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<br /> � :� � � �, � � . 9Q--.10�24'7 � .
<br /> 1. PAYYENT OF Pit11iC1PAL AMD IMTEREST.trustOr shali promptly pay when due the pnnC�pal of and mtergst on the mdebtedne55 ,
<br /> � _ evidencedbgihet�tate,andallotherchargesanclfeesasprnvidedintrtelYOte,andthepnnci�aiotandinterestonanyFuture�4dvancessscured � -
<br /> : : by th�s Ttust Oeed. `
<br /> , 2.WAR!lANTYOfTITLE.TrustorislawTuttyseizedartdpossessed6fgoaAandirtdeteas�b►et�tteandestatetolhePropertyherebycanveyed "
<br /> � " and flzs ihe�ight tn grant anA�anvey tAe Praperty:!Ae Property is iree and ciear of all liens artd encumbrances except tiens now ot reCOrd,and �
<br /> ' Tn}si0r wit!wa�rant and detend!Re dtle tri the Propedy against all ciaims and demand5 . ��
<br /> ' � , 3-YAIM'rENANCEANOCOYPLIANCEWlTNLAWS.TrusiarshatlkeepthePraperiy��qoodrepa�randcoad�t�onan�shallnotcamm�iwaste
<br /> or pervnit impairment ar Qeterioration of tRe Rroperty and shall campiy with the prav�s�ons of any lease�1 ihis Trust Oees is on a teasehotC-P10 '
<br /> : imnr�vertieninoworhereafterereeteduponthePrppertyshailbeattered.removcdordemol�shedw�thoutthepr�orwnftenconsentofBer.e`�.cas+y �
<br /> . TruStorgh8ttcompiywithaNlaws,ordinances.reguiatians.covenaots.cartdit�onsarsd►estrictionsaffect�rtgtRePropeAyanQnotcommil,s:�";ror � •-
<br /> �. permit any actro be dane mo�upon the Prope.ty�n vio!aUon ot any taw.ord�nance.regutation,covenant.cond�tion or restnct�on Trustoe Sha�E
<br /> } � comptete or resfore promptty and in good workmanl�ke manner any�mprovement an the Property wh�ch vnay be damaged or destroyed an�pay. �
<br /> -s when due,att claims for taCor performeQ and matereats turn,shed th��efor an0(�r any atteraUOns thereof
<br /> � 4:INSURANCE.Trustor,at its expense,wd1 ma,ntarrr,ysith msurors approveA Oy Benef�ciary,msurance w�th re��ect tuthe imp�ovements and
<br /> ' persOnal praperty,�onst�tuling the Property.against lass by fi�e,i�ghtnmg,tornaCo.and other perds and�azards covered by atandard extended
<br /> � caverage indorsement.�n an amounl equal to at least ane hundred percene(100°r,y of the tu11 replacemer.t vasue thereot and insurance agamst �
<br /> ' . suchotherhazardsand►nsuchamounisasiscustomanlycarriedbyownersandoperatorsofsim�larproperl�esnrasBenef�c:arymayrequ�refor ,
<br /> . ' . +�SFroteCtion.TrustorwilECOmplywdtr5uchotherrequvementsasBeneb��arymaytromhmeiotimerequ8stforthp.protect�onby�nsuranceoftAe �
<br /> �n�8restsoftherespBCUvepaA�es AIIiASUrartcepoUciesmaintainedpursuanttothisTrustDeeA5hat�nameTrus:�l:andBeaetic�aryas�nsured.as
<br /> titeirrespectiveinterestsmayappear,andprov�detAattherebenocanceltat�onormodificationwithoutatleastt��ayspnorw%�ttennotdicationto ,
<br /> : Trusteeafrd8enefreiarymayprocuresuehrrtsurancpmatcardancew�ihtheprevis�ansotpa�agrapA6hereof:7ru"storshati.�,•EC.�sa?lo8eneficiary ' '
<br /> theariginatpoliciesotmsurenceandrert�swatsthe�eotormemocop�esotsuchponc�esartdrenewatsthereol Fa�luretotu:a'.��s�_ch�nsuranceby ..
<br /> , ,, Trustor,qr�enowals as require�!horeunder shall.at the ophon ot Beneficiary.constrtute a tletaul! , • . ' . . '
<br /> ; 5.TAXES.ASSESSMEHTS AND CMARCaES.Trustor shau pay all tar.es,asse���-���is and ather charges,-�.�:..:d�ng.Mnthat,t hm�taUOn_?:'w
<br /> ,_ ars�:impoSitians attr�butaOtoto tho Property and IeasehoFd payments or gsounG re�".�:f any,b�fore the same��_�me del�nquent.f rustor�'�_, .
