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<br /> .. . . c�.� of ��3 90--103252 �� .
<br /> Th�e unde�sign�d represent aa� varrant aa t"rue each of th�e folloiring atate�eats iri�th -
<br /> � xe,tard to �ie attachetd Deed of Tru�t: ` . �. � - -
<br /> . , � � 1. We aclonosledge that x� dtrf reall, aign aad eucute tbia Writtea Aelmovledg�eat ' �
<br /> before re ai�gned tl�e Aeed of Truat.. ` '
<br /> � 2.-• �te�uade�rstand, an�f �mderstaod before aigaiag said D�eed of T=uat, aad ackaowled� - . �
<br /> � ed that tt�e Deed af Trust ia a truat d�ed and aoi a �a�etg�e uader the polic� prortded �
<br /> � � for ia L�e Dieed of Teust �provides subatantially differeat righte and obligatiais to us �
<br /> . tbar� a sort�aaa iu the avaat of default or bresch of obligatioa uader aa3d Deed of Trwt. .
<br /> 3. iTe uoderstand .and ackaoMledge ttiat fa the e�eat �of the defaugt or breacb of '
<br /> � obligatioa b� ns, the Dreed af Tsuet aiiws the Beaeficiary the right to hnre the_trust ,
<br /> , gr�pertp �oid bg the truatee Kft�out aaf �ndic3al proceedings or foreclasare. _ �
<br /> . 4. Ke repreaent and varraat that thia written acknmrledg�ent was xrfttea and ezecu- , � ,
<br /> , . ted � us before the e�ecution af .the Ttuat Ueed. _
<br /> � -, . � S. We uaderatand snd aclmorledg�e that ire h�.ve tl�e right__to �aice a deeignation o� � .
<br /> , . 'ho�estead in tIu Deed of-Trust and �e h�reb�y ysiv�.such rigDt. � �
<br />. . � 6. Por so Iong a� tbe Deed of Truat reaaina unsatiefied and s `Iiea upoa the t�eal , .
<br /> � � eatate, e� of us Waives any r3abL under tht Nebraaka Fara Hv�estes3 ProtecCioa Act to �
<br /> _�aYa a de��stioa of ho�eat�ad. .
<br /> ` , 7. We� uaderatand aad actnoWledge that ofsr ezecution o€ this Writtcn M.kaaviedgaent
<br /> � � �onstftutes ttse Waiver of rights otherWiae`available far t'he purpose o€ affordiug us the . � '
<br /> opportuni�y to retsin our ho�estead in the event of a default npon the Deed aP Trust.
<br /> � . . - This N�i�tea ��xle�ent ia a preface nd is filed for cQ d_yit�► �ad--is-a—- .
<br /> � part of the.attached D�eed af Truet. h -
<br /> ' PJeal .�dd Sahling a/ic�a �lea2 USTOR _;;_.
<br /> , � STATE OF NEBRASRA ) T. Sahl f ng � . �
<br /> . f , . �88: • ' � - � . � ' �
<br /> CQDNTY OF ��AMS ) . . .
<br /> The for�egoing Written Ackauirledgnent ras �sube�cribed aad sxora tca aad ackao�tledgecn ''�.
<br /> - ��..
<br /> before ae.on Jun_ e 4 � 19 90 by Neai Todd Sanl /k/a Neal T. ling. - � ' � .
<br /> A'Ml�fArF1�M M M�b �p ,
<br /> � ����s harles W. Hastings , Notary Publi�
<br /> !I� coaatasio�a Mr 0�.Ep►.o�c.�t�33 . . . _
<br /> , ':
<br /> �
<br /> �!0!'S DISCIAII� dAD � .�
<br /> Ttte undusi$aed repreaeat aad Wa�aant as true each of the follo�ring etate�enta saith
<br /> regard to the attached Deed of Truat: . . � �, :�;
<br /> i. we sckaoMledge_ that r+e did read, ei� and ezecute thie Disclaloer and A�cknox-
<br /> ledgseat befose we eigned tl� �Jeed of TruBt. �
<br /> a. Ke under�taad and ac�cao�ledge that the Deed of�Trust ie a truat deed and not a �
<br /> • �or�gage and tl�at ttie poWer of m1e provided for in the Deed of Trust provides $ubstea- :j�'r-:
<br /> tlallq dif�ereat rigbte aad obligations to ua thea a aortg$ge in Lhe event of a default � � ��''
<br /> or breac� �� obligation.
<br /> 3. iFe understand and sekno�rledge that in the eveat of a �iefauit or breacFt of obli- �
<br /> � gation by us, the Deed of Trust allrnra the Beneficiary the right to have the truat pro-
<br /> pttty sold by the truetee Without any fudicial procee3ing or foreclosure. .
<br /> 6. No p�rt of vur kaaestead is .presently -os�-in tEse £utut� will �be sttuated-upon �the� � - ---- -- � � -
<br /> . real estate described in the Deed af Truet.
<br /> � � � S. Ke understaad that �f eay of ua eatabliah a homesLead �n part af the real eatate
<br /> duriag th�e ti�e the Deed of�Trust resains uneatiefied and a Iien upon the real. estate,
<br /> . there ahsll be no right to �ake a designation of ho4eetead in the event of a forealosure
<br /> or tsurtee•e aa�le upon the Deed of Ttvee.
<br /> � 6. Poa so loag na the I�eed of 1'ruet re=aina unsatisfied and a liea upon the real
<br /> ' estate, �e�ch of ua �i�claias, aay right uader the Nebraeka Parm Ho�estead Protection Ac_t`
<br /> � to �Maice a deeigaation of t�o�estead.
<br /> � T'h!s diaclai�es and acknovledgsent ia a Drefns,e to and s filed,�for recosd with and :=- -__
<br /> as a part of tbe attached Deed of Truat. �,C. ' , � ' •
<br /> . � '1.f7 ,I.�,r _���z�,'f�.._,�. .
<br /> , �� � � _�
<br /> RcSrtn:: �s�rit-,rrv � Z'RIISIUE . :
<br /> � �ses �
<br /> COUHTY Op AT�AMS )� , . �
<br /> "'� � 7�e foregoiug Aiacla3mer and acknoWledgment waa subacrihed ond sworc� ta aed ecknow- �r
<br /> � F [7: jlil Jc�l(J� 1 fli.' �'
<br /> ledged before me on �unE�, 19,;,�, by _ • �
<br /> .
<br /> ; , �p
<br /> , . - -�� ,� _��.; _
<br /> • , :��. �. . ,.. , ,. „�. , Notary Pub2ic `_ �
<br /> .. . My commiseian e�tpires: . � .
<br /> . . �
<br /> C�EMI AOt'ARY-Stit�of�ra;tu. Pege Une . �`1 i 1 t �
<br /> J. � • f
<br /> aUW.ESifILH„ST�I�S [J�.—�--- . �
<br /> � 11t►4r�►�cp.Q�c.$IN�# �Inttfals:) i3.1'.S.
<br /> . _t _ . ,
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