_ _ � � . .,:.,. �. . . , . , . _ __
<br /> _ - � i7 .�\ '\e.- . .� o i r. �- 1\� ...� � . . . _
<br /> ' ' : �� a. �:1.. . . . . __ . . . .,y�• : _t� '. . .. . . ' . _" _ ' ' _" _ '
<br /> _ . C\-�1�••' . ' .r. . . . " ' '
<br /> . � i ' ' � y..�. _ _ __ . . _ _ .
<br /> . j _ ' � . . . . �. , . . . ' . __ . . ' �_
<br /> _ _ �_._. _.-__.___. _ ...._ ._' ..�. _-____._ � _-" _ _____'"'_ _•-__- _
<br /> . . . . � ADJUSTABLE RAT� RIDER. , �
<br /> , - , (1 YnrTreasurylndac RatoCa3�s) ,Q, 0-- 103�2� �
<br /> �THIS ADNSfABLE BATE R1DER is madechis 4th day of �une ,19 50
<br /> . and is incorpa�ated inta and shall 6e daemed to amead and suypiaarnt tue MortBaQe. Deod of Tr�st. oe Senuity Deed(t6e"Sccurtty
<br /> . � `Itauument"y of t1�e attne Qatt jiven hy the undetsisned(tbe••Bnrrower'7 to secure Borrowsr's Adjusta�te Ratc Note(tde"Nate")t�HOME
<br /> , , �Q�1l�,!SAVf!(GS�tCAli1 ASSOCUITlCN pF tiEiAflQ[SL�ND,NEOR�SKA(the••i.endei")of the same date and cavern�the
<br /> ` ' property�'bed irs theSecarity Instrummt aad tocue�at: . . .
<br /> ' Lot S�x ���-Eagle Lake Estates Subdivi.sion, #iall Covc�ty, Nebraska '
<br /> . , ''zv• " (Pr�p�tYAdct�ss) �
<br /> � ,��i�e.�t�ifow sYowt� ior cl�es:i�a�7 i�aat ta0e d q�i �
<br /> - � ;il�i:e.ts:�t'ik�Me��irg�ta tt�e s.o.n�ss i..te�si e1��e eas eia�e at a.�o.e ts.e sr .
<br /> . � Ntottie�Ldtiertlud�uatuet.�nstp�.��• '. .
<br /> ADDIITONAL COYENAN'i'S.In addition to the cavpuars au�a�uemeuis inade In the Security/nsuument,Borrowa and l.ender . , .
<br /> further oo+ren�at and atra�follaw� , � ,
<br /> A. 'iM'F�F�T�ATE Ai�'Xt;�D�'tE�1E;P'AYMEl�T CfiANC�ES �'; , .
<br /> � . : 71te Nate pirorides fa�n i�riisF.sutrnst nue uf g•a �e.Sect�on 4 bf the Note provides for chanaes in the imerest rate and the .
<br /> .. ; nwntbtY P�Y��s.ss follovrs:. � ' • .' ' .
<br /> . lA) CM�e ates ; . . � . �
<br /> � The interpc rate!wiil pay iri�chan8e on the f irst day af _ IVo�.em6Q r �!9�—.and on that day every
<br /> , ��.y.Q ntonths t�er�a€ter.Ea¢h duue on which my intaesi ratt cauld change is called a"Ehange Date." �
<br /> ; -. --- - -- . -- -----_-':�.. .__ • - ..
<br /> , � (n T�e I�ferc ' ,
<br /> Fletinninj with thC Grst Change nate.my interest rate will be basa{on an fsidtx.The"InQex"is the wakly average yietd an Unit�d States
<br /> T�awry secnrities adjusted to a constsnt matudty of i yeu.as mad�av�ilable h�the fiedaat Reseri+e Board.The chost recent Inda�fi=ure
<br /> � . a�dt�bk�.�ot the d�tte 45 dsys before racb Change Date is called the'•Current rtnQez.`•
<br /> �. If the inQex fs no tan`er avaitabte, the Note Huider will chnosc a nea;;rcdez which�is based upan comparable informatlon.The IYote .
