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<br /> . . � ` � 9Q=--� 103i94 _ ` � .
<br /> � u�covpvwrrr� Horro�►a u,a I.ender cdva�su:aaa.gee as follows:
<br /> � i � � f. Pa�►re�t ot Pri�eiMl�Lter�Pre�yae�t uii Lte Crar�es. Barra�res sba11 pr�mpttY.R�Y w�ea due .
<br /> tLe princi�l afar�d intaest oa the de6t evidatced by tbe Nate aad any'prepayment and late chargas due under the Notc.
<br /> � 2. F�a for?u�sa�d t�on�aa� Subject taapptrcabk laar or taa writter�waiver hy t.ender.B�srr�wer shsll pay •
<br /> ' �to LarWer aa the day�tonWY p�ymdets are dne�unda We Notq utit7 the Note is paid ia full,a sum("funds")oqual to � � .
<br /> � 6ne-t�dith of: (a}yarly wces aAd �unmts�►hich taay �ttain priority.ovcr t6is Sa�aty Instrument; (b)Yen1Y
<br /> kueltold paymmts ar�round rents on the Prapeny. if mY: !c) Yearly hanrd insurance prcmium� and (d) Y�Y � .
<br /> �ao�t�e a�suranca pninioms.if�uy.These iun�s ue called••acroM items."Leader may estimste the Funds due o�the
<br /> batis afcurrmt d:taand r�onabk atimaLes of fuwre escrow items.
<br /> � 'thc Funds s�lt be hdd iA an tnstitution tbr depa6its or accaouats of which u+e iasured or guaranteed by s f�deral or
<br /> . ''suu a�er�cg(includin�I.etnier�if I.ender u su;ch an institution).Lender shaU apply the Funds to pay the escrowr itans.
<br /> Lender msy aot chsrse for tioWu�and appJying the Fuads.aa�lyziag tDe account or verifying the escrow items,nnlsss .
<br /> Lender pay3 Batraaer interat oa the Fw�ds and applicable 4M permits_Lasder to make sucb a cbuge. 8orro�rer and .
<br /> __ . . Lendet.msy a�t in �vritirts th�t inierest shall be paid un thtFustds_ Unless an agrammt.is made or applipable taw
<br /> � rpr�a'ua intaest W 6e paid.I.ender shal{aot be required to psy Barrower any interat or amings on the Funds.Lender �
<br /> - �. , . � � s3�C#�pve to Bosro�rcr,�ritboitt el�arge.an anatial acoauntingof the Fands showing credits and debits to thc Funds and thc �
<br /> . • , ' �io�e for+erhich ach debit to tl�e Fuads wis mid�Tht Funds are pledged as addirional securitp for the sums seruret�by .
<br /> , . , tbisSecutityIamuasen�. - �
<br /> _ � � ,� If the smoaAt of the Funds hetd by La�der.together�vith�ts future mo�thl�r psyments of Funds psy�ble prior to
<br /> t1u due dsta pf�e escravr items.shall exceed the unount require�ta psy c�Ce escrow items when due.`the ea�cess sh�ll be.
<br /> � ; ' at Borro�rer's option,eicYiec promptty repiid to BormMer or ercditcd to B�.�rer on monthly psyments of Funds.If the
<br /> amount of the Frmds held by Le�cder is not su�cient to psy the escmw itaas�a�due,Borrower shall pay to Lender any �
<br /> , . . _ amoant nxesary to t�ice up the de6aieacy ia one ar more p�yme�ts as required by La�du_' `
<br /> Upon psyment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrart�ent,Lender shaL�promptly refuad to Borrower
<br /> ; �g Funds IxW by Lendes.If under pz.*�rnph 19 the�ropecty is sotd or acquired by Le��:r,Lender sball appty.na tatu .
<br /> t6a�iu�medi�tely prior to the sate af t�a Property or its acquisiaon 6y Lendrr,any Funds hetd by�LLnder at the time oP
<br /> application ss�credit sgairast t�he sc�s secured by ttasss.Sxurity Instrumeni. � ,
<br /> � 3. A�iindo�ot Pi��. 4�aless applia�le IaM provida otherwise,all paymeats received by Lendes under
<br /> para�irapl�.s 1 aad 2 shall be agp3ied:fis�s.to l�te chsrgrs dur n���*�e Notr,secored.to��a�Rnent chatgts due uader the
<br /> ' NotC third,to a�ouets paysbk under parsgraph 2;fourth,to i�IIt�due;and IASt.to pris,r�pal dnr. � `
<br /> • 4. �Lieis. garrower shalf pay att wx�s,assa��ents.charges.5ncs and impositions atttibutable to the `
<br /> . Pt�party�►bich msy utain priority�,avtr this Security lnstr�a�rnt, and leasehatd pay�nents or ground renu. if any. .