<br /> prampttyfumishtobenef�c�ary an not�ces c,}amount�due undorlh�s paraqraph,anA�n the event Trustor sha�I ma►ce paymentd�recl�y.Trustor5hall
<br /> ' promptly fum�sh to Bene/icia►y re;,eiR.s���c�w�ang such paym�snts 7ru5tor shal! pay all taxe5,-�-�a55essment5 V�h�Ch may be!ev�eA upon ' .
<br /> � .8enefic�ary's mterest hero�n or upan th�5 r���:s1 Oeed wdisout regard tc,any I�w Ih�t may be enac•�.:�mpos�ng Rayment ot Ihe whoie or any patt '
<br /> •� tttereot upoR tho Benehc�ary - - -
<br /> � �6 ADDIYIONAL I.IENS AND PROTECTtON OF BEN�FICIARY'S SECURITY.'f rus�nr shan make atl paympnfs ot mteres!and pnnc�pal aad • .
<br /> payments of any other charges,fees ana c.rpenses confracted to Ce;�d to any e��5tmg or su0sequent Iiann0l(Jer or benEF c�ary.under any
<br /> ex�sOng or subsequent mortgage or!rust^r_?Q bofure Ihe date they ar�:r:mqoM or�n oetault,and promptty pay ane e�scharge any anA att otner ,?
<br /> liens,cla�ms or chargeswh�ch may�ooparQ�zatho seCUntygranted h2r�.� H Trusto�`�1s to make any such payment or ta�ls to perbrm any of lhe ;�.,
<br /> covenaMS andagreemeMscor�ta:necl m thrs TruslOeed.ortho Note reterrecf to nere.�- �r�n any p�mr or subsequenttrust deeA or�t any acnc r or �� •'
<br /> protaeding�s commenceA wr.,r_•-�ater�aUy aftects B�n�t�c�ary s�ntorest�n the P�operty.�nclud�ng.C,ut not hm�ted to emmont doma�n prc�ceed- '
<br /> ings,proceeOmgs invotv�ng a dccedent rnt�Gc ot sate by Trustee.not�ce pt defauH by Trustee.mortyage toraclosurv acUOn,or A Tzustor ta�ts lo
<br /> � Ray Trustor's deGts generally as they be�:��-e duo.tnen Denehc�ary.at Bonei�c�ary s apLan and.� ihc,ut nobr,e lo or Ac3manQ upOn Trustur and '
<br /> � withoutre�eas�ngTrustarfromanyobl�ga:.a:.�er�undei maymakesucna�pQa�ances.d��.�urse�_-••sumsanAtakesuchact�onasisnece35ary ','
<br /> to proteCt 8ene��aary s �nterest, mc�ue�r„ 7ut not I��^��..-1 lo, disbursempnt of reasonaAt� ar:-�ey s lees. �ayment. purGnase. contosl a �
<br /> � C^mpromise nl any enCUm4ranc:o,c�arge or I�en,ontry�;:,y the Proporry ta maKe reoa�rs.�r dec;araUnn o�CECa.°r unAer lhi5 TruSt DQ@0 In Ih� '����
<br /> � 6:dn1 th81 TruS10t Sh�ll(a�i 10 p�QCUre�nSUfd��GE3 Ur IU p�y I0w0:, assossment;.or art y OthO�ChFI�_�.�ar ro maK�c..;.;-�paymont,So dny pK�stmg o�
<br /> Supsequant hBnholQers or eKistm,c,or 5uC:��:�e�t bonet�c�artes.8ene'��dry rnay pr�cure sut.n -��__,��,nce ann m�ke Sut h p�v^�ent,bul shau not
<br /> E be obt�g�ted to Cn yo.Any am�u.�ts d�st.:w;��d by Honet�c�ary purs�i���to tn,s Paragraph 6 sna,i��come aed�t�onai�nde"�.-�.n��}ol�ru5tur
<br /> SCCUfBd by th�,'�°u�f D0eC1 SuCh am0ur.���•�t�I1 be paya5�n upon npi�r.c from 0ent;hc�ary to 7iustor requeshnc�paymant Ihe:�a:;f.dnQ gh�11 bOd�
<br /> � �nteta9l irotn 1hedAte otd�sburtemont at IhE!rate DaVab�o��om t�mo to hma Gn o❑tst�ntlmg pnncrpal under tho Note unless udyn:ent of mlorost d! .
<br /> , suCh r�t0 wUUtd be eOMr�ry�"��ptiCabla 41w m v�h�ch evont suGh arnpunts,nt�i!hE�t�r�nterosf at th�h�ghest r��A pc•rm�S;�b�F�unAe��ppl�t,ablt±
<br /> law.NOthing containE�d m th�9��rayraUh 6�hAi!reyunu E�onctiC�ary to+n�t,r ar�y expense or lahc a�y ac►�or�nereunr�er
<br /> .i
<br /> '. 7.ASSIGNMENT OF AEHTS- Done!r ��.�snati have tne nqnt puw�r and autnpnly d.�hn3 fhB f f�n��nu7n(:C Gt thiS T�ust Uc�ocs t:�con�ct tnc� ��.
