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<br /> �, Na!�•UiVlfOltMCo��E.�tA1�iTS.BaaowaattdLenderfurthercovenantandegrre�laas: � . � . ,
<br /> • - i!. Aceeknttos; �te�e�tes.LeMer�a11 �i�e aotJoe t�BoMowa prior to aeeekeaHoe tottawina Bprrowe�s � �
<br /> ` i�.d�ora�r co.e�r.t or�rs tYk 5ecaiey Iastr�meet(brc aa�rior co a�edenctos M.da p�sa�a�hs i3 asd fT `
<br /> . , �s y�Nawe law Ko�ida Mlee+nbe}liit aotice swU speeFly:(a)tiK dtfml�lb}tYt actloa req�ired ta crre t�e - ,
<br /> , rehd�(c)i��ot lea�tlaa 30�ays feor rie date tie aatt�s is dvea to Borrawer�by*hfci t4e&faatt mast 6e c� .
<br /> � `�, aei N)t�t tdi�ta e�re tl�e actartt o�ac betore tLe dite s�ee�ed ii tbe oodx auy radit is acedaattois ai tie a� - . ,
<br /> . sa�ea hT tlds$eearit�I��q/s�a�t�t Pro�erty 1'i�e�ottct si�sll ferther lAfans Borrawtr of t�ri�lt to
<br /> : � rei�fste a[Eer aoaetenttio��eai tlie�to beL�a ioret setio�to assert t6e�s�eziste�ce oi a detnk or ur otf�er .
<br /> �dwea!Borrowa taaoaiaatia�a�d ssl�Ittlre defi�it is�ot c�re�o�or before t6e dste�peci8ed U t5e eotio�I.euder
<br /> � at i�o�tie���e+e�irr iwiaeii�ste p�eat ta tdi o!a11 aors secvea by tiis Se�v�rity I,�trasest without tartlier
<br /> ��a■��qr inoi�e t�e�owet otak aed asy ol�re�eites�erwittea by�Ne 4w.Lea�er stiaU be e�tttied to .
<br /> cofleet a8 at�e�ees Letrrei L MrwiK tie ra�ies�eniided in t�is p�ra�s� I9,tncladtn�but dot timited fo, ,;;�,�'.�„`�;,: ,. ,
<br /> . . iea�ora�le�tto�eys!1�pqr�p.M t�Rs of Htk�It�re., ,
<br /> ' S tie�nret a€�3��ei�:�'n�ta sk�l;t�eco�d:�otke�irlb�[€ia ad��c����n9!��.�� `�..:�'�: '-.:. `?'t`':::: • ,
<br /> + P[o�eit�isMar�c��aTe����s��ei�t,t���Et�a��r�atrtaHorroweeatadtotbe ' .'.�•.�,::�;
<br /> } `� : �lt����F�ki�i�4c�t�.A!!er tietn�er a+e,�oSt�et���iTe fsw.'f'r�stee sbaU gt�a pnBlie nodee o! '
<br /> . . adt b tMe�erso�s a�!ie ttie euieaer p�ercri6ed i�'AP�4a6tc faw.TrestcG witboat demsed as U�rrower.sball sell t�e ,
<br /> ` ` PrnNerty ac/�sUe wcNo�co t�e htgl�est 6idder.t t6e tiae aed pisce asd�ader tte term�iat�uted/�tLe aotke otsak�u .
<br /> � . � oie or iort��rceb ati ie s�y orderTruKee detenli�es.Tr�st�ce may postpowe aie of aU or aay yarce!oit6e Pra�ty by •
<br /> ' /rbiie wo�ce�ent at tlie ttu�e aad�4ct of uY pre�to�ti►sciedekd sa�e l.endrr iar its daipce�nsy prrcbase Nie
<br /> � , Pro�erty stm�aie. � �
<br /> ' U�w reeel/t ot pyse�t of He�►ict bt�.i'nsta sYatl delher ta t6s furcl�tser Trustee's deed caneyis�tlie � �
<br /> ,Prs/erty.'1'Ae iecltab i�t�e Tr�tee's ded sWt ie Ki�t�c�e e�idewce of tl�e truth of the iutenieat��e�de tMerein.�
<br /> Trwtee�MaO�Nly tl�e�racee4 at t1e e�te te ti�e foltow(n�ordier:f�1 to all es0enaes of tAe�te.incl�diea,but eat liuttted ,
<br /> to.Trwtse•t feea as�eeinitted by�lia►k tsw uid aafo�abk attorney�'�ees;Ib1 to�11 r�n���tcnred 6y this SecMr(ty
<br /> ' I�tn�eRt;aa te1�y C�ce�s to the 1n'feR or/er�s lepftyr entitleQ m it. _' ' � . .
