. f, . • �._— �
<br /> � , - , � .
<br /> � \ U��FO�tM CovEtvA!vrs Borrowsr and Lender covenant and agree as foltows: , `�"— 10 319 5 �. ,
<br /> , ' ` ' 1. P�yseat ot Priadya!aed Interest;Prtp�ybfeM�nd rite(�arges. Bonoaer shali promptly pay when due .
<br /> .tBe priacipal af�nd interest on the ddst evidenced by the Note and any prepaymcnt and late charga due under the Note_
<br /> , 2. Fcn�€[or Tiu�es apd iesa`ra�e: 5ubjxt to appticable law or to a v�ritten waiver 6y Ltnder.Bottoaer shall pay - � -
<br /> . to Lender on the day monthiy payments are due und�r the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sutn("Funds"j e�ual to
<br /> __�: � , �rtwelRh of•(a)}eariy taxes and assessments v�rhich may attain priority over this Security instrument; (b) yearty
<br /> , - . le�ettvW pay�ts ts�grtmnd rents ar� tk= �'toperi}. iP ax�f; lc? }esrly h�z�rd insurance pre�niusns; aiec!(d) yesrly
<br /> mortpg�iasurance premiums,if any:'f'hese iteins are called"escro�v items."Leeder may estimate the Funds due on the . ,
<br /> basisofcUnes�tdata�dreasonabteatimateso4futureescrovvitems. - t
<br /> The Funds shall be hdd in an institution the deposits or accounts of ahich are insured or guarantad by a federai or :
<br /> ` � � state�aency(inctuding Lendu if Lendes is such an instituuan). Lender sball appiy the Funds to pay the ascrow items.
<br /> . l�sider nuty no!ci�rge.for holdinE and applying the Funds,aifalyziag the account or verifying the acrow items.unless.• . .
<br /> . . � Lat�der paiys Borrower interest on the Fonds and applicable t�w permits Lender to malce sach a rharge: Dorrower and ,
<br /> . Lrnder may agree in writing that interest shall be paid on the Fur.ds.<tJnless an agreement is made or ap�licable!aw �
<br /> � requires interest to bt paid,Leader shall not be required to.pay Borsawer any interest or eamings on the Fands. Lender �
<br /> ; , sha1l Eive to Borrawe{,without charg�an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fuads and the
<br /> _ . _ _.�urpose for which e�ch debitlo the Funds was mada The Funds are pledged as additional security fQr the sums securcd bg - �
<br /> this Security Instrument. . �
<br /> - If the amount of the Funds heta by Lrnder.together with the future mc�nthiy payments of Funds payable prior to ,
<br /> the dardstes of the escrow items,shail eacad the amount required to pay the escrow items when due,t�e excess shall be, �
<br /> � at Borra�vu's option,either prortiptty repaid to B�nrrawu ar credited to Borrawer on montk[y'pay�e�of Funds.If the
<br /> • amaant of tbe Funds hetd by Lender u not sutTicient to pay the escrow items whea due,Borra�er��ay to Lender any ,
<br /> amannt necessary to make up the deficiency in ane or mare payments as required by Lender. � �
<br /> ; Upon payrt�ent in full of all sums secured by thts Security Instrument, Lender shall pramptIy;r�nd to Barrower
<br /> any FundS hetd by Lendes-,tf under paragraph 19 the Property is sold ar acquired by Lender,Lendes s�all apply.no later .
<br /> � than immediatelq priort��t�:saie of the Property or its_acqaisition by l.ertder,anp Funds hetc!by Lertder at the rime af ,
<br /> . application as a crodit agaz�the sums secured by this Security lnstcument: ,
<br /> � .. ' 3. AppliCatlUn of i�#y��!t�. Untec.c a��slicabl.�l�w�r2vict�c.ntherwice all�ayrrtentc�pf.ei�ec!hv T.enctetc iirtd�r_ _— - .-- _ -.- --—
<br /> � paragraphs 1 and 2 sha13 be��lied:first.to late charges due under the Note;second,to prepayment charges due uader the
<br /> • Nott;thitd,to aa�ounts payabte undec paragraph 2:faurth.to interesi due;and last,to principal due.
