. - A . . . . . . . . .. ... . . ._. — _— , — _
<br /> �ha -�wMl-ccV�.r-�ae._aa�i��rkera���.�sr��a- , .�.'._�.—'--�� �.r-r+- -..�-..- ���.f�ai� �-'�n ��r-r.a vi]�W�i V�ICa ,` ` ' � �
<br /> ! f
<br /> ., ` � , � . .�; 4. - -;_� • , , `
<br /> : IT iS MUT'UALLY lIGqEED THIRT� _ ' ` 9Q-' 10 317 3 . ` y
<br /> . ' . . P . . . _ . � . . ,
<br /> UTtGATtt}N:T►u�toratallQe�sndthiy?custlaanyacttoaorproceedinQpurportin�toatfectsuchpraperty.wheTher�not �
<br /> � � it affects ths securiry l�erebf.ar purporting to aifsct the ri�hts�ar pawsr�ot Benet'rciary ot�rustee.and shatf fite and � �
<br /> prosecuteilf necess�ry cts�ms and actionsto preventor Ee�cover ibr any dsmaae to o�deshuc�on of auch p�operry,artd
<br /> eilher Tcuste�ar Beneficiwy is hareby authoriZEd,witlwul obti�stion sti to do.to commenCe.a�pea�r in or deknd any auch
<br /> actiaii,wftatfierixa�phti�y►or�irtstTruator.�eficiaryorTrusteeorwitha�withautsui�foexe�ciseaeniorceanyo�er , '
<br /> � � �iqh��anwd3rr�rpnweravallablsorc:onienedhereurtder.whWherornotjud�mentbeenteredinenyacdanorRroc�edir��: • . ` �
<br /> and Trurioror peraefici��rmayappenro�intervene inanyaction orpraceedinq.and retmincounsMthmein;andfakswch
<br /> aCtiantitsrein.8seithermaYbeadvisedattdenay�ettfe;compromiseorpaythesameorsnyotherclsimsand.inthatbeh8lf .
<br /> . andlararryoisaidpurpa�s.mayexpendandadvancesu�h.aumsafmoneyaseithermaydeemne�ry.ifMhalf�eroraot
<br /> ; T�usbr wappe�t=ordNends,Trostoron dert�andshaA psy ait c�oaband expsnse�sol Bene�Ciary and Trusbe.including
<br /> cc�at ot e�ldence ot t�is and attomeyta tebs in a�eeaonabb sum.in any such aCtion or procesdinQ in which 9eRefictary or
<br /> Trustse ma�y appear by virtne of being made a party deiendant aF otherwise and irrespeatirre af wheitier the�inleratt of
<br /> 8ane6claryorTrusteein auch propertyisdirectyquestioned bysuch action.including butnotlimitedto.any�c�iaritorthe
<br /> : to�eCtaaurs ot. ar aaie proceedinQs under.any seccrrda�y liers on.such property.condemnatiore or partitien of�auch
<br /> i pra�l�,and any su+f braughE by Be�e�iciary to brec9ae Ehis Oeed af T�ust - - ---- - , .
<br /> � , � ,
<br /> � CQN�3EMNATtON:Alt sums due.p�id or payable to Trustor.or any succeasor in in4e�e�pi Truator.whether by way ot .
<br /> jud��setttement or otherwise.(a)for injury ord�c�?�ge to such propeny,or�b)in carr�eciiun with any eond�emna�on _ � ,
<br /> ' for p�p�i6fc use ot injury to such properry or any partt�ir[�of,a�(C)in con�ectlon with thetransac��i�inanced by the toan •
<br /> aecured Aereby or(d y arising out ot all causea of ac±*<r^�whether accruing betore ot aRcrthe�a�rt�i this Oeed Oi Trust,
<br /> � . sonndinp in to+t ca�r,cuntrac�inctuding causea of a�t,c�tor hau�or conceatment of.�.�i�ateria��et toDelher wi�the
<br /> � ssttlements.proc�e�.�wardsanddamages.directand4ortse�u.�T�iiat,inconnectlantl�ec'�itharei�le�'ebyabsolute�lyand�
<br /> �er�evocably esaigned and shaii be paid to 8eneficiary.Beneficiar�'sha(I be erti�t!ed.at its ap'�on.to car�inence,intenrene in. �
<br /> • � app��in and prosecute iR G�s own name, arty actiac;;;or proceeding, a°!��3neke aay com�rai�rttse or aerifemer� in
<br /> conra�tian with any sucb tak;ng or damage.Trusta���ees tu execute�u�=�furthe►assignmerst���,any core�pensation,
<br /> - - � -gward,(damages.rights of action an�proceeds as B6r►eficiary rr.ay requere. -- �- � .� . � ��� . ' ,
<br /> • /4;��ountsreceivedbyBeneficiarypursuantto4h:�QeedofTiustundeoan��reorat�*er�i;tsurar.,,��ticy,inr,vnnection
<br /> witF€�ycondemnationtorpubiicuaeofo�in�urytos-r;:�property.forinjury�damagetos�uchhpce��retabeapptiedat , .