<br /> � . � � 20..l�sdet te Ptr.�eRSloe. tJpan acceteration un�ler paragraph l9 c�r uha�donment �f the prnpe�cy. L.ender(i� .
<br /> —�- • - pe���.E� �ge:}t Ur byaircfmaiiy up�xn�nted r�cri�er)shaii be en[itted to entes uj�cjn,taice pc�ssessian af and manage[he .
<br /> Fropehy and ta colltct the rents�f the Praperty incla4Rng�h�r.,r pact cfue.Ariy rents cnllrctaf by Lender or the receiver
<br /> shal!be apptied fir�..i tc��yment�►f the cv�,ts uf managemerit of the Property and cattr:tian �f rcats.inciuding,but not
<br /> limited to.rcceiver's ftts,premiums nn rcr.etvcr'r�bnnds und cqgunabte attomeys fea, und then ta the Surt�s secured Ay
<br /> - this Sccurity Instrument_ � .
<br /> ' 21.Rteos�eya�te.Upon p�ymtnt of oll sums sccureA by this Securtty In�trumcnt.I.tnder shall request Tru�tce ta �
<br /> recanvey the Pr�peny and shall surrender ehis Security dnstrument and ali nntes evidencing debt secured by this Security �
<br /> ' insirvment to Trnstre.Trustee sha!!«c�nvey the I'roperty withnut warranty and w�ithe�ut charge t��the persc►n or persons - �
<br /> • tegalfy entitled to it.Such perSOn�r petsons sha0 pay any recurdatiun crnts.
<br /> 22.SrMtft�tt Tr�tit.l.�mdet,ut its option,may froire t�me to time rtmove TrLLSteeand appaint a successor trustce -
<br /> to�ny Trusta appointed i�ereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in a�hich tbis Secunty Instrument�s recorded.
<br /> VVithaut can►ey��tnce oP the Prapert�,the suc4;essor trustEe s(h�l[�uccaed to ap the title,�owee and dutres canferred up�sn • _
<br /> , T[uuee herpn and by applicahJe laa. , .
<br /> ?3.Rc�q�t[or Notkes. Bnnou�et reqa�lw that coptes�f the r.ufi,;cs oidefault and sate be sent to�rrawer's '
<br /> � address Mhich is the Property Address. � '
<br /> ?�t.Btden to tAis Security In4tromene.lit►ne or mare ndcrs are excc�':ed by Harrower anc!�ec�rded together with �
<br /> f this Seeurity Insirummt,the cavenants and�greements of catch Such rieter sha11 be mcorporatecl int�nnd shall amend and
<br /> suppfement the covenanr:anA ngrecmentc of thi� Secunty Instrument as �f�he nAer/s� were a part oP this Security
<br /> � Instrument.(Check apR�czable M�x{e4)� . ,
<br />' __.._. (� Adjustable i��ae� Rider [-; Cc�ndomintum Rider __� 2-4 Fam�ly Rider _� �
<br /> � � (� Groduated P�yment Rt��r '_i Pfannrd llnit �evdopment K�der
<br /> � ,
<br /> , �j Other(s) [sP��`Y� ,
<br /> ;,�`-
<br /> ,.,,�.
<br /> 8Y Su;NtNt� BEl�e�w. &�rcr,n�.-s nrcepis and agret� to the erm� anQ ro.enapts cuntained �n this 5ecurity
<br /> lnstrument and in any nder(s)execu%r.�hy�rmwer ar�d recnrdcd wii it.
<br /> ................ ............ . .. .. .... ......... .. , / . '��W'. t!l_`'� �7 .. . . ..
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<br /> . Sar� G. tang � °'"•�„�• � �
<br /> � tirni� e�i Nti�un���. � Hal1 ��ftfiSl) « .
<br /> O11 fltis 4th day ��( .1Ut1C . ly ��, hefnrc n�r. ;hc �it�drt�i��ucct. r� 1���t.it} I'uf,hE
<br /> duty cununi��i�»>rJ and����aliEit.i f�,r�aid�uwuy. {+�r,��nal{� �anir Hon71d �!. Lont� �rtd S8I'7 C. Lang, ec�Ch
<br /> , in Ais end hor ow." a 1C��'�� and as spause Of Cc3CF1 Ot�'�:' .tu�nc t�u«res u!�+hc' thc r' ���-
<br /> idrn�ical �.��Illl(}) «�14tv: j{it'.UC4.v' :fSC Nl�fi:ttf�l{) 1�t I�If' � !"l'�:t�ef _ �. _.t:ll1 � �� ,: i1.J1i14�UICIIF!CF� ffi"a' i�...U�IfIII
<br /> ther�y�f'to �c his/h�r :<°`,ai::a�y .��t ,i�<<f c1c�rS
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