<br /> � •. ,.':� 4. C�;Lient. Barrowet shall pay all ta�ces,acsessmeats.eharges,fines and impasitions attributable ta the
<br /> �- "-' � 8toperty whi���ay attain priority nver [his Security In�trurnent, artd teacehold payments ar ground rents. if any. '
<br /> �, t ' Borrawer shal�pay these abligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or iP not paid in that manaer.BarrQwer shail � �
<br /> : , � pay��em on time direetiy ta ttte person awed payrrce�ak Barrower shaH pmm�tfv firinistr to ixnder a1;L c��t�ees of amounts . ; °
<br /> ' � to be paid under this paragr�h. lf&,nower matcec[hese payments directty.�rrower shall promFtl�a�!`�rnish ta Leader �
<br /> � receipts evidencing the payments. , . �
<br /> . . R�Tl4wG�S�.�rn��n,jl� 'c ho DL'°'J�:rS!`.i'tStC�:�2.;.`��!!'•L•.'t:i C:'r!•.�:t4 C.�S2T:!J�*�St.•�moslt�tLl��B4!!4!!�Ci'��3�
<br /> ... ;. —_._.. . .--– � - . ... _._ . – .a_.•..--..
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment af the obligation secured by the tien in�manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in gaod ' ,'�
<br /> � faith the iien by.or defends against enforcement of the ticn in,tegal proceedings which in the Lende�s apinion operate to � �
<br /> � prevent the enforcement�f ihe lien ar farfeiture of any part oP the Pro�erty:or(c)sccures f'r�m the holder oP the lien an : .
<br /> , � agreement satisfactory to L.ender subardinating the lien ta this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part c►f �, .,,
<br /> � tNe Propeny is rabject to a(ien which may �ttain priarity aver ri�iti S�curity In�lrument. I.ender may give&�rrower a �
<br /> ' : nolice identify:t^;�_ihe lien.Bnrmwer shall satisfy the lien ar take r.r�.or more of thc actinn�set�'ortb aboti•e within Ip days . _
<br /> ; of the giving ofnotice. . .� � '�
<br /> �.:
<br /> , 5. Huud Insunnc� 8orrower shalt.kee�t}.*.�imprdvements aow eaititing or hereafter erectv�.�sn the Property . ' ;;
<br /> � . insured against ica.*,s by fire,hazar�fs iaeluded within the term"extended caverage"and any other har.ards f-.�s which Lender
<br /> . requires insurar.rx. Th�s insurance shal►, 6e maintained in the amounts and fc�r the periadc that Lender requires. Thc
<br /> � : ' insurance carr:es providing the insurance shall 6e chosen by Rorrc�wer subject to l.encicr'.appr��val which shali not be
<br /> unreasonably Rithhetd. z
<br /> � I All insurance palicies and renewals shall be acceptabte to Lender and st�all include a standard mortgage clau�e. !
<br /> Lendei shall haye the,right ta hotd the policies and renewals. If ixnder requ�re�.Bormwer chall promptty g�ve to Lendcr
<br /> s►ll teceipts of�,xi�,i�premiums and tettewal iti�tices.ln the event uf'lucti,Hurruwrr�hal)g�vr pr�mpt n��tice tc►the insur;�acr
<br />, • cstrrier and Lc�td.c;:.L,ender may make pr��of'c+f Ic�ss if not n�ade prem�tly by F3c.rr�►wer. •�
<br /> � Unless 1.ender and 8orrawer otherwise agreein u��t�ng,i^4•sranre pr��ceed�shall hr applied t��re�turation�rr rcpair 'i•
<br /> of the Pmperiy damaged.if a�c restoratinn or repair;s ec�n.nmi;:a:ly feasible and Lender's security�ti rt��*.les�ened. IP the •
<br /> restoration or rppair is no4 ecc;narstiealL� Peasibte or l.ender'w sr.�;urity���ould he Ie�sened, the insuranc�`::oceed`shall be
<br /> , applied to the��ms secured by t h�s.�e+.•U�ity lnstr►�mrnt,whethtit.0 n��t then due, wnh any rxre«�.d tn Hc�rrower tP
<br /> Borrower absrr.d�.ss Ihe Properiy.�r d��5 n�t answer withit�30�i:�y�n nutire frtirn Lender tb:�t lhe insurance cbrriE�r hati `
<br /> ' . _.. . .ot�ered to senre a clnim,ihen l.ender may c�ltect the inrurance pr�x:eedti.l.ender may utic_the pr�Kerd�t��repait��tr�.rit�re. .. .... .. . . ...... .. .... .. .