<br /> the option of Bertetic+an�upa�t any fndebtedness sec��ued hereby.The application.use or retease�°�sc�t�amount shall not ,
<br /> � . cu�e or waive any d�,..cct2�r notice of detault hereunder or inva!itJ2�te any aci done pu���t to aucD notiCe. �
<br /> � CONSENT.PARTIAL RECEZC�'�/EYANCE,ETC.:Trustee may,at any time,or from time to time.wlthout tiability d�teretare,
<br /> . and w(thout notice.upon writ:an re�s:e�L g!Qpne3"sciar;,�ad��'slhacs!a�!�:la�!h��srara!l;sb:.�"st���es�� �srsQn iQr - =.��- _
<br /> - psyment oi the Indebtedness secured hereby,or the lien ot thia Oeed ot Trust upon the remBinQer of�ucA property for tfie � -
<br /> fuNamountottheindebtednessthenorthereaker,securedhereby,ortherightsorpowers��,ttheBen$ficiaryortheTrustee �
<br /> . with�espect to the remairtder of such properry.(a►�reCOnvey any part of such property,r�'}cons8nt to the making of any
<br /> map or ptat thereol.(c j joi�in g�antt�g any easoment thereon,or(d)join in any extens�on agreement or any a�reement • -
<br /> subordinatl�g 4he lie�or charge hereof. . , ' .
<br /> �ULL pECOMfEYANC�:That�upon w��tLen request of Benetici3ry staling that all surtt��CUred h6roby have bepn paid .r�
<br /> and alt obligetioR.s secured hereby hav��n satisfactority perYccrmed. Trustee ahatt rr�convey. withoul wa�nry,the '
<br /> propeRy then hei��rereunder.The recita�s in�ucA�econveya�ce of any m8tters oi fact shall be conctusive proot ot the
<br /> t►uthfulness thereof.The graniee in such reconveyance may be designated as"the petaon or persons lepally enUUed , �; `
<br /> thereto".`Such requests and reconveyance shall operate as a reassignment of!he renta, Income. issues and profib , � � '+
<br /> hereinbefore assigned to the Beneficiary. ' , ��
<br /> RIGHT TO COLLECT AND RECEIVE RENTS AND PROFIfS:Notwithstanding any o:�r�provisiona hereot.Beneficlery � �
<br /> hereby g�ants permission to Trustor to coltect and rete�n th�rents,income,issues ant�protits o1 such properry as they .`;.,���,
<br /> become due and payable,but reserves the riflht to revoke such permission at any time,w;th or without cause.by notice in , .
<br /> writinp to Trustbr, maifed to Trustor at his last knOwn address. In any event, s+.�:��^ermi$sion ta Trustor ahall be
<br /> automAtiCally rev�+oked upon default hereunder by T�ustor. ,
<br /> FiNANCU4i.IN��OAMAT10fV�t�ustor w�ii provideto Beneficiary,within 90 Ca�3�t ti�e c�ose of each f�scaf year otTrustor.a �
<br /> � consotidated ber�fiae sheet end statemer�!pt earnings of lrustor and any aIT�:a11 g��arantors of the obtigations secured .
<br /> hereby and w��t�videand daHver ro Ban�7iciarysuch�other financiai information ar,Q�n such manner es 8erteticiarymay �- � -�- � -- �--��
<br /> direct hom time to tlme. �
<br /> , FIt�iANC1AL COVENANT:Truatdr shall Comply with dnd shall ceuse any and alf guarantors ot the obligation secured
<br /> herebyto compty with,or be in compliance with.thetoilowing financiaf covenants:(1h��paraqraph shall be ncn•applicabte
<br /> if covenants and�equirements are not filled In betow.)
<br /> � �
<br /> - .. . . _ : . .�i
<br /> � EVENTS OP DEFAULT: Any bf the foltowing events shall tre deem�d an ev�nt at de/ault hereunder
<br /> 1 a)Delault sh811 be m�de intne paymentof any installment of prinr,►pal or interest or any other sum seCUred heroby when �
<br /> du�:ar � � � r`
<br /> cA
<br /> u9
<br />. {b!Tfustor shtwfd brgach vr oihe:w�s�be�n detault u�dar a�y taeaa. covenant.�geQeas;ent. c�nd�tla�.Q: proviston - �-
<br /> cOntaine�herein or in t�ny buitding loan agreement or in any other agrvernent secure�hereby,�r --
<br /> (c)any reprosantation�or coven�rit made tierein.'rn a�y building fa�t+agreeri►erit,�r in 3riy ottier agr�oirienf secuteti �
<br /> t�ereby or givon in�onn�ct�on ht7r�with or an�y indebtednoss sacured hereby shoutd��faise a� mrsleacfing,c�r .
<br /> ' . �
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