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<br /> �i� D� OF `It�IST is made this o�`aZ day� of MaY . �9 90 • 6y a�d e��g . .
<br /> "� � THERECR� C. TIiREK=,a single !!n!natt , �� �
<br /> . � xr�fet�ed to as "Trustors," whether ane or nore� whose me�fling ad�ess . � _ .
<br /> is RnLtie��_ t�nod EtiYgr. j��, .�8$3 -� : 7� SGTS BAt� (P .
<br /> �i .a N�e�ra� B�dr.i.ua Coroaratian, hereinet�ter re�erred to es "Trustee," ahase �siling .
<br /> edch�L■ss is Hooc 428, +Cairo NE 68824z ar�l'� � �, a I�eae�a Bet�ki�c <
<br /> ' , hereine�fter referred tfl as "Bes�efici�ry," wla�e aoin�iling addt�ess is Box 428, � .
<br /> ��• � �• � ' .
<br /> , � For val�sble considerratian, Trustors irrevocablY grant, transfer, convey and sssfgn to � �.
<br /> . 7�ustee, in trust, with go�r af sale, for t�►e t�enefit a�i secaurity oP Berieficiary, turder �
<br /> : � ai�d sub3ect tv the terms aad cor�iti�s of tlzis De�d of 7�s.t, the fal3zwing descxibed r�al • .
<br /> p�P�Y lxated in Nall cutmty, Nebraska: • ° � -
<br /> 5out6 Half of.the Southwest Quarter (S�-�) of Section 30, �
<br /> �. ; • < ' Township .11 North, Range 11, [�est of the 6th P.M., Hall ' . .
<br /> : • County, Nebraska .
<br /> � together with all bui.ldings, imPrave�ents, Yixtures, streets, alle3�+ PeB�S�Yg�
<br /> _- ---- — p���^ts, rights, privileges ai�d agpiu�tenr�nces located tl�rean� a�d all perso�al - �
<br /> Y���Y
<br /> • that me.y be or hereafter became an integral p�rt oY such buildings and improvements, all
<br /> crops raised thereon, and all ��ater rights, all of which. including replacements aeid ,
<br /> , ,• additisu� thereto, are hereby declared to be a part of the real estate conveyed it� trust
<br /> herebgE ;kt i�fng agre� that aIl of the foregoing shall ioe hereitiafter referred to as the �
<br /> , �.�����„� �. � ,
<br /> ;
<br /> . ,
<br /> : PrR � PUt�E OF S'DQIRII�: , � ,_,
<br /> �
<br /> a. Payment of indebtedness evidenced by 'I�ustors' note of even date herewith in the
<br /> � principal s�t of ; 80,000.00 . �gQ�er wit,h interest at the rate or rate� provided
<br /> therein, and any and all renewals, modifications and extensions of s�ch note, both -
<br /> priucipwl and interest nn the note bein� payable in accordance with the terms set f�rth
<br /> � tdzerein, which by thia refere.r►ce is hereby made a part hereof; -
<br /> b. The perPorm�.*��^� oY each agreenjent and covenant of Tru.�tors herein ca�tsfned; and '�_�
<br /> � . c. The p�yment af al� su�s advanced bq Beneficiary iu�der the termn of this Deed of .t
<br /> " Trust, toget�.� with interes�. t�:x�reon at the rate provided in the note.
<br /> � `1'�� PAf�!'Px'I' � SF�.IIRITY OF �HIS DF.�'A OF TRUST, �Rl1S'1�?S �RFiBY OOVF3dMTP MID A(�FL: � .
<br />, �.
<br /> . 1. 'Po p�y�hen due, t�e priacipal af, an3 L�5�...:ierest ao, tae indeDte�oess evidenced by the nate, c�ara�:, fees and nll ather a�u as prarided •
<br />� . in the loan instru�eats. . -
<br /> , !. 1'rustore ue the a�nere of�,�:;:oyertq eae have the rignt anC authority to exeeute ��:.�Deed of itust in res;ec, -: tAe propetty. .�
<br /> � �. .So a�� �hea due, all taies., ��scial assz.sdents aad nll other chstges against the�r:•�,�tp, bef�rc the se�e.6eccse�elinquent. Truetors � ��
<br /> shal! �Sy�11 Uuea nad aasesate�ts micn aa� De:k����d upan Eenefi:iarp's interest herein ar upan t�ie OeM cP trust ar the debt secvras��,<<eb�,
<br /> r+it�oat regud to�ny lar tEtt�be en�cted vpcs:�g p�pent o: the Ybale ar any part thereaf upon the Be�zs�:.�rp.
