( IL)) days priorto any <br />the word "none" should be inserted in Paragraph 17 or Paragraph 17 <br />proposed transfers of beneficial interests. <br />should he stricken in its entirety. <br />2. The Section of the National Housing Act under which the mortgage <br />11. In the event the project is to be insured under section 232, and the <br />was originally endorsed for insurance or the fact that the mortgage <br />owner is to lease the pro.jcct, the lessee shall execute FHA Form No. <br />originally was aSccrctary -held purchase money mortgage shall beset <br />2 466 -nhl- <br />out in the heading of the Agreement undcrthc item "mortgage_' <br />12, The dollaramounttobe inserted in the first paragraph of 2(a) is Ill 2 <br />3. The names of all mortgagors including all beneficiaries of any trust <br />the annual Rcserve for Replacements recited in the commitment - <br />shall be set out in the first unnumbered paragraph of the Agreement <br />Corporate Charter Provisions <br />in the place for listing the names ofthe parties. Where an,, such person <br />Article Purposes <br />is signing the Agreement as trustee or in sonic other represcmativc <br />capacity, thisfact shall becicarly set out both inthisfirstparagraph <br />The purpose for which the corporation isformedandthebusincsstobecarricd <br />and in an identical manner at the end of the Agreement where such <br />on and the objectives to be effected by it arc: <br />person signs. The namc of the person signing in a representative <br />Section 1. (a) To create a private corporation to construct or to acquire a <br />capacity should also beset out in his individual capacity inParagraph <br />housing project orprojects, andto operate the same: (b)tocnablcthefinancing <br />17. (ore sample: a party may lie designated. `Mr. Jones, as trustee of <br />of the construction of such rental housing with the assistance of mortgage <br />form HUD -92466 (10 -85) <br />Replaces FHA -2466 which may be used until supply exhausted Pagel of 6 ref Handbook 4571.1 <br />