<br /> � the Propetty or t�pay sums scce�red by this Security Intitrument.a�hether nr not then due."i'he 30•day perir�d will begin
<br /> when the nntice is given.
<br />. Unless l.eader and fi��rraw�er ntherw�re agrec in w�riting.:my appl�cauc►n�+f pruccrdt t��prmc�pai tihali nat extcn�i csr
<br /> postpane the due date of�hc m�mthly P�yment�referred to�n paragraphs i:uid 2 ur rhaugc thc amaunt v�the payntentr. If
<br /> � under parngr3ph 19 the{'rc�pert} iv aryuired by I.ender,l3orr�+wrr'�righ�ta:,i�y iu�urance pulicies and prcucedti re�uUing
<br /> from damage tu thc 1'rnperty prii�r to Ihe acqui�iti�n�hall pa�:ti to I.endcr tu the c�tcn�uf'the�um�srrured hy this 5ecurity
<br /> ' Inslrument immediately priur tr�thcacyuisittun.
<br /> 6. 1'rtservatlon and:lfaintenance of Property:l.easehulds. Hurruarr.haU nvt deru���,damagc nr subtitautially
<br /> change the Property, allnK the Yroperty to deterwrate ar c��mm�t wa�te If thn tiecut�ty Insirnment ��i,n a Ica�ehnld,
<br /> �orrower shallcompiy with�Ite prc�v��i�»�s uP the tea�e.an�3 if HarrE�t��rr ucyu�reti fce t�ile a�U�e!'ruperty�.the teatiehi�ld.inJ ,-____- .
<br /> � fee tide shaU n�t merge unle.r I,e�ider agrecw��+the snerger in�ti ntu►�;. �
<br /> �. Protection ni l.endcr•s Rig!►ts io the Propeny: �fortEpAe Insurnrtce. !f fiorr���►er f.iil� tu perf��rtn the
<br /> . �covenants:uid agreeme��ts cunta�tied in th�s 5e�urny Instrumc�yt,ur lherc�ti:�IrEal�r�keed�ng ttc►�m�y sigu�ficantly uffect
<br /> -. - - Ixnder's righfs in the Pro�+crly (such ;s� a �+rurecdin�; in bankruptcy, pr��Fatc. fi�r rondemn:iticm-<�r tn cnfi�rcc lawti�+r � � � ,
<br /> rcgufations),thcn l,c�tdcr n�a}dc+and pay(i�r whateti�cr�.uer����ty k+prvtc�t tlic�atucof�hr F'rf�jx rty a��d l.cr��trr'ti nfilit� -
<br /> tn the Pr�pesty. Lettders nctians may indude payin�:auy �um�tierured h} a tten �►hirf� ha� �rinr�t} ener thic Secunt� '
<br /> L Insttument.appearing in ct�utt.pa}tdg tca�e+nahle att�tncys'fec�ant!ctitenn�*<�ti Ihe 1'rE�pesty tu rnakc rcpatr� Alihuu�;h � '
<br /> l.ender mag�akr action undrr this para�t�ph 7.Lcrtdcr�lc�e�riut ha�r t���lo«�
<br /> Any amot�ntccl�sbur�ed!�}•Lender on�ier th�s paraGraph%�tiaU he��ane adcfituur.�{�i�ht t�!H��rr�n�er�e�urrc�b}�h�ti �
<br /> Security lnstruutent.�lnl�s�iiorraaer arid Lcneter egree tn�,thcr tcrrn,��f pa�trct��.thc�c atn��t.=il��1r.,d{hc�st u�tere�t fttmt � �`►
<br /> �• the dute �tf dis6ursemcnt .1� nc� Nntc r:stc a►ici�hatE he <<��.inlY. S�ttIF ltllydt�.•: Ilj`e?It ti��SliC irhm t c,e�fer t�s f;e'�t��SL�a'! �
<br /> ltl�ItfG11t1�1y(1:1f 1I1C(11 - '
<br /> �
<br /> _ , ,_ . �, -- - - -
<br /> _ _ ,� a�� �arn+: wqw _ .
<br /> -- � ,. �_
<br /> tq 5 3 3� � . li-� L . cf�Yry'yL�4��ps
<br /> . . ..:.. .. . ., . ... _.
<br /> Y..ir - �.• ��-�x� � _=• .. " r.+ --7 �.� _.---ar���f{.�3,..
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