<br /> � Hoider will�Ive me notice of this choice. ' . �
<br /> (Cl C�IwiwosotCW�ss �� two artd one/half
<br /> &fate euch Cluinje Uate.the Note liaf3er will catculate my ntw inierest rate by adding percentage
<br /> points(_.,_,?.5-- �'i)to the Currrnr i:�drx and rounding ta the nearat !/8th of 1�'•.subjeec co ihe Ilmits stated in Seetion 4(D)beiow. �, . .
<br /> 'f'his raundtd amount will be my new interest Tatc until the next Change tTate. ,
<br /> TAe Note Ha{dcr wiU tNen determine the amount of the monthly�saymeni that would be suf�cient to rcpay in Pu11 ehe ptincipal 1 am
<br /> espected to owe on[hat Change Date ln substantially cqual payments by the maturity date ai my new intcrest rate.'The cault ot this calcut�tion -
<br /> will be the nerv amount oi my moathty p�yment.
<br /> (A1 Udaq�l�tera�RateCw� . ' _
<br /> The intere�t rnte t am requireG� em �ay at the first Change I3atc will not be greater Chan ��'� _% or lesa lhan '�
<br /> , � ' qi.TAereatter,my intcreat rau wlll never be increased a:C:cx�sed c�r.anp singte Charsge Date by morc than two percent s
<br /> ,
<br /> f,�am the rete of lnterest 1 havt ban paying for the preced�n�;.rk°e�ce mar,chs.'F}:e^;:nicnum interest rate on this foan will never be
<br /> kss tlun_....���..�ni end the m�ximum intrra�::rate will never be gra.er chan..._._,�4•� _ro.
<br /> IE) E(retAveihteart;Wyrs , �
<br /> � My new inte�e�:rate wiQ becnme ef'Pective on eacG C.�ange Date.t wiit pay the amauni oF my ncw mor.chly pay�nene beginning on the first �
<br /> montAly psymeet 6ate oiter thc Chaage D�tc unlit�he amau�t ot my mer.t2�Iy pa}�nent changes agair.. '
<br /> ; (i'► NoHeeolr;yye� �
<br /> Thc Note Nalder will mail or deliver tomc a nottce bcforc ca�h Changc[�tte."fhe r.at:,:e w�ilf ad�i�e nxe crF: {
<br /> . � (it the new intcre.�t rate un my Ioan as of the Change nate: •
<br /> , (ii) Ihe amounl at my monthty payment toilowingthe Change Uate: �
<br /> , (tili) pny�dditinnal m�tten which�he Note Hc:S^r�s required co disctase;and
<br /> (iv1 thr aQdrtss ot tAe as�ociation you could cor_•I3�regardin�yar.y que9tians about�he aQJusiment notece.
<br /> ... ........... ........ ...-- - -------...__....__ ..... .._._ .. .... _... ...._.. .__...__.. .. -- - ----.. .. ..---.. ..._
<br /> s. 4HARI;t:ti;1.It;Nti
<br /> Uniform Cavenant 4 uf�he Secarity Imaument i+umeaded w rrad a,foItna�s:
<br /> . �. CA�;IJrM.Hctirrower�t��U p�y nti taxey,nssessments.aaw ct5er et�a.r�:r�,fines,and impus�tior,s attri6utabte to the Property which may
<br /> wttain�p�iarity aver thi�tieeu�ity inrteumeni,Und Ic:itehold payn::r�is<+t gsvund ren�c,i!any,irs the martncr provtded ur.der�aragraph 2 hereof
<br /> or.it not pata in such manner�isy Ikrauwer mxking payment.whe:a dur,dire.tIy tu t�.�+sycr thcreof.��rrower shall promptly furnish L.endet
<br /> alt notict3 ot asnouitts due under�his paragreph,aitt)in the event I3c�rs�,wer sfuzp make payrnene 6�rec�{y,BUrrvwcr tiha!1 promptfy futnish tn
<br /> tendti rcreipts c�idencing such psymen��, B��rrower shalf �+rompt'f�cscharge uny lien whirh hac qriarrty ovcr tn:s 5ecuriiy Iostrument;
<br /> however. t�ttower sAall nni bc rrquircd �o disch�rge nny such lien su l�ng as Norrower. (a�shan abrrr r,-� asiussy ao the paymeni of the
<br /> o6luatian securtd by such lien in�hr nian�rer u..eptnh►e tu 1 enJer.lb►s�a1f in gacxt fei�h conteyt,uch lien 6y,or drfrnd against enfnrament af
<br /> r-_ ..�.-_--._�.