<br /> �� To Yeep tAe i�yravnents nor or hereafter locate� an the proFerty insured against da�age by Pire end sscb nther��:sc�s as t�A�:�.,�ficiary �
<br /> u?requirt, in e�aunEs and ec�p�eie�eccept�bie to the Btaeficiery, Such inaurance polic�ehall cantain e etindard tort���:�e in favar af
<br /> Ee�efsc:ar�. Trustor eball �ra�tly reEair� asintain an9 realdce the property or anp�put t6ereaf, so tAat, eYCept for cr..�a:y�ear end tear, the ��--- - ----� ����- �- � �
<br /> ptoperty sl�l1 aot Qeteriarate.
<br /> 5. In tEe eYent tAe proFerty. or any put tEe:e�f, eh�l!6e tafcen b�e�i��.t do�ain, the BeneYlcia:� ::.�t4:.itled to :altect eca rece.a�e{1
<br /> ca�enadtian�ich�!6r�id for aep property taten or far duag�s to praparty not t�ken.a�� �:-e Benefic:arp s5alt apy:�s�ch ca�pensstian, et its
<br /> opt:aa� ei!�er to a re�uctian of tt,e°:;c�e6tedetsa secured hereb�� ar to tepau end re�tore t-s-^:➢ertp so tahQn.
<br /> 6. �'ae Beneficiu�uy� but s1u11 have no oblig�tton to,do eny a�t YIIIC}1�TU9t0i9 A3YC E$ft84 bGL Ed1I�Q CO d�� aed cne 8eneficiety Qsp alsa da
<br /> nnp act it dens nece�ss:y ta pratect the lien hereoP. Truetars egree t�rer:3, ,:;sn deaar.d, as3 s�s y, eipen&:d bp the @er.e.°iciery for:'s.e dcove
<br /> p�tpasts, nnd eny su�sa exper�ed shsll be added t� Gbe indebtednesa sewted Eere:p an� 6ecc�e secured by t5e lien ntteuf. Stie Beae.°ictuy ehall ro
<br /> incue any iiability 6PCSUSe et�nyihing it a�y do ar o�it ta do E;ereu�der.
<br /> � ' t. SAe Beneficiatp ehsll hsve t�e right, Fcrer nr.d au+_!:.:;tp ducirg tte c�r.ttnJSr:�a of tE;s Leed aP ttust ►.� r.Qlieck the ter!;. iasues e�! ��`—T-_
<br /> profiEs af the propert�e.ad af any peesa��l pro�erby Ic�ai�-i t5ete��•ri�h ar +ithaut .*zxi�g p.ssessicn of tce preFe:;.�zfFe:,e� ��re�p, a�4 �'r��tors �
<br /> �� herebp e6salut�ly en� ur.caeaitianslly assign ai! sc:n rehts, iascc�ar.� pr�fits t.tne �:°.G?Ii:IL.•�. °^� cereticisrq, Gayerer� 6ere5y c��ser.ts to
<br /> �
<br /> _. . �C,L9�4f$ C71jACtl�t'flLfl i2C8�L14A OP 811Ch t2Rt�tt t�:�:�aa an� utn=ttqs!:g►4�33�fr19=1a,n�rn r.,nt� g;en..«..�:.G°. t��.'.9if�'1.�::�*.:ed iv wjs£ir v£
<br /> nny indebte�aess secureb hateby� or in tte pe�fctsance of �.oy agreezenL ��re�r,der. is" any e•+er;t sf �e:a!;1± Cesc�lce�hereafter ir, res�e:t �o th;s �
<br /> Deei of Yru�t sf3il t:�ve accurrr� asd be ccnt�r.wr.a. +.�e�ece(i=Fary, es a a�tter of rit�t a.^,i uiti:ca± rotice :s Sr�stors ct a.",pC1n .:91A1Cy �,^9er ��
<br /> S'ru�tora� 8Il�Uitl}yilt 1C�9[Q C9 ttle YBIG°04 Ih° Lfll9:f9t3C°_ 0: :.',? �r,cetes:Of �fl?ir+S�O:S i.",?I.°1S, 5"3ji .9:'�.'9 fi�.'.: 1A 8y'y�j+ c�i;p t,st'
<br /> � r.��►e���r�sa;ct;on ±,a�to'sr.,a retefver af tee Fro�erty, -
<br /> H, S'hn ueceficia y, ar . 9 a�e��; a► �a: � iLr� �. £P ., fi3.. . z . •
<br /> r �r � o ���r n�� ar 3�f -G'3�1° .:RL' '�:G; :� " "J Fg«f "e `{2 �..�e�*_3 1CI :.^;r :i*�{i? ,° �
<br /> � i e o i f r. o t �o �r r .. ; . .a.. . -a �
<br /> ir,spe.t.r,g t� s�_ �^.Z ar ne p:,..�s� o� r.t��re�..g �ry �. �se a_�s �reg�r�a a.:.._�:�c �. ,,rf�r: . .. ^ra:= .. sr.� �s,<< ,� �... , c�r.�'.=-: .
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