<br /> , Borra�ver sball pay these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not pud in that manner.8'orrower shaU
<br /> . oey t6em on time ditectly to 1he e�ursnn onrrd payrtatnt.Bormwev s}iall rrnmptly furnish ta�t.ender all noticec c►r±�mm�+±ts -�- -
<br /> _,_—._ -
<br /> � to be psi�under thi�prasraph.If�onower makes these paymrnts directly,Borrower s�aJl promptly iurnish to Lender � '
<br /> , taxipts evidencing the payments. - �
<br /> � BorroMer shall promptly dischuge any tien which!vs priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a) • -
<br /> � sgea in�►riting to the psyment oithe obligstion secured by the lien in s manntr acceptabte ta Lender:(b)contests ie good _
<br /> faith tlu lien lsy,or defends sgainst enforcement of the lien in.teEal proceedinas w�hich in the Lender's opinion opeatte to ' ;-
<br /> ' prevent the enforcement of the lim or forfeiture�uf any part of tht Property;or(c)savres from the halder of the lien an '
<br /> agamrnt satisfactory to Lender subordinsting the lien to this Sewrity Instrument.If l.e�er determines that any part of �
<br /> � the�roperty is subject ta a tien which msy attain priority over this Socurnty Ilnstrume�s.Lender may give Batrower a ��
<br /> � n�sa�e idenrifying the lien.Botrower shall satisfy the fien ar take one or more a�the actio�es set forth ab���x within 10 days �
<br />� '` • o€the�ivin�ofr�4tice. � � Y
<br /> ', S. H�d I�rn�ce. Borrawer shall keep the improve:aents now eaisting or her+tafter erected on the Property -
<br /> insunad ssainst tuss by fire,haruds inctudod�ithin the term"extrnded coverage"attd any other harards far which l.ender �, ,.
<br /> � roquires insunrtce. '�?iis inaurance shall be maintanned in the amounts and for the periods that Lender roquires. The !
<br /> insunnce carrier providina the insuranee shsll be c�h.�sen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval w6ich shall not be
<br /> anreaaonabty�at�held. � .�4
<br /> AU insmanct poticies at�d renew�s sh�ll be accepuble to Lender and sball lncludt a standard mortgsge clause. : :�
<br /> I�ende�shsA have the right to hold the policies and rcnewals.If Lender requircs.Bonower sha11 promptly give to Lender �
<br /> all toceipts of paid premiuma and renewal notices.I�ahe event o1'loss,Horrawer shall give prompt notice to the insurance .
<br /> carritr and Lender.Lender msy mike praof of lass if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> . Unless Lender and Borrawer otherwise agrer in writing,insurance proccsds shall be applied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Properry damaged.if the restotatioss or reptir is econami:�;ly feasibte and Lender's security is not tesseeed. It the
<br /> � - re�Wrstion or repair is not ecanomically fruible or Len�er's security wc►uld be lessened.E�e inaurance ptoceeds shaD!be-� � �� �� - � �--�- - - -�
<br /> � appliod to the sums socured by this Security lnstrens�ent.whether ar not then due.with any excess paid to Borrower. li
<br />, 8o�c��rer abaridans the Property.or das not answer within 30 days a notice fram L.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> � o�'etod to settle a elaim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use t he proceods to repaie o��estore
<br /> . the Property�s to psy sums socurM by this Security lnstrum��,whether or not then d�e.The 30�day period wc9�begin
<br /> �hen the notioe is given. -
<br />, . Unless l,ender and HortoMer aiherwise agree�*s Mriting,a:sy application of prceeeds to principal shell not ea��mr
<br />, � � p�sipone the due date ofthe monthly paymenu refentd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of the paym�s:*s.If..
<br /> . , undtr paraj�r��h 19 tht Propeny ia acquired by Lender,Borrow-er's right to any insuiance policies and proceeds res�.::r:ng
<br /> � from dsm�gsto the Property prior to theacquisition shall psss zo�..ender to the extent oYttsesums secuad by this Saa,�sty
<br /> � lnstrumentimmediatelypaortotheacquisition. � � �__ _--��
<br /> ' . 6. I'ratnation ani Mdeteeance otProper�,Lease6olds. Horrower shall not destray.damage or substantially '
<br /> ' cHange the Property. allow the Ptaperty to deteriorate or commit wa4te, lf this Security Iristrument is on a teasehold.
<br /> . _ .� Hortower sh�ll comply with the p'rovisions af the lrase.and if�anower acquir.es fa titk ta the Praperty.the leasehn3d and _.
<br /> fa title shsll not merge unitss L.ender ag�ees ta ttie merger in writing. � . �r
<br /> � � 7. Protection o! Lender'e Aighta in t6e Pro�erty; MoMgage Insuranee, if Borrower faits to perfa�m the � .�
<br /> covenants and agraments contained in this Stcurity lnsttument.or there�s a legal praceeding that may signiftcantly affect �
<br /> � Lertdtr's rights in the Propetty(st�ch as a proccediag in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or to enforre laws ar
<br /> regul�tions)�then I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value nf the Prapeny and,Leader's nghts
<br /> in the Property. Lender's astians may includr paying any sums secured by a lien which has pnority over this 5ecurity '�
<br /> Instrument,appearing in court,paying teasnnable attomeys tees�nd entenng on the Property to make repa�rs.Althnugh � �
<br /> - Lettder may take action under this paragrapb i.I,ender does not have to du sa. +�
<br /> Any atnounts disbursed by Lertder nnder this paragrgph 7 s?tal)becvme add�ttona!debt of�ottowec sec;ureei!by�his �
<br /> Security lnstrumen�.Untas Borr�wei and Lertder agree to other terms of payment,thest amaunts shall trear.�nterest from " '
<br /> tht.dnte of disbarsement at the Note rate xnd shali be_payable, wtth �nterpst, upan n��tice from L.entier tn 8onower
<br /> rrquesting payment.
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