, -�.�._ . , � � , . . � !
<br /> , ,
<br /> ` . � -'-=- --- -- ' - -- --�-�-- -
<br /> � ; � . _ -- -- --�_ ----
<br /> � , . , -
<br /> . ' . • • 7.Cedd�a�utia�. �n t�ereat tbe hope�tY.orany paK tbereof,ihW.be taten Dy emieeflt do�ain,ths�dae�a�x► .
<br /> , � Yesiparicred to ooikctanQe�ceise W sampcn�t[an rAic11+nay ec p�id for RnY proP�rt3►taten os for daena�e�s to praperiy ' ,. .
<br /> , ` � iot htnf,Mtt411aeSp�ee iWA ap�ty such compees�tion,at ib option.eilher.ta�t+eduction of tbe fadebtedness�ecure� � �
<br /> � i�reh�r or to rsp�i:,na racoie eRe propetty so a.ma�ea. ' ,
<br /> r '�. 14u[atl�i�.+t 1�lCo�f�e�Mottp�ee mtp,but�hai!lu�e no odfpttan,to do�►y aet which tinc Mort�a�or
<br /> f _ lu�a�ree��.tWs to do.w��tp�ee�ty vsa do�ny sct(t deem�nee«ary to protcel tbe tkn hereo!Mortp�or `
<br /> �ip�es to n�►.�oe�nd,any a�m��o.:pendrd uy sbe lfaip�e�e fc�sue aeon pucpo�.uid aay�u.eK��pendea . ���
<br /> ,_ by tl�e 1i�xtppe�b81'be added to�e tedcl�tedneit rccused heeeby add becarne�bje�t to tt�l�en heieoi MortPtee .
<br /> • , �baH not 4��Y i��7 b�'�+l���Y�oi it m�y da or omit to da 6creunder. , .
<br /> � Ddwit�ANtp�ut vt R�st� Thae ls ot tbe auooe tre�eof,amf apon ltartp�s defiu[t te�ny�nant,
<br /> , • ar��tott�itKortOR.��Ai eoteatnts W pag Nien dne t�e atau ncueed by tAis ltortp�r,tbe-�[artp�ee ahalt
<br /> !e a�tkd.tt jq rak qltion snd wttho�t notior,to deelue W wms�eeuad try thk 1loetp�r to be immediately due and �
<br /> � �abie snd m�r eaa4meace f�e�dawa ot t�itott0� �Y 3��P��:�nd.pio�3ded Nrt�a.that upan snsb
<br /> : �efault t6e Ifoetr�ee,as a teae�Mer yipolnted by a eo�aR,�ay at its option and wit�out trpM to 3he adeqnacy of the
<br /> �eeotity,.eetsr apoa wd trts�a�e�fon af tlie hapeety aad�t�e senis,i�ves wd Deoii4 tl�etelrom and applg them
<br /> �St ta We e�t of eWkction aad opentien oi tt►e lbperty and lben apati the Wdrbteeneu seeuttd by Nis lRorfpree;
<br /> �id e�ats�iaws md potitt.beia�awp�ed to t�ifoetp�ee�t�uRlttr�tJrit} :as l�:. �;�at =t:.he ind�btedness � . '
<br /> • � . lect�ted l�eteby. . . . .
<br /> ' I0.�mtet o�lcapest�i.� It aA or�ny part oi tTre�ruperty is wid or transfererd�rithont the e�cpress wzitten con• �
<br /> • : � . rent oi th+r�tortp�re.ldortp�ee m�y�t Its iole option,decl�te vl sum��ecured by thi�M�tpse to be immedLtety duc,,
<br /> - . �ed p�y�bk , � - ,' ' ,
<br /> U. �tnee Adrinces Upon rtquest ot I�octp�or. Mortp�ee may mate addittonv and firtu�ssEvances w � '
<br /> . 1IcrtL�[or..$ud►advanca.with intetest thetato,sh�U be fecum!by this Mort�e�vheo e4id�ced by promissory aot�s. ;. _
<br /> : ' statin=that Wd aQt�s ur�ecurrd hereby. At ao tlme �h�11 t�s prTnctpal unount of We'tu��btedness.secuted by ihis '
<br /> IrloKp�e.not inda�in�sums�dranad to piotece!he�ecu�lty oi t6ts Moitp�e.exeeed t!�arigiiial Note. �
<br /> iZ. Mltcell�neo+�s 1R�titians. ' . . �
<br /> (a) Anq forcb�a�ilce in e:eerising aay rf�i.�r�eme���ail not 6e���aiver thereaf_.
