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<br /> � WHERE7�.S, ELno A. Shaul and Beverly J. Shaul, husband and �
<br /> wife, here3.nafte� ref�rred to as the Ffrst Party� whether one or . _
<br /> � more, are the owners of.the following-described real estate: '_
<br /> � • � � . The East Thirty-Six (36) geet of the West Seveaty-�our .
<br /> • � . , and Twenty-Five I�undredtbs 174.25) Feet of Lot Nine �
<br /> << , t 9), COUNTY St1HDIVISION, fn the South Half of the
<br /> , , � . Southeast Qua=ter tS�SE�) of Section Sixteen (16), .
<br /> - � ,. Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the �
<br /> • . . } -� , 6th P.1�.,, 3n the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> , . ��t!�braska; ana� �
<br /> . . ` . WHEREAS, Rena ,D. Brewer, formerly Rena .D. Patterson, aad . �
<br /> ' Mike Brewer, her husband� as Contract Vendees, and Virginia A. .
<br /> � ' � Jeffres, as Contract Vend�r, hereinaf�er referred._ to as Second__ __ ._. _ _ _..
<br /> �_ � �--Party, whether`one or more, are the owners of tkae. following- . ,
<br /> � described real estate:
<br /> • The ��erly Forty �r:t� Twenty-Fiv� �.sndredths (40.25� ,
<br /> Feet a� the Westerly Seventy-Four �d Twenty-Five �
<br /> Hundredths ('�4.25) Feet of the Northerly One-Half of �
<br /> Lot Nine (9# . of the County Subdivision of the South �
<br /> Half of the Southeast Quarter tS}SE}) of Section .
<br /> Sixteen (16) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nia�e �
<br /> t9) , West of the 6th P.M. , Hall Caunty, Nebraska; and, .
<br /> ' WHEREAS, �a�n-automobile garage located upen the real estate -
<br /> owned by th.e Second Party encroaches upon the real esta�e owned :
<br /> � bp the Fir���Party; and, ' " . -_
<br /> , .�
<br /> ,�, � .�WHEREAS, th� L'irst Par�y des�res tio grant an easement t� �he ';�
<br /> �. Secand Party for `��he area of the garage which encroaches upon the � '
<br /> . ' � First Party•� real estate. � >";�
<br /> � NOW, THEREFGRE, for valuable consideration, the recefpt of �
<br /> i
<br /> � � . which {s hereby acknowledged by the First Party, the First Partiy
<br /> he�eb,y grants to the Second Party an easement for the 2ocation, �
<br /> � maintenance and repair of a garage bui.Z�ing on the followfng- � �:�'.�:
<br /> . described real estate: ��
<br /> ` The Westerly One (1) Feet af the 5outherly Ninety f90) �
<br /> Feet on the East Thirty-Six �( 36) Feet of the West
<br /> � � Seventy-Four and Zraenty-Five Hundredths t74.25) Feet of ,
<br /> � � � �� � Lot Nine (9), COUNTY SllBDIVISION;-�in-the�-�South-�Ha�.f of � � �- ��-�-�� �-��-�� � --� -� �-�� �
<br /> � , the Southeast Quarter tS�SE�) of Sectfon Sixteen ( 16) ,
<br /> . , Tawnship Ele•,ren t 11) North, Range Nf ne (9) , West of �he �� �
<br /> 6th F�.M. , ia the Cfty af Grand Is7:and, Ha�ll Count;�,
<br /> .
<br /> Nebras3ca. �
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