<br /> such lien in,tegal prexeed�n�s wht►�i�m�he u4ntuon uf!cudet operate to prevent the enfc�rcement nf Ihe lien ot fut;ritart of the Nroperty ar any ,
<br /> put Ihereof;ur(c)shall securg trum rt�c holdr.�ui su.h ticn an aEreement in a forA�saliylattvey ta t.ender cu�,Vrcfi�ting such liet� to ihis � • �
<br /> 5erurity Irutrument. • , � .
<br /> - � if Lendrr dNcniiinc;�tiat u!f��t atiy p;ut U1(�li:�(OVf(lY IS SUbJCI'1 (O 8 Ieen wf;i;h may attain a prinr�ty u:P! tbis ticcur�ry Irutcumcn�, �
<br /> , L.ender shall give!ln:�a�►c�n nu��.c�Qeria:�y�ir::u,•h I:rr►. Hurroucr slialt sati�fy s•rch Itrn ar takc one ar mor:c:tf�c actiuns xrt for�h abnve ,
<br /> within ten days of the gi4u�c�t�tic uuti�e, � � �
<br /> � C. ft0?tCls . � ,
<br /> � Urtifvrttet'aticnantl4<�fihctietuoit�:Ir�;icuwcs�fi�uu,titJCi��Ettfd/�dcIE1�I+lWS: ` a*
<br /> �
<br /> i�. Notiet.(•+tcCn�fc+r��tv ni�tr.c rcyu�rcJ uu�5!'f�iy.�l�tlhl:I.ew Ic��+e�tien it1 arn:�_i��rt:a::.er.�ai;:::y a,�.:cC tc�L��rr��tti�F rt<3•rtdre!fc�F in Eh�: ip
<br /> Setiuntq tn,iteiiietitthali treK�.cn���trh�rnnF��Tr hs m�strn;it h�flrtt ci.r.:msit.c.-i��,--^vc�r�;!TM E-�.}�`1[►(�1t{IiflPa:/�l�11 tilllri 111MiCf addie+� �
<br /> .x:,.
<br /> eu Unrrewer iH�y de�tgnate hy n��ti,c In 1 rnJ:r a.pn�t.�.fe,f F�c�crn. ;m�Ih�any nni::.-c:t eu:.°:r ::.t:�he gitien n} hr.t�i�«m�i1 tai F r�tdct'c . .
<br /> r2(Zl�tC4GCl8TC�fi[(rltt(�ttv�u.hn{Ctct�IdutC�:��,lcirdcr ;n�Ftf•;i�n3tthtir�nit;ctnFlot��s;a;�;ic,r'.� ,�:`,j!iiRCrtt Alitn��it;cPic��tJci:f��i�nfFuti
<br /> . �e.iuicy lrtshum.nt�ttalt hedeCmr�f t��haoc hr���i{a�cu!<+tt�f7t/�nCf'_+l�CqLICf�lf;cn�;�tier.a�;�^_:r.ar.nc:dn�.netr�!hcrrin
<br /> � .
<br /> �-+��+.Q'�'fr�}�7Y�M�m�r�'rttr�=;�+t �.=�: �:,�a� _ �� --y�.,;r`., . , :•'i. �t�f tiit;+.:�.x,a =.
<br /> ....a�`-i _ ! •v�- � � � ... .e.r. . .- .---_ .r._ .�, __ •. ! ;�,�t._ . �; • -. . t; ,`'-� �� i.r• . ��+k i�',��.�"_-
<br /> . - . . . �r+ tr �'_ �.i:.. L t. � (.1�J.,iT.Z " _
<br /> • � � �
<br /> �.
<br /> -..,.- - �,`-�_� - ::T-` , -,: -,- -`_-� -_ -- __- —_� - - r -,_' - — - -}�i1`r i�--- - -� -- -- �- --T
<br /> . �. . . � �� . . . . .
<br /> v.
<br /> , `. ,.
<br /> V�+l ! �
<br /> .. � .: - c � i o � �
<br /> . .. . �. . ,. . . . . , . .. � . . � . �E • � _ . . ..��.ti:�-�.V�Y�,� �� .. � .. . . ,.
<br />