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<br /> � KNitIiN ALL�ltEN BY T�iES� PRESEI�TS, THAT . �
<br /> " I, 3ACK KEMP, Secretary Qt lfousin� and Urben DeveEap�tnt� �
<br /> . . W�,shin�ton, .D.C., actfng by'and tbrau�h the FPderai Housin� Ca��issioner. do �
<br /> he��by a�rt#!y th�t a certsiR Rort�aQe, tinre partif cularly d�esorftted hereinbetov �
<br /> � is• ta��tA�e irith ths debt 'tR�reby secured, cancel �ed and saEf�i�ed and ! do
<br /> � hfr�by dischar`e the aaae and request and consent �hat it be satfsifed of � , � �
<br /> , r�cor.d . TAe �foresaid avrt;age being d�scrfl�ed as fot lflws: ,
<br /> _4 ' " �..—..._ _—' '_ . ' _ ' _ - - ' _
<br /> � �•/ � • • Date: tiay�� 26. 1983 , A�nunt of D�mts •53.i00.UG
<br /> � - .
<br /> � . !lort�agorts):' Ja�es A. ClayEon and Ccsrinn� F. Clayton, hus�and attd wife
<br /> � `• ; Mort�agees A�erican Charter Federal Savings and Loan Assn. � • �,
<br /> Recordeds ,E�ne 1. 3983. as Dor.uaent t�o. 83-00274U, in the Qf�ice af the �
<br /> � � � , Re�istes of �eeds, Ha14 County, '.Nebraska , � � - � .
<br /> ' . ' _. 'Assigned: JutY 5. 1989. anc! record�d S�►i� if3, �985,_.��s �ioec�s�nt i�o.� o9-�f?338u;- -- - -- . -
<br /> � , in the bf�tce af tAe Reglster af Deeds, Hali County. Nebr$sbtB �
<br /> Legal: Lat .Thrse t3?; .81ack Four f4}, Ui�e Mf i 1 Sutsdfvisioh. City o� � �
<br /> ' Grand isiand. �iaii 4ounty, Nebrasi�a • -
<br /> .;
<br /> ; The mortgage was assigned ta the Secretary of Hqusing and Ucban Develop-
<br /> at�nt and has na� been �urther assigne�. 'Fhe interest uf .the .Secretary at
<br /> � - Housing and Urban Devetvpmen! Kas acquired pursuant to the pravisions ot tho "-'�
<br /> Natlanal Housing Act, as amended ti2 U.S.C, i7(31 et seq.) and the Gepartmert ot
<br /> Housing a�id Urban Development Act (42 E�.S.C. •35313 . �
<br /> IN Y17'NESS' i1ifEREOF. the undersfgned Aas hereunta �Et t�is hc►nd $nd s�al fc,r .
<br /> � and on bel�al t of the ��f d Secc etarv Uf Ho�t�ing and llrban De��e t opment. under
<br /> • authnrity and by virt+:� of 5ect.iGr� 2af�Eg� o! the liationat kiousing Act. a� _
<br /> amor,3�d. • _
<br /> � . .
<br /> ' „ Signed, sealvd and de!f vvred SACK K�MP " . , ,
<br /> , , . Sn the prasenca at: • Seeretary cx Hc��sYng a�d l�rban Development ' �
<br /> , Dy: Fwder�z i tfl Co.ms�fcsianor
<br />• • _,,...,,, b y: .������e''- . . :�...:
<br /> � , ' I,nrrv �:. ercn. UeF�t�tv M.�naacr, C�aha nf�.ice • , �`
<br /> , c�ea� �t ' :. '
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<br /> • S7'A?E aF N�HR.'�5K?! � ��
<br /> COUt�TY t3P DOUGLAS j 5S .... . .- -�- - - .. ......_ . _. . .._. _ .. ...._ -- . .. _
<br /> Hcrfore raa� C2i`w�_-:�: i�. ,tar,e.s .a "�o4atY P���1ic tn �nd !or sa�c�
<br /> Stata and Cvc�tf. o;� t�.1s ':nr�;, d,�y �.r �•,:�. . :� �r� , pers�natly
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<br /> ti�e �uthor:t.y vestee ;r: hlo a.x' '_1^.e'CociE� of Fcderof itE�guletia��s� 'T;t1e :�
<br /> �a:.�� Chaptor tt, Pac� 2�U, �ubpart :�. �nd titlE! 7.�i. :::a�tili� A. and 1 h�v;r:g first
<br /> ' " M�de ks�uwn. to l�fm tAe cantents Lher�o�, ne �ic. ��krsovleclgE tnc� sS�iain-�,�r th�teat =-- --
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<br /> � . �lfficc. fd: ancl �n �:ti;r;;<i1 of Jack �:Qn�. Seceetary o9 H�u�:r;� onc! �±si;r.�-� ,
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