<br /> renis.�ssuos and protds ot tho Pruperty a�•.3-!.�ny persona��tiroperly ioc�ten irerF�csn w�tn�r v;,tnuut I(ikinra pO55ffS9iGn pS tht��u�pt•rty�I►E�CteU ' �
<br /> hQroby.ardtrustnrhorebyabsatutelyane„'.i,pnAdiU�.: r�ssiqns„�IISUGrrrr,nl�, �:.:uefiifnd[1tU1d51UHP,�If1iG��fly EIP.t1(f4iUil�y r.r�wE;vei ►ie�EtDy
<br /> ; G:�nSentSlotholruStU�'stW�eGbUr�andrt�te�'�ono'SV;�.•c:•ts ��suor.,�nrfprot�i<,t��+thf�ya�t�uP��•dhEL4rR[�/7yBbff�sol;n�y;�!;iru�.Ipr�Snpt nt
<br /> 5:.:�Umo.m dotault wdh�e�sp°ct topay�e:�rc•�any�r Y:-'.�,�nOSSSCCU�Btl hf?teDy.e,r sn th4!��!rrfuirv�<�t�ct�uf�ny agreCmc�e1 hf^�•und�r UUnn any �
<br /> � SuChdOtau�t,Honot�c�arymayatanyt�me -�rr..�r�nppryi.r�,UyayFrr•t � :,� �rere,wr,;r,�!.����,�...•,..,�,�,ir.��url w,lnuutnc,t�t�:�°^avnthoulre[jard
<br /> fOfhC:ldt?quaCyOitfnyS�CUrdyfO�theirC.�[�'9dflflSShF!t8by5f�curF��1 t °�"F�tl��ll�tlil�:<tl<lkP{3:�i �'i,�.liU}lhQPlUpEf1�{Of?.,. ; .,,tr�f,�rrr,t.,,nd�n
<br /> �tsownnamesuofornrotnerwr;�coueccj„�ht�±tt15 �SSUt!Sit(idprr.��_ti '�(.tudit���1^(?SEp?1S111uE ❑ :7�np,��d.;�.��t1aUV�V1!?E_s=:".@ �!•.SS:!i514is^(1
<br /> .._. ___ ... ,_ ......--'-- .-. .:.---..,_ . . _. . . .
<br /> ... "-- '--....,_.,
<br /> , e�aponsos uf uporah�n�ar,a cc� ect�on nG�uO�n<�j rF:��SG�aA10 8tt�unf�y 5 ti�t:s. ��•.." u�'.y �r�dE�!�tednE•55 y��c�'�•^ ^ei��UY le!!�r�F.�Gh� -;; • ,
<br /> �e~ot�C�t�rymayde7ermin�.iD)�ertorn�suchartsofrErpa�rur�rc�lc�chn�s,��,m;s�,^,t•�.<;�:�.i�t�,�:,ru��e�t,con;r'�etY,E�v:�iue<,����r•f�rupt�r.; �
<br /> • ;easolhos��mooranypartiheroatforsucr•r?'.'.i7f.Tf!tm,3hdUpOftSUCh(!,nrj�(�Uriti.�y�!:,�a(;t�t�".!��'i'°dyLl�Llatv u�te�n��n,ftF,(,rd�fuSttr,r•iCrn��,�er!