<br /> (b) All retnedta proride�d�teIa aee�t�i..��^ t and cumulative to any otAer d�ht afiorded by!aw or equity. .
<br /> and msy 6e e�erci:rd�r�tstentiy,.iadependently or succesctvety.
<br /> • � � ' (e) 'Il�e corcpsr.is and aprtmeais taaCsE.�ed henin s1u11 bind, �nd the arhts iaure to, the respective
<br /> svcasto�s aad aul�ns of the Mort��os and the Mort�aQee.
<br /> (d) All covetfsnts and��eements o!the Mortp�or ue foint and ceveral. ,
<br /> (e) 'I1�e headf�tg,�mi the put�phs af tAis Mort��e ue for convenlence only and ih�ll not be used to Inter• :
<br /> , pret or de�:�e the pruvisions hrreot. �•
<br /> ia. e�e,rasr. UpLI y�yUi@itf'�;�!1 sums:erur�a Sy this!!::!gEr. Mort�tre� •�a11 dls�har�e th3s MoTt�7qe ttid � '•�'.
<br /> •' �all execute and deli�er a atisfaMory retease tAerefor. ' �
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEAEOF.MortpQor t�a4 excc�ted th{s hiortgage on the�d�y of .19�
<br /> �
<br /> � -,cc�„Cr;� �.�� j.
<br /> • ' ' Soaowrsr• ��'
<br /> . • ,�:,
<br />_ lorrow�i .
<br /> State ot NeDruka, ,/�jF� County �s:
<br /> On Wis�.,,,_,_dsy ot_��,.,,19.�Q�before me.the undersi�ed.� tiotary•Publir
<br /> duly comtninloned md qwlifled tor wid casvnty.prnonalty came �«Q�� ��
<br /> - - -- . . . .. . ._ .. .._._ .. ......... . ._. ..... _._..-- --- - - --... __._._.
<br /> ���-�-�;to me nown�io be�the-� -" �-
<br /> , idrtttiC�l person(s) x6ae namets}ue su6scdbed to t}r fore�oin`instcument aat�acknowied�ed the execution thereof
<br /> to be � vo(untuy tct and deea.
<br /> Witness esp h�nd and not�dd srai at �..._.� ���in said tounty,the
<br /> dtte+fa[esti0. .
<br />, � My Cammissian e ���.� _ — �� ,
<br /> T/r- --
<br /> � �w� �hotatti vub:tt '
<br /> • ����A� ,.�_.:-�-�..
<br /> lSfae�letow ZbJs Ltne R s Voi nder aa0 Recorder) � ' �
<br /> �. � � �v. °� t� ��. .-. .'� � z �p,� '
<br /> z
<br /> . � ,� .� � _ - - . .._ . �_ . - � � _ .
<br /> v •° ., � m �. z � _ � ,. - �. ' � �t'
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<br /> �1 � �"j � �. � . �. � .,
<br /> � ' d �
<br /> N8t.luGS�hdaos zrao
<br /> �
<br /> �� �yk;�""�*a - .'--=����"" _. � ,- - '_ — ,--➢ ��....��.��.,...�,.,.�..-�. �...-. _ __ __ __ .-._. _ ..- -
<br /> � '-r.r-.9. .-.. .. . ._ . ��, �'�--" . .. . . , . .. .. . .. . '�_�'.. 1i � . . .r, . .---•r^=...-°�'^^. , .. . . ,. _ . . '-�-`� -- .
<br />