<br /> cOnd�UUns dt axislmc�leases Unl�ss Tr�,�•;r an�BE�r�dt�e�luy Ihereof agre�•pthurw,se�n v.n�� . �-, ���,��I�cat�on�,f rf,nt<, �.,sur«.��r,,:ut.h.t�<ir�t
<br /> �ndobtodnoss sucured here�y shau not ex�.4-id Gr Pustp�,�e 1ho itut;[S81v Ut fh�mS1811ti�Hfd jJz.�ne-<,+6 il5 rtt�✓i(1Ctl m�.;fi;1 p•fn•i,�•,zty nn1C o�
<br /> � ChiittgdthoamountotSUChinstaRmc�nls 7hoentannyupnni+nAlaM.n�p���;st+s5�c,��c•lth�prc�ue,rly �liF�cullf!f:f�pnutSi,fh�(�tdb �stiut�4.intlp�r�tts
<br /> � :a.'�dtho appt�caUon tno�eeot as afordsa�G.sh�it not w<�FVe nr eur��any cfntau�t or nat�rc!O}(�f��,�ul!hr�rnt.r:rtpr r,��n-,•:fh(i£�fP any:�tt hOne G:��S.�L��11�� � 1
<br /> S�1ChnOGCO 7tu5IGI FiISU�S5�gnS ipF3anet�t�ary.<iyturlhf:r,<.e��.unty�nr tt�r.�,�•:t���n,��nr;.�tttt«�up��gat:un�tic�r„r..�h�i��+ ,::,y�•.;,.���5 rrrnt�..irrt.i��
<br /> mU�u�swh�chmayh�vvk�vanormayhorca4lerGetlFrpos�tE!orntn5E11(7�fUS•!(�rhydityif!55B�Ut1�1(�N!!�p(�1lJ i�•'.CC:1�01'�f���Jy':.!!ntu�;in�rnr�}��r
<br /> Aamagos.Ut u�Un dC1:�uIt �n Ih�peilUrm�nCe of iiny c,t v+t�pr('�v�5�ui�s rtvrE�vf 1�v�,t��.�r�ri��.�h�tlr�,�cr�.,.r r�.r�ntr.�,nr1 h��pnc.r�:r,.ftcv::�t,(�:a•r
<br /> b�Iworyolwnttannahcoott3Cnt�hciqrySCIIC�C�SE)b�SNPnC�hlr.(�fdt�tFfdhE:ei•�htu,�tii•e•n,tntn�[..py�r!j�.dnt(�/��n�.��,�•SSh,t'!r���•.;�{r. �,��r},��.,ilu,�f� •-- '-- —
<br /> sU�d ton�n!tb pay rQ�itto thu Hc�notic�ary unt�l turR,t�r nW�c e: �
<br /> 8 CQHAEMNATtON.Ft��no to il�y Ua7t1 O}�RP UtUpCI�Y Shd�l bE•1dhCh in�u1�dEf�nrdbNn piV:"E•(1••ujt Uy r�i��t nt Prrnnr.;�t t:���:.r r V�ti•��.i.f•
<br /> �G110�1,0t5lTtdtGosoldu�sderthrv:llatc�nUemn�tEan..al!awattls.�an:aue:..tndtitut.(!utt�..i:[-i:t�tn!��.1c.innt:ttanrtc'��ith3j._�.�it�.ttp��nt.r.3•r . . ' . . .
<br /> . �
<br />' Wf10 S�)c"111 B�IPIy SUCh award�s.tl�ir�agtis<lnd prc.�eel15 tr�tR6 St,nr FbGU�t(1 Uy thi;S e uSt OCr•A r�it'�f+'h PrCf`tS i!Ftr�� p�!rt fu 7 n��1�.r I�i•„-•t�.�'
<br /> teCO�vesany nolico or olher mform:11i0tt rE��j�ftl�rtt�suth�cf�cm±;ar;,r��_�ed�r�gs Trust�r�,►�.y;�y..rcr p�ur.�pt ir,-i!*,gn r.�ii�t:a�tnr..,.,,+f,.�!i:r{.�r..k'i
<br /> , , f3onot�c�ary shou be enl�:led.al r►s�ption lo Cummr.ncv.��ppear,r�,�r.�S�tt�5t•�i�t��n�iS(•r��,r;:irn�����•:�•;,t��_�%!�nr�,�i;��. ;�.r��; �.i:.,�•.1 .' � h, ` �
<br /> . QnliUod tp makn any�omprom�s�ae&etden�ant���+a:�i�et.t;oa w�lrs;sny 4ur h.�ct:e,n c,r t���.�u��ar•r�c;�..
<br /> L 9 �U1'UAEAbVANCES.u�c.�,requestuttr�,s.t�,t ypr,nl���avy.itEien�,t�t�arrs:c,:�1���.- ;�r•��t*.-,��•r:�r�.�,r.u.i��<'• ��+�-.,•� •�� , .i� st
<br />' mt�MvtuturUa.iJAhCf'sft�TriiStC�r �'iif(Irftl�U�Pi11�d�;t+�S Y�:thinlerrsi'hnr�f�n �.n,�,r�,t.sr�;•,.rt••tt�;•r;��. ir..�.rh„�.f�,�•`� r., r,�, I ,.��,� ..�,., tW
<br /> ' f+G1�S$f(1��f1(;111i$5d�t111�1f?Silff'SCtUtF!C}h�f(.'(ry �l�t�u�(1P1��!�i11:I}t�U�'mE��n';P:lrp'..f!.u�P!f��� ! �_ '. �',�� !1��1:�•�• �rt..�r + . ...• � . •. .-. �
<br />� d:'�vflfiLL'!Ylfi�itdl('Ct fhO c6•Clih�y t•�.'NE�L�TfiS',IiLfii(SiC�I{�1t1�;C��1(1i):i".,�a!i!�C P'':S•n:f'�t.nr'.d..5�•:,:sr i; . ..i+i:' . .�:,
<br />. � . . . . ' ' �Y
<br />� . . . • . . , , h �
